Where the Sea meets the Sun - Chapter 8 - honeyhobi - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

After catching their breath, Megumi and Sukuna crawl under the cover of the green canopy trees, trying to remain unseen in case Mahito and Jogo are lurking over the edge of the cliff.

Megumi whines and bemoans about the gravely ground digging into his palms and knees. Sukuna shushes him. Megumi purses his lips. "Hey, I just saved our lives." He murmurs. "I can complain, if I want."

Sukuna gives him an unimpressed look over his shoulder before continuing to crawl. "You just jumped off a cliff and you want to bitch about a couple of pebbles hurting your knees?"

Megumi narrows his eyes, hoping Sukuna can feel it even though he can't see him. Sukuna only allows them to rise once they're deep into the jungle and the raging waterfall is only a murmur in the background. Sukuna offers his hand to Megumi. Megumi ignores it and gets up by himself.

Miraculously, he doesn't bite Megumi's head off for declining his offer. The pirate only stands there, arms akimbo, as he takes in their surroundings.

As he studies the jungle, Megumi studies him. Other than being soaked completely through, Sukuna looks unharmed for the most part but then Megumi's eyes go wide when he spots the fresh opened wound on Sukuna's arm. Most definitely from his sword fight with Jogo.

"Sukuna," Megumi takes a step forward, hand hovering over the cut. "Your arm."

He glances down at his arm, unconcerned, and shrugs before looking back over the jungle. "This is nothing." He says. "I'll be fine."

Megumi glares at him. "You really want to walk through a jungle with a wound that big? It'll get infected!"

"I don't care." Sukuna snaps. "The sooner I get you out of here, the better."

Taken aback from his concern, Megumi feels his heart stutter in his chest but quickly composes himself again. He stands his ground. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. It's you that needs that cut tended to."

"Megumi, I'll let you play nurse all you want once we're out of here, alright? But right now, I need you to start walking. Mahito and Jogo could be on their way here right now."

But Megumi doesn't listen. He crosses his arm, ignoring the sudden flare of pain that zaps through his shoulder, and looks blankly at Sukuna. Sukuna sighs long-sufferingly. He throws his hands up in the air. "Fine." He snaps. "f*cking fine."

Sulking, he holds his arm out for Megumi. Pleased, Megumi smiles to himself and unties the bandana from his head. He steps closer and lightly dabs at the cut.

Sukuna hisses. Megumi shushes him. He wipes away at the blood pooling out all while Sukuna watches him intently.

"I'll buy you a new one." Sukuna suddenly whispers, referring to the bandana. "You look pretty with one."

Megumi falters for a moment, cheeks warming, and refuses to meet Sukuna's eye. He cinches the cloth rather tightly, perhaps a bit too roughly, and Sukuna winces. "You did that on purpose." Sukuna grumbles.

Megumi tries not to smile. He double knots the bandana and pats it once he's done. "See? That took not even a minute, Sukuna. Now we can go."

Sukuna inspects his arm, moving it around to check its mobility. A bit reluctantly, or sheepishly even, he says, "Thank you."

Megumi nods.

They regard each other silently for a moment before Sukuna looks away and says, “Alright, let’s go.”

When he begins walking north, opposite of the town, Megumi confusedly calls out to him, “Why that way? The town is back this way.”

Without turning around, Sukuna begins slicing away at the foliage blocking his way with his sword that miraculously didn’t get lost from their fall. “If we head that way, we’ll run straight into Mahito and Jogo. It’s safer to go around.”

”We don’t even know for sure that they’re still after us.” Megumi argues, not wanting to trek longer than necessary. “We’ll be doing a giant circle for nothing.”

With an annoyed sigh, Sukuna turns to look at him. “Not for nothing. For you.” He emphasizes. “Has it not clicked by now who they are after?”

”I’m not stupid. I know who it is they’re after.” Megumi says. “What I don’t know is why.”

He was hoping Sukuna would finally budge and give him some answers. He doesn’t. “We’re going north.”

Stubbornly, he says, “South.”

”Megumi.” A irritated warning.

”Sukuna.” An unwavering pigheadedness.

They stare each other down. Megumi raises his arm and points south - about to go off on a tangent about how Sukuna couldn’t possibly be able to traverse the wildness of the jungle - when pain zips down from his shoulder to his back. He winces and arches his spine, trying to ease the sudden throbbing ache.

Sukuna notices immediately. He sheathes his sword and rushes towards him, concerned. "What's wrong?"

Megumi shakes his head. "It's just my back." He answers, reaching an arm behind himself to touch his own back. “I think I hit the water wrong."

"Let me see." Sukuna demands. "Take off your shirt."

Taken back by the sudden request, Megumi bristles at Sukuna. "What? No! I’m fine. I think I grazed against a rock or something."

"Stop being stubborn. It's just your back. You can still keep your modesty with your shirt off."

”Still.” Megumi grumbles. “It's weird.”

”It’s not like I haven’t already gotten an eyeful the other day.” Sukuna says.

Steam pours out of Megumi’s ears and he punches Sukuna in the arm, recalling how the captain had walked in on him in the showers.

”I said no. Leave me alone.”

”I promise I won’t pull anything funny.” Sukuna says, his red eyes gleaming with sincerity. “I just want to take a look and make sure you’re okay.”

Caving, he mumbles, ”I am fine.” He turns around and peels off his wet shirt, holding it to his chest, face flushed.

”Your back is really red.” Sukuna notes. “You definitely hit a rock or something after we jumped. You’ll bruise by morning.”

When his fingers gingerly touch Megumi’s spine, Megumi gasps, pained, and arches away from him before settling again. Sukuna takes a step closer. Megumi can feel his breath against his nape. His heart thumps wildly in his chest.

”Where else does it hurt?” He asks quietly, one hand slowly coming to rest against his shoulder as the other settles lightly on his side. “You’re inflamed right here.”

Megumi winces when Sukuna presses down. “It hurts there.”

Sukuna tries kneading it softly but it only agitates the pain in his shoulder further. Megumi steps away. “That hurts. Just leave it.”

”When we get back to the ship, we’ll put calming salve on it.” Sukuna says. “At least nothing is broken.”

Megumi pulls his shirt back on, the wetness of it immediately giving him a chill. Sukuna’s eyes linger on his chest for a moment longer than necessary and Megumi crosses his arms, embarrassed. Sukuna looks away.

”We’re going south, correct?” Megumi asks, trying to ignore whatever tension is going on between them.

”I said north.” Sukuna argues. “Going south will lead us right to them.”

”This jungle is huge! The chances of running into them are zero to none."

Sukuna glares at him. "I'm not risking it."

“Tell me why." He demands. "Tell me why they're after me and I'll follow you north. Tell me everything, Sukuna, and I'll listen to you without question until we're out of here. I'll follow you obediently but just...tell me." Sukuna looks away. Megumi presses harder. "I deserve to know. You took me from my home, you've been nothing but mean and heartless-"

The pink haired pirate looks back at him, wanting to rebuke his claims, wanting to deny it but he remains silent. He lets Megumi continue his tirade.

"-and I've been so alone. I have no one, nothing! I deserve to know why those men are after me!"

Even after all his raging, Sukuna doesn't bother with a reaction. He looks away, frustrated, and Megumi is left wallowing in his own woes, chest heaving, as Sukuna begins walking north. "Let's get going," is all Sukuna says. "Before the sun sets."

Angry, confounded, and even hurt, Megumi cries. The tears fall silently and his face scrunches up as he hides behind his hands. This isn't fair. Sukuna isn't being fair to him. He doesn't deserve this. He drops into a crouch and cries. He wants to go home. No amount of growing affection for the crew or Sukuna could keep him from desperately missing his little hut back on Kyushu.

Mahito almost violated him and Sukuna thinks he doesn’t deserve to know why they want him? Megumi doesn’t understand why. Why him? Why?

He hears the crunching of leaves and dirt under Sukuna's boots as he returns. No doubt noticing the black haired boy didn't follow. Megumi doesn't look up, doesn't bother trying to stifle his quiet, little sobs.

"Go away."

Sukuna sighs. He drops down in front of Megumi. "Stop crying." He says gruffly. When Megumi doesn't stop, he reaches for his wrist.

Megumi pushes him away and Sukuna falls onto his butt. "I said leave me alone!"

Not even the irritated expression on Sukuna's face deters him from his crying. "Megumi." Sukuna starts. "I don't tell you anything because it's not my secret to tell."

"Then whose is it?”

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." He replies. "Please, just drop it. At least until we're out of this jungle. I'm just trying to keep you safe." Megumi scoffs. Safe? Nothing Sukuna has done has been for Megumi's benefit. "Believe it or not, but I'm telling you the truth."

”Do you mean it?” Megumi whispers, eyelashes clumped together from his tears. “You’ll tell me everything once we’re out of here?”

Sukuna looks conflicted. He settles for, “I’ll tell you what I can.”

Megumi nods, slightly cajoled.

Sukuna rises then and Megumi catches the pained wince as he does so. Through glossy eyes, Megumi notices the slight limp on his left foot. The question sits on his tongue but remains unasked. Swallowing, Megumi pretends to not have noticed. He rubs at his tear-stained cheeks.

Sukuna offers him his hand again. "We have to walk at least a little bit." He says. "The further we get from the waterfall, the more distance we put between ourselves and Mahito."

Megumi regards his hand for a moment but ultimately ignores it. He gets by himself. His back throbs in protest but Megumi pushes through the pain. Deflated, he tells Sukuna, "Let's get going then. North. South. I don't care."

Megumi isn't so sure how Sukuna will navigate them through the thickets of the jungle. Everything looks the same to him. Every so often, Sukuna will look over his shoulder at Megumi - most likely making sure he hasn't run off somewhere. Megumi deliberately avoids his gaze each time he does it; looking off to the side or up towards the heavens. He knows it's getting to him because each glance backwards lengthen in time but still Megumi refuses to look at him.

Sukuna limps every now and then. Megumi tries to keep the worry from bursting, trying to keep himself from snapping at Sukuna to slow down a bit if he’s got a messed up ankle.

Did he hit it on the rocks at the bottom of the plunge pool after they jumped off the cliff? Why hasn’t he said anything?

Megumi shakes his head. No. Don’t worry about him. If he was really hurt, he’d say something.

His mind wanders back to what Sukuna told him - it’s not his secret to tell is a bunch of bullsh*t. Megumi doesn't care whose secret it is. He wants to know. Clearly Mahito and Jogo know who he is - someone they'll kill for to retrieve and take back...to who? He tries recalling all the other names he's heard. Uruame. Kenjaku. Toji. Who are these people? What significance do they hold?

”Who is Kenjaku?” The question slips out before he could stop it.

Sukuna stills for a moment before continuing onward. “Didn’t we agree I’d tell you what I can once we’re safely back on my ship?”

Noticing the fallen expression on Megumi’s face, he decides to throw him a bone. “A very bad person, Megumi.”

He doesn’t ask more questions after that but he draws up conclusions of his own. Mahito and Jogo must be underlings to Kenjaki. He’s their leader. He’s the one they are trying so desperately to bring Megumi to.

Fear settles in his bones. For Sukuna to refer to someone else as bad must mean Kenjaku is a very vile person.

”Thank you,” he says suddenly. “For coming back for me.” If not, he’d be in the hands of this Kenjaku person. “I know you only did so because of your mission but still, thank you.”

”I would have gone back for you regardless.” Sukuna says quietly. “Mission and circ*mstance be damned.”

He doesn’t acknowledge his comment. “Who’s Uraume?” He asks instead.

”Uraume is my right hand.”

”Where is he now?”

”They are currently on a mission I sent them on.”

What mission? Where?

”How do you know Kenjaku? Why’s he after me?”

”I think I’ve answered more than enough questions to hold you over until we’re out of here.” Sukuna states, coming to a stop. "We'll rest here for tonight."

Megumi looks at the sky through the branches of the trees. He can't see much other than the slight sliver of orange peeking through the leaves. The sun had set faster than he anticipated. He looks back at Sukuna who is inspecting their campgrounds for the night.

”I’ll be back.” He tells Megumi. “Don’t move from here. Scream if something happens. Scream as loud as you can. I’ll hear you.”

”Wait. Where are you going?”

”To look for twigs and sticks to get a fire going,” Sukuna replies. “If we don’t, we’ll freeze to death through the night.”

”Oh.” Megumi says. He twiddles with his fingers and watches as Sukuna limps away from their little clearing. “Wait.”

Sukuna turns back to him, expectantly.

”I’ll go.” He says. "You stay."

Sukuna scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous."

Megumi's cheeks warm. "I'm not being ridiculous. I'm being thoughtful." Sukuna looks at him quizzically. Megumi sighs and drops his eyes to his left ankle before looking back up at the captain, knowingly. "Your ankle. It's hurt."

"It's not." He interjects roughly.

"You've been limping since the waterfall," Megumi rebuttals. "You were limping the entire walk, Sukuna. Just sit and let me go get the firewood."

He shakes his head no. "And what about you, huh? You think you can carry around wood with an injured shoulder and back?"

"I'm not going to lug back a tree trunk!" Megumi argues. "I'll only carry thin branches and sticks. I swear. So just sit down and don't strain your ankle any further."

If Megumi unknowingly took a hit at his pride, Sukuna doesn't make it known with his words. Instead, he starts walking (limping) away to collect wood. Megumi goes hot with anger. He follows after the captain.

Sukuna snaps at him to stay put, that he'll be back soon but when Megumi doesn't listen, Sukuna turns to him. "You don't have to baby me, Megumi. It's only a sprained ankle. I'm the one protecting you, not the other way around."

Huffing, Megumi retorts with, "Well, why can't we protect each other?"

At this, Sukuna says nothing and Megumi feels as if he's won the fight. He allows Megumi to follow him and together they forage for firewood. Keeping true to his word, Megumi only picks up thin twigs and branches.

With a decent amount of wood collected between the two of them, they make off towards the little clearing. Megumi drops his wood besides Sukuna's. He rests against a tree and watches as the pink haired pirate attempts to make a fire. It takes him a couple of tries before the twigs catch fire and start smoking.

Satisfied, Sukuna sits on the opposite end of Megumi and watches the fire grow.

It's silent between them but Megumi doesn't mind. He prefers the silence in order to hear if anything or anyone tries to sneak up on them. He's not a native to Shanghai or its jungles, but he knows there's bound to be wildlife out there. Dangerous wildlife.

He strains his ears for any little noise - afraid of being attacked by unknown apex predators.

When he startles at the sound of an owl hooting, Sukuna tells him to calm down. "Relax. I'm sure between the two of us, we can fight off a little barn owl."

Megumi scowls at him, embarrassed and in no mood for his teasing.

Sukuna chuckles at his reaction. "I've got a sword, remember? Nothing is getting close to us, okay? Now get some sleep. I'll take first watch."

Megumi bristles. "I'm not some damsel in need of watching over, Sukuna. I can stay up for first watch just fine. I'm not the one with a sprained ankle. How about you get some sleep instead?"

He's rewarded with an unimpressed look. "Stop acting like a child and do as I say."

"Or what?" He snaps, unable to control what leaves his mouth next. "You'll hit me again? Choke me so I'll listen?”

Guilt bleeds out over the annoyance in Sukuna's eyes and Megumi wishes he could reach out into the air and stuff his words back into his mouth. But it's too late. He's already said it. Sukuna looks away before Megumi can decipher the guilt any further. It's quiet again - and maybe a tad bit awkward now.

Despite the hot anger he was suffocating in earlier, Megumi feels almost..bad for what he said. He gazes into the fire, at a total loss of what to say or do. Maybe he should listen to Sukuna and get some sleep; to stop the likelihood of another out of hand comment slipping past his lips.

Eventually, he does drift off but he wakes to rustling. He shoots up so fast he strains his back again. He collapses onto his knees with a hiss and when he looks up, he spots Sukuna lurking around the tree line with his sword in hand. Spooked, Megumi stills and tries to spot anything in the darkness of the jungle.

"Sukuna," he calls out quietly. Come closer. I'm scared, he wants to say.

Sukuna turns around, puts his sword back in his sheath, and says, "Don't worry. Go back to sleep. It was probably a squirrel or something."

Megumi can't go back to sleep. Not even if he wanted to. He's too scared and worried about how vulnerable they are out in the open like this. Nothing between them and an animal pouncing on them from the shadows.

He looks up at the sky. “How much longer until daybreak?"

"Not for a couple more hours, maybe."

Megumi can feel Sukuna's gaze on him through the flames of the fire. He meets his eyes momentarily before looking down at his fingers in his lap. It's just like back on the ship. It seems like he has something he wants to say but isn't sure if he should say it. Megumi bites his tongue, though. If it's something worth sharing, Sukuna will.

But after a couple more moments, Megumi tires of his staring. He meets his gaze head on. "Just spit it out already."

Sukuna looks away. “I don't know what you're talking about."

Megumi serves him an unimpressed look. "You've been staring, and don't tell me you haven't. I have eyes, Sukuna. Even back on the ship, you looked like you’ve been wanting to tell me something. So just spit it out already."

Sukuna doesn't say anything but he doesn't deny Megumi's accusations either. Megumi scoffs when it becomes apparent Sukuna won't respond to him. "Coward." He spits out.

Color him shocked, however, when Sukuna rises from across the fire pit and comes to sit beside him. Megumi looks at him, confused, but Sukuna simply stares back into the fire - clearly struggling with whatever it is he wants to say.

"I'm sorry," Sukuna finally breathes out. "For everything."

Megumi blinks, dumbfounded. The sudden apology not processing properly until moments later. There's a ringing in his ears, his heart rate shooting up as he tries to make sense of it all. "Sorry?" He echoes.

Sukuna finally turns to him with this agonizing look that Megumi feels in the depths of his soul. "Yes, Megumi, I'm sorry for everything."

Breathing heavily, Megumi shakes his head in disbelief. He can't believe it. He's not sure this is actual reality right now or if he fell asleep. Whichever, Megumi can’t accept it. "I don't need your apologies, Sukuna." He snaps. "Nor do I want them."

Except he does. He wants Sukuna to grovel and beg. He wants his much awaited apology so much it hurts. To have Sukuna acknowledge his faults and wrongdoings towards Megumi, acknowledge that he’s been nothing but cruel to him.

”Please, Megumi.” Sukuna begs earnestly. “Just hear me out.”

Megumi scoffs and makes to get up. Sukuna shoots up too, grabbing his wrists. “Where are you going?” He asks, slightly panicked.

Megumi rips his hands away. “I just want to take a walk.” Away from you, is left unsaid.

”It’s too dark, Megumi. You‘ll get lost or attacked by an animal.”

”I don’t care. I don’t want to be near you right now.”

Realizing that Megumi really won’t hearhim out, Sukuna becomes desperate. ”My wishes,” Sukuna rushes out. “I still have my wishes.”

”What?” Megumi snaps, irritated, confused more than anything.

”Back on my ship, when we dueled and you lost. I still have my two wishes. I want to use one.”

He remembers. Of course he does. That was right after he proved himself innocent from those two dead thieves, when he was locked away in the brig. He hates that memory.

“What are you playing at? It was a stupid bet. And it was one wish.”

”And we shook on it. Honor amongst thieves, remember?” Sukuna retorts. “And you cheated. So two wishes.”

”I’m no thief.” He counters. Megumi searches his eyes for even a glint of humor or mockery but he finds none. He’s completely serious about his stupid wishes. Megumi sighs. “Fine. What do you want?”

”For you to listen to me.” Sukuna rushes out, almost stumbling over his words. “That’s my first wish. Please just stay and listen to me.”

Megumi nods, short and quick.

Sukuna looks relieved and nods back. He breathes out and says, “I’m sorry-“

”For what?” Megumi quickly cuts in, demandingly.

The captain’s gaze drops to his neck, ashamed, before flickering back up. “You know for what.”

”No.” Megumi says, voice cracking. “No, you don’t get to take the easy way out of this, Sukuna. I need to hear it. I need to hear you say it and acknowledge exactly what you’ve done to me.”

Sukuna flounders like a fish, his mouth opening and closing before he clicks his tongue. “You know what I’m apologizing for.”

Megumi shakes his head in disbelief and begins to pull away, hurt.

Quick as lightning, Sukuna reaches out for him again, grabbing his hands. “Okay, okay, wait!”

He breathes in deeply and exhales. His ruby red eyes find Megumi’s and he doesn’t shy away as he says, “I’m sorry, Megumi, for all the times I’ve hit you, all the times I’ve slapped you. Every horrible thing I’ve said to you and back on the ship, when I choked you-“

”You could have killed me.” Megumi interjects, choked up on the words as he remembers being pinned to the bed, the pressure of Sukuna’s fingers around his throat.

Sukuna nods, acknowledging it. “I’m so sorry, Megumi. For all of it.”

His eyes begin to water. Sukuna lifts an arm up and Megumi shuts his eyes as he softly caresses his cheek. “I hit you here,” he whispers. “Your first night on my ship. And many times after that.”

Megumi swallows, holding back his sniffles. Sukuna’s hand drops from his cheek to gently rest against the base of his throat. “And here,” he whispers. “I‘ve done something unforgivable.”

Hiccuping, Megumi swallows down the lump of emotion caught in his throat and when he opens his eyes, a single tear slips down his cheek. Sukuna catches it with his other hand, wiping it away.

Quietly sniffling, Megumi asks, “Why would you do this to me? What did I do to deserve this?”

Sukuna shakes his head. “There is no excuse for what I’ve done to you.” He says. “But I swear on my life I promise not to hurt you anymore. To not frighten you any longer. I swear it, Megumi.”

”But why?” Megumi whispers, voice wobbly and wet. “I still don’t understand why you would do this to me.”

”I was afraid.” Sukuna whispers back, stepping closer and properly cupping his cheek now. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I was afraid.”

”Afraid of what?”

”That your existence would weigh heavier than I could bare,” He whispers, anguished. “I can’t afford to have any weaknesses in my life, Megumi, and I knew. I knew from the second you looked at me with these beautiful green eyes, I knew I was doomed.”

”Do not say things you don’t mean.” Megumi cries, feeling like he’s been flayed open from how open and honest Sukuna is being. “Don’t speak such pretty words to me because I’ll fall for it. Please.”

Sukuna catches a few stray tears and wipes them away. ”I do mean it. Every word.”

Megumi shakes his head, vision blurring as tears pool up. He’s worried - no, hoping with all his heart that Sukuna isn’t playing him for a fool. But he’s also afraid - afraid that Sukuna’s affection is violence. Megumi can’t live that way. He won’t.

”Can we start over?”

”Start over?” Megumi repeats, astonished. “Start over how?” He gestures towards his neck. “You expect me to just forget about this? About everything?”

”No, of course not.” He stresses. “I would never expect that from you. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness-“

”You really think I’d let you off the hook that easily?” Megumi snaps, swallowing down his tears. “You think you can just say all these pretty things and expect all the bad things to just disappear? It doesn’t work that way, Sukuna.”

”I know, Megumi, I just…needed to apologize. It’s been eating away at me - how I’ve treated you. I’m not expecting anything from you. Least of all your forgiveness but I swear I’ll make it up to you.” He promises. “I‘ll change. Just please let me redeem myself to you, Megumi.”

”Why? Why do you want to change? Why so suddenly? You can’t possibly expect to fix this.”

”I’ll try anyway.” Sukuna says determinedly. “I swear I’ll change. You ask me why? I don’t know either.”

Megumi snorts, unamused. “I need to know why, Sukuna. After everything you’ve done to me, a person doesn’t simply wish to just change without a reason.”

Sukuna swallows. “What are you expecting me to say? That I’ve grown fond of you? Despite the things I’ve done to you, despite trying to keep you at a distance, you’ve somehow managed to latch yourself into my very being?”

Megumi looks into his eyes, astonished to see such yearning in them. It unnerves him. It can’t be true. Sukuna doesn’t know the first thing about holding someone tenderly in his heart.

”I've told you in the past that I always found myself thinking of you. I never understood why. Until recently."

Megum regards him, quizzically. "Until recently?"

Sukuna nods. "Yes, when I got this overwhelming urge to just be near you. All the time. When I suddenly hated seeing you regard me with such anger in your eyes. I understand, finally, that night on the docks. And everything suddenly made sense. Why I can't seem to keep away from you."

"Is this a confession?" Megumi sniffles. Sukuna says nothing. If this is a confession, just like his apology, Megumi can't accept it. If Sukuna holds affection towards him, Megumi worries it won't be the soft type of love he's always imagined for himself. "Sukuna, I worry that your love is violence. I worry that you'll only destroy me should I reciprocate."

"It isn't." He denies immediately. "I promise you it isn’t. I swear it." He's looking desperate now. "I'll show you, if you'll let me, but my love for you won't hurt, Megumi. It won't. I know I've shown you otherwise but I promise you it isn't. Please allow me to prove it to you."

Flashbacks of all the horrible things he’s been put through by Sukuna come to mind. The brig, the violence, the accusations, the name calling. Something tightens in his chest because even despite all that, Megumi knows he’s a fool for him regardless.

Against his better judgement, he reluctantly nods. Teary eyed and hopeful.

"I'll think on it." He says.

Despite not looking necessarily content with the answer, Sukuna nods anyway and accepts whatever he’s willing to give. Megumi can't just accept his confession, his apology, not after everything. They're simply words. Words that somehow managed to break down his fortified I hate Ryoumen Sukuna facade.

"You promise not to lay hands on me anymore?"

"I promise."

"Then...we can start over but I can't promise I'll accept these feelings of yours. Understand where I am coming from, Sukuna. I still have your hands bruised onto my neck. It hasn't been even a week but I'll give you one chance. One. Screw it up and that's it. We're done."

It's almost like a weight gets lifted off Sukuna's shoulders. He visibly takes in breaths of air better. “Thank you.”

Megumi nods jerkily.

Coughing awkwardly, he takes one step back and gives Megumi space. Megumi wishes he hadn't but he takes a step back as well. Just because he did it. Megumi motions towards the fire and they sit around their dying pit.

"I suppose it's my turn to take watch then?" Megumi asks tossing more twigs into the fire and trying to fill the silence.

Instead of arguing, Sukuna nods. "I suppose so." He pulls his sword out and hands it to Megumi. "I'll be in your care then."

He settles against the root of a tree, crosses his arms, closes his eyes and nods off.

While he sleeps, Megumi replays Sukuna's apology over and over. He worries how long that'll last for. Does he think it was genuine? Yes. Does he think Sukuna will resort back to his old ways? Also yes. A part of Megumi feels bitter resentment. Had he freed Sukuna from his shackles of his regrets too quickly? What has he truly done to deserve Megumi's forgiveness?

Megumi could sink the sword into Sukuna right now and escape. But looking at him under the pale glow of the moon, seeing how absurdly handsome he is, Megumi realizes he's in too deep as well. Whether he chooses to acknowledge it or not, he’s been housing affection for the pirate - unsolicited affection that he tried desperately to keep away.

Despite all his grievances about absolutely hating Sukuna, he crumbled so easily with just a few sweet words.

He flushes recalling Sukuna's confession. He used the word love. His love for him, he had said. Megumi hides behind his hands, embarrassed. Did he truly mean it?

A disturbance in the bushes pull Megumi from his thoughts. Quick as a bullet, he grabs the sword and holds a stance - just as Okkotsu and Sukuna taught him.

"Who's there?" He calls out.

No answer. Just more rustling. Bravely, or rather stupidly, he walks towards the source of the noise. Once he's close enough, he swings the sword down through the bush. It connects with nothing; simply slices through the leaves and branches.

He ventures further out, looking for something, anything, that'll explain the noise.

Megumi screams when a hand lands on his shoulder. He whips around, sword in hand, and almost slices clean through Sukuna. Sukuna jumps back, hands in the air.

"Why are you sneaking up on me?!" Megumi screams, embarrassed, cheeks flushed red.

"Why are you sneaking off into the dark jungle alone?" He snaps back. He looks around at their surroundings before snatching back the sword. "Give me that."

Megumi looks around too, and hates to admit he feels a touch better with Sukuna here. "I thought I heard something." He explains. "So I came to investigate. I had the sword. I was fine. I can protect you too, you know."

Sukuna barks out a mocking laugh. "Screaming is your way of protecting me?"

Megumi crosses his arms. "Maybe next time don't sneak up on people!"

"Oh, yes, my apologies, because all murderers and thieves make themselves known before jumping from the shadows."

"You don't have to be an ass about it."

"Let's just get back to the fire."

This time, Megumi sits close to Sukuna. Sukuna says nothing and simply lets him be. Megumi can't help scoping the tree line. Whatever he heard sounded big.

"I'll take watch this time." Sukuna says. "You get some sleep."

Megumi nods and reluctantly, he leans against the tree trunk, eyes wide open. He tries to stay away but soon enough, sleep engulfs him.


Megumi doesn't wake again until the next day. He wakes to light sprinkling of rain that moistens his clothes that never got the chance to properly dry since the waterfall.

Blinking blearily, he spots Sukuna kicking dirt into the fire to douse it, least they let a fire rage rampage through the innocent jungle.

”Finally up?”

Megumi nods, stretching, and groans when he feels the tight knots in his back and shoulder. God, what he wouldn’t do for some calming salve.

”Did you sleep at all?” He asks Sukuna.

”No, but it’s fine. The city shouldn’t be more than a day from here if we walk straight on without stopping.”

Megumi pulls a concerned face. “Sukuna, no. You need to rest at least a little. What good are you to me sleep deprived?”

”Thanks.” He says sarcastically. “If I get really tired later, I’ll take a nap, okay? Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

Megumi gets up, dusting off any dirt. After Sukuna is sure there’s no sign left of them having stayed the night, he sets off through the jungle with Megumi right on his heels.

It makes sense to destroy any evidence of them having been there in case Mahito happens along the clearing. But Megumi also feels like it’s a bit of an overkill. The jungle is humongous. There’s no way Mahito will accidentally stumble across the fire pit unless he’s got a bloodhound with him, sniffing them out.

With the sun beaming brightly down on the jungle, Megumi can fully appreciate its beauty now. The vibrant oranges and green, the singing of birds in the branches, the scurrying of small wildlife across the floor. It’s similar yet different to the woods back on Kyushu. Way more humid, that’s for sure.

Megumi gets so distracted reeling in the beauty that he misses a tree root sticking out from the earth. His foot gets caught and Megumi goes flopping down into the muddy jungle floor. He immediately begins whining like a child, down on all floors in the mud, as he tries to process what just happened.

A few steps ahead, Sukuna begins cackling at his misfortune. Megumi glares at him.

”What a klutz.” Sukuna laughs, head thrown back and everything. “Oh gods, I can’t believe I missed it.”

”Shut up.” Megumi snaps, getting up from the ground. “I didn’t see the damned root sticking out.”

Sukuna breaks off into another fit of giggles and Megumi bends down, scoops up a handful of mud, and chucks it at the captain. Sukuna’s laughter ceases almost instantly the second the mud splatters across his chest. “You’ll pay for that.”

Sukuna rushes towards him. Megumi screams, turning around to flee but his shoe slips through the mud and he - once again - falls. This time landing on his ass. Sukuna doubles over in laughter. Megumi yells at him to shut up, properly embarrassed now.

Carefully, Megumi gets up again. He accepts Sukuna’s hand when he offers it to him, glaring when a suppressed chuckle slips past his lips, and lets himself be guided away from the slippery mud pool.

”We need to find a river or stream,” Megumi stresses. “I am not trekking through the jungle covered in mud.”

”Who told you to fall into it twice?”

Megumi smacks his arm. “I didn’t do it deliberately!”

Sukuna laughs. “I’m jesting, Megumi. Come, then. Let’s find a river.”

Somehow, recalling the waterfall and the direction the flow was going towards, Sukuna finds a river. Not only is he an efficient pirate, he’s got quite the sense of directions. They found the source of water within an hour and by then, the mud dried and stuck uncomfortably to Megumi’s skin and hair.

The jewel-blue river flows calmly, curving through the forest before disappearing, the babbling and gurgling of the water loud as it cuts around moss covered rocks. The pebbles that are settled at the bottom of the river shimmer like glitter.

”What a beautiful river.” Megumi breathes.

”Are you here to wax poems or wash up?” Sukuna asks and peels off his shirt.

Megumi allows himself a whole five seconds of unabashed staring at his chiseled chest before cutting his eyes away. Sukuna bends down near the banks of the water and begins to furiously scrub the mud off.

Megumi doesn’t dignify his sarcasm with a response. He ignores him and walks up the river.

Sukuna whistles at him and when Megumi turns, he sees the pink haired pirate waving an arm around, confused. “Where do you think you’re going?”

”To wash up?” He replies, just as confused. “What’s the matter?”

Sukuna huffs out a puff of air, sardonically. “Yeah, right. You’re staying right here where I can see you.”

Bristling, Megumi says, “I’m not bathing with you watching me.”

”I’m not letting you out of my sight, Megumi. Either do it where I can see you or hold out until we get back to the ship.”

Twisting his lips in a scowl, Megumi crosses his arms. No way he’s going to handle being dirty and feeling weighed down by the mud the whole day. He won’t subject himself to that.

So he tells Sukuna to turn around.

”You’ve got to be joking.” Sukuna says flatly. “What are you, a maiden? Just f*cking bathe already, Megumi.”

Sukuna hangs his freshly washed shirt on a tree branch. He holds out his arm towards Megumi. “I’ll wash your clothes while you bathe. How about that?”

”You won’t look?”

”I can’t promise I won’t be taking peeks,” He responds truthfully. “I need to keep an eye on you.”

”I’m not going to run away.” Megumi grumbles. “Turn around.”


”Do it!”

Humoring him, Sukuna looks away. Megumi makes quick work of peeling off his clothes until he’s bare and vulnerable. He purposely flings his garments at Sukuna who barks out a hey! just as Megumi dashes forward and jumps into the water, successfully hiding his nudity just as Sukuna pulls the clothes from off his head.

Megumi sinks lower into the river watching Sukuna like a hawk. Sukuna collects his clothes and shoes from the ground and gets to scrubbing.

Megumi washes the grime sticking to his body as best he can. He plunges his head underwater, scratching through his hair until the hardened pieces of mud soften and dissolve into the water.

He resurfaces.

”What are you all embarrassed for, anyway?” Sukuna questions as he hangs Megumi’s washed pants on the branches. “I already know you don’t have a dick, Megumi. Or did you already forgot when I accidentally walked in-”

Megumi snorts. Accidentally, sure. ”Is this your way of making conversation?” He asks. “Because you’re lousy at it.”

He sees Sukuna smile, huffing out a small chuckle. “I’m just saying there’s no need to be embarrassed. I already saw everything there is to see.”

”No, you didn’t.” Megumi mumbles, petulantly.

He goes back to scrubbing their clothes and Megumi ventures a bit further out where the pull of the river is stronger but not overwhelmingly so. He dunks his head once more, thoroughly cleaning his scalp.

Underwater, he hears a distant splash. He shoots back up - just in time to see Sukuna joining him in the river. Megumi’s eyes stray to his discarded trousers by the river banks, resting on the tree. His face heats up.

Cheeks ablaze, Megumi floats away from Sukuna - Sukuna, who is staring at him like a cat that’s gotten the canary. He glides through the river with easy, directly towards Megumi.

Megumi splashes water at him once he’s close enough. “Go away.”

Sukuna splutters out the river water. “I just hand washed your clothes and you repay me by waterboarding me? That’s not very nice, Megumi.”

”That wasn’t waterboarding! Now, go away. You’re too close.”

”You can’t even see through the water. It’s fine, it’s fine. You can still keep your modesty.”

Bashfully, Megumi peers down at the water, trying to see through it but Sukuna’s right. You can’t see much of anything. Regardless, it’s still embarrassing knowing he and Sukuna are both naked and in very close proximity.

”I won’t look.” Sukuna says once he sees how flustered Megumi actually is. “I’m just going to wash up real quick, okay?”

”So do it over there.” Megumi snaps, splashing him with more water. “What, is the river too small for you you have to do it right next to me?”

Properly annoyed now, Sukuna splashes Megumi back, twice as forceful. “Stop doing that!”

It’s Megumi’s turn to splutter. Bristling, he uses two hands to send water in Sukuna’s direction. “Just give me some space, pervert!”

When Sukuna uses all his strength behind sending waves of water towards Megumi, Megumi raises his arms up. “Okay, okay, you big child, I concede.”

But Sukuna catches the playful glint in his eye, and just as Megumi is preparing to send an onslaught of water, Sukuna dashes over and tackles him underwater.

Megumi closes his mouth and plugs his nose just in time, trying not to focus on how Sukuna’s arms feel around his waist. He breaks away from the captain and resurfaces, feigning anger, but giggles erupt from his mouth as he splashes more water at Sukuna.

He almost doubles over when he sees the odd angles Sukuna’s hair is sticking out of.

Sukuna co*cks his head to the side. “What?” He asks, getting more insecure the longer Megumi points and laughs. “What? Is there something on my face?”

Megumi shakes his head, trying to control his laughter and he swims closer, until they’re directly in front of each other. He reaches up and soothes down the wet spikes of pink hair. Sukuna’s breath catches.

Megumi doesn’t realize what he is doing until he locks eyes with Sukuna - who is watching him intently. Megumi gulps and slowly backs away.

”Sorry.” He says.

”It’s okay.” Sukuna replies. Megumi tries not to stare as water droplets run down his chest. “I don’t bite. Much.”

Megumi shakes his head, chuckling despite himself. He backs away fully this time, and swims away. “You stay on your side of the river,” he calls out to him. “And I’ll stay on mine.”

”What are you, the river patrol?”

”Perhaps.” Megumi answers, floating on his back once he’s a safe distance away from Sukuna.

Sukuna leaves him be for only a little while. He hears the ripples of the water as Sukuna floats about. “About the other night,” he starts off. “On the dock.”

”What about it?” Megumi quips, quick and on edge. He wasn’t expecting Sukuna to bring that up. Ever.

He gets no response and stands up properly in the river, thinking maybe Sukuna didn’t hear him. But Sukuna seems to be struggling with getting his next words out, a faint tint to his ears.


”Would-“ He clears his throat and looks Megumi dead in the eye. “Would you let that happen again?”

Megumi’s heart beats wildly in his chest. His face flushes pink at the forwardness of Sukuna’s question. He sinks lower into the water, trying to hide his cheeks. “Now is not the time nor place.” He says in lieu of answering. But then, with his curiosity getting the better of him, “Why’d you do it anyway?”

”I just felt like it.” Sukuna says.

Flustered, he quietly repeats Sukuna’s question back to him. “Would you let it happen it again?”

Sukuna stops scrubbing his hair and regards Megumi with a surprised yet hopeful look. When Sukuna doesn’t say anything quickly enough for Megumi’s liking, he tells him to forget it.

Sukuna snaps out of whatever stupor he was in and reacts. “No,” he rushes out. “No, I won’t forget about it.” He glides closer. “Are you asking me because you too wouldn’t mind another kiss?”


Too. Too.

Megumi’s brain goes haywire. The usage of too puts it into perspective that Sukuna also wouldn’t mind kissing him again. It wasn’t just Megumi foolishly hoping for it.

”T-Too?” Megumi parrots, bashful.

Sukuna glides even closer, the ripples of the river suddenly ten times louder in the sudden quiet of the jungle. They’re face to face. Sukuna’s eyes drop to his mouth then back up. Megumi’s breath hitches when he tenderly cups his cheek.

”It’s all I can find myself thinking about.” Sukuna whispers. “And how much I’ve been wanting to do it again ever since.”

Megumi’s stomach somersaults.

Again, he’s pulled in with his pretty words and sweet nothings. He shouldn’t fall for this. He shouldn’t be this easy. Sukuna doesn’t deserve to be forgiven so easily. In less than a day, no less. Has Megumi always been such a pushover?

Ignoring every nerve in his body to just kiss him, Megumi does the one thing he can think of. He jumps up, hands resting heavily on Sukuna’s shoulder, and dunks him under the water.

He swims away as fast as he can as Sukuna breaches the surface, coughing and spluttering. “Megumi, what the hell?”

Heart beating frantically, he says, “I told you to stay on your side of the river, Ryoumen.”

”Asshole.” Sukuna coughs. “The water went up my nose.”

”Lousy pirate.” He shoots back. “Now swim to the other end and don’t look back. I’m getting out.”

Despite being annoyed, Sukuna listens. He gives Megumi the stink eye, though, before turning and swimming off towards the opposite end.

Once he’s far away enough, Megumi climbs out of the river and reaches for his clothes. He pulls them off the branch; they’re still slightly wet but it’ll have to do. He changes quickly.

”You finished yet?” Sukuna calls out.

”Yeah.” Megumi calls back, appearing from behind the bushes and trees. Sukuna swims over and he emerges from the water, buck ass nude and shameless. Megumi quickly covers his eyes. “Hey, asshole! Cover up!”

Sukuna’s laugh rings through the jungle. “Consider it a free viewing. Next time, I’m charging.”

Megumi gives him his back as he hears the sound of clothes being put on. “Shut up. I ain’t buying. Ever.”

He only drops his hands once Sukuna says he’s fully clothed. Against his will, his eyes drop to the captain’s lower regions before quickly looking away. Sukuna is…certainly packing. Megumi tries to still his racing heartbeat as his mind wanders off.

What would it feel like in him?

His cheek go up in flames, embarrassed for even pondering such a thing.

Megumi was never interested in anyone back home - male or female. And when he was hit with urges, he’d take care of himself with his fingers. But even that, Megumi didn’t do often. It’s jarring and confusing - his conflicted feeling towards the rotten captain.

Sukuna looks to the sun, calculating how many hours of daylight they have left. He hums. “We got about half the day left. We’ll be back in town later tonight.”

Megumi claps him on the back. Sukuna stumbles forward, caught off guard and bewildered. “Let’s start walking, then.”


They forage any berries deemed safe enough to eat - which isn’t a lot. Megumi wishes he had a basket with him - to bring some back to the ship and have Nanami make a jam out of them. He's crouched near a bushel of berries, popping several in his mouth before shoving the rest into the pockets of his trousers.

"They'll squish." Sukuna sings.

He levels a glare at him. "I know that but at least it's something better than nothing." He pockets more berries until they start falling out. "Okay, let's go."

Sukuna eyes his trousers before shaking his head. He starts walking.

It's late noon; Megumi can tell that much from the way the sun is unapologetically warm. It burns him even through the shade of the trees, his hair sweaty and sticking to his forehead. They don't talk much - haven't really talked a whole lot since leaving the river.

Megumi knows he would have let Sukuna kiss him if he hadn't broken the moment by dunking him underwater. He knows he would have let him done a lot more if he had caved.

But who does Sukuna think he is?

Does he think he can just declare his affection from out of the blue and expect Megumi to throw himself at his feet? Past be damned? Megumi is not that easy. No way in hell.

He doesn't know Sukuna. Not really. He knows he's a sarcastic, tyrannical son of a bitch but down to his core? He's a mystery. Megumi isn't in the business of falling for strangers - no matter how objectively handsome they are.

And so, clearing his throat, he asks the pink haired pirate, "How much older are you than Itadori?"

Sukuna's eyes slide to the side, looking at him through his peripheral vision before looking straight ahead once more. "Seven years." He trails off, confused by the sudden attempt of small talk.

Megumi isn't deterred. "Why did you decide to lead a life of piracy?"

This question is met with silence. Uncomfortable silence. Okay, perhaps he jumped the gun. The extremity from the first question to the next is quite big. Megumi swallows. "Okay, never mind."

He looks off to the side for a lack of anything better to do as they trek through the dense jungle. Megumi could almost physically cringe at himself. What was he thinking asking that question? Of course Sukuna wouldn't answer.

"The dogs," Sukuna suddenly says. “Did you name them?"

Megumi gives a small smile. "Yeah. Kuro and Shiro."

Sukuna chortles. "How original, darlin’."

Megumi blushes at the name. “Whatever. You probably would have named them Seadog and Sea Buscuit.”

Sukuna laughs. “Oh, spare me. I’m more creative than you give me credit for. Those poor dogs are stuck with such bland names now.”

Recalling a conversation he had with a certain blue eyed pirate, Megumi gathers his courage as he twiddles with the hem of his blouse. "Gojo said you don't allow animals on board."

"Gojo says a lot of things." Sukuna replies, avoiding the question, but then sighs. "I saw how much it pained you to see the mutts mistreated and I knew you'd never forgive me if I left them behind."

"You're right. I wouldn't have. And that’s really saying something because you've done a lot of unspeakable things to me."

"Which I've apologized for and told you I'll make up to you."

Chest tight, he says, "I'm holding you to that, Ryoumen Sukuna."

Sukuna looks at him this time, and nods, eyes burning earnestly. Megumi looks away first.

"So I take it you like animals?" Sukuna asks.

”Very much." He answers. "But I never had any pets back home. I couldn't afford them and I didn't want to subject them to a miserable life like mine."

"Well now you have two." Sukuna says. "And I can promise you they aren't going anywhere."

Megumi smiles. "Thanks."

Something warm trickles through his chest. He tries not to be so obvious with his staring but he can't help himself. They're having an actual conversation. No arguing, no yelling, no animosity. Megumi could grow use to this - to this Sukuna. He finds he isn't so unbearable this way.

Straying back to the topic of family, he asks him, "So I figure it's just you and Itadori then?"

The captain holds a thick branch out of the way and holds it up long enough for Megumi to scurry under. Megumi thinks he won't answer this time either but then, almost like it pains him, "We have a granddad."

"Oh." Megumi says. "What's he like?"

"A real hardass." Sukuna chuckles fondly, a distant look in his eye. "But he was the only family Yuuji and I had growing up."

”Maybe you should visit him sometime."

Sukuna hums. "Maybe."

They fall silent again. Sukuna makes sure to push or cut any wayward branches that cross their path. He helps Megumi up over boulders or down small ravines. They don't speak anymore - long enough for Megumi to realize that Sukuna didn't ask him any questions about his own family. Or his lack thereof.

Usually with these types of conversations, both parties question each other about their family affairs and strangely enough, Sukuna didn't. Megumi isn't sure whether to be grateful or annoyed. Shouldn't Sukuna want to know these types of things about the person he claims to like?

Surprisingly, it is Sukuna that opens his mouth next. "So that fortune teller, huh? She was all types of crazy."

Megumi nods but doesn't agree. She was very forceful and blunt, but crazy she was not. Gulping, he says, "She brought up my dad." He looks at Sukuna and notices his tense shoulders. “She knew I had a father that abandoned me. She told me that it almost killed him when he left me."

Megumi isn't sure what reaction he should have expected from him. He's never spoken to anyone about his dad before. Only Koizumi and Koizumi, once Megumi told him he was left behind, immediately apologized and showed empathy. Sukuna, however, doesn't give him anything. His face is void of any emotion. Maybe he shouldn't be so surprised. He is a pirate, after all. Was he expecting Sukuna to coddle him?

"She knew I had a sister." He continues.

This catches Sukuna's attention as he finally turns to look at him. "Had?"

Megumi nods again, swallowing down the lump in his throat. "Yeah. One day I came home and she was just gone. The elders at my village told me she was spirited away. The fortune teller knew that, too. I would pray every day for her to come back to me. She never did. I was eleven."

A pregnant pause and then, "I'm sorry." Sukuna voices. "I-I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost Yuuji. I can't even begin to imagine."

"I hope you don't ever have to know what it's like."

It's quiet again. They're both avoiding the elephant between them - madame Minji prophesying their red string of fate, Megumi tethered to Sukuna. They both heard it. Clear as day and yet neither of them want to be the one to bring it up first.

It stirs something uneasy in Megumi. She spoke a great deal of the color red. Red can symbolize many things but the only thing it reminds Megumi of are Sukuna's eyes.

"Listen," Sukuna starts, sounding a touch nervous. "What that crazy old bat said about us being-"

Megumi stops dead in his tracks, his eyes falling upon a familiar abandonded cathedral from a couple days ago. "Sukuna, look." He breathes before racing forward. "It's the cathedral!"

"Wha- Megumi, wait up! My ankle!"

Megumi doesn't stop. They actually made it back somehow. Megumi runs around to the front of the cathedral, almost wanting to cry at the relief of knowing civilization isn't too far from here. He collapses onto the stone steps leading up the broken down double doors. "We actually made it." He says to himself.

Sukuna comes limping after him some moments later. “Don’t just take off like that.” He scolds. “What did I say sticking close to me?”

”Sukuna, we actually made it out.” Megumi repeats, panting, still in shock but manages to shoot a smile up at the captain.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Sukuna says, catching his breath. "Told you we'd be back by nightfall."

Megumi chuckles and lays down against the steps, berries positively crushed by now as he stares up at the moon. "I think I need to bathe."

Sukuna makes a show of covering his nose and making a face. "Please do. I can smell you from here."

Megumi pinches his leg through his trousers, satisfied when he jumps away with a hiss.


Where the Sea meets the Sun - Chapter 8 - honeyhobi - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.