Shoulder to Shoulder Danish relief effort to Japan after thetsunami
Page 4-5
100 cargoeS for the uSa
Page 3
New veSSelS for taNkerS
Page 6
43% more crew memberS
Page 8
NORDEN calendar20 July 2011Naming of 116,000 dwt. Post-Panamaxdry cargo vesselMizushima, Japan
25 July 2011Delivery of 50,500 dwt. MR product tankerGuangzhouShipyard International, China
26 July 2011 16 august 2011Silent period until publication ofthe inte-rim report for the first half-year 2011
15 august 2011Naming of 32,000 dwt. Handysize dry cargovesselFujian Mawei, Japan
16 august 2011Interim report first half-year 2011
26 august 2011Naming of two 31,800 dwt. Handysize dry cargovesselsJiangmen Nanyang Ship Engineering Co. Ltd., China
29 august 2011Naming of 55,500 dwt. Handymax dry cargovesselTamano, Japan
25 September 2011 Naming of 82,000 dwt. Panamax dry cargovesselGuangzhou Longxue Shipyard, China
cover photoDanish-Japanese summit in connection with the aid forthe tsunami victims. From the left: General Manager MakatoYamaguchi from Sumitomo Corp., Presi-dent & CEO Yukito Higakifrom Imabari Shipbuilding Co., HRH Crown Prince Fred-erik, CarstenMortensen from NORDEN, President & CEO Katsuya Abe from NissenKaiun Co. and Executive Vice President Seichi Tanaka from Mitsui& Co.
dampskibsselskabet NordeN a/S52, StrandvejenDK-2900 HellerupDenmark
Telephone: +45 3315
Editor-in-chief: Carsten Mortensen Editors: CorporateCommunications & CSRArticles: Hans Bving, Karina Skydt and AnneThommesenLayout and graphic design: meyer & bukdahl as
If in the future someone decides to write the history of the drycargo market, I am sure that 2011 will have a dedicatedchapter.
Not only because we are in the middle of a historical supplygrowth with a massive addition to the global fleet, but alsobecause the year has presented us with numerous disruptions indemand: flooding of Australian coal mines, inundations along theMississippi river, natural disaster in Japan, political unrest andrevolution in North Africa and the Middle East, soaring oil prices,debt crisis in Southern Europe reaching far into the Euro zone,weakened global growth, etc. Much of what could go wrong indeed hasgone wrong.
Seen in this light, it goes without saying that freight ratesare under pressure. There have been significant decreases in ratesfor the largest vessel type, Capesize, while rates in the small andmedium vessel types have trended more sideways, however decreasingsomewhat.
Luckily, not everything is negative. There are bright spots, thebrightest being scrapping. Driven by the low rates and reasonablescrapping prices, a number of old, outdated vessels are sent forscrapping. We have seen this pattern for 5 consecutive months, andconsequently scrapping will be record high this year. Some analystsexpect 22-23 million dwt. to be scrapped. This means that the netfleet growth will be slightly lower than feared.
Another bright spot is that few new vessels are beingcontracted. Order activity this year appears to be the weakestsince 2002. This of course will also contribute to faster restoringthe balance between supply and demand in the market.
Finally, we must not forget that despite the massive disruptionsin demand, we are seeing reason-able growth in demand for mostcommodities, especially iron ore and cement. And many years in theshipping industry have taught me not to underestimate the marketeven in the darkest of times. We know, for instance, that Chinafollowing the worst drought in 50 years is lacking the powerusually provided by water power. We know that Indias own productionof coal also this year is insufficient to meet the demand of thecountry. We know that Japan is in need of large amounts ofcommodities for rebuilding. We know that the grain harvest in SouthAmerica looks promising. And we also know that the mines inAustralia are soon back on full speed.
But we do not know whether these events will affect the marketand if so, how much. Whether they can contribute to creating thecargoes which especially the Pacific is short of. We can hope forthe best, but in NORDEN we are still planning from the perspectivethat also the rest of 2011 will be very challenging.
How do we cope with the difficult market? We do our work, simplyput. We began the year with approximately 30,000 ship days coveredby charter outs and contracts of 22 million tonnes of cargo. Thesevessels will sail and these cargoes will be transported that is thebackbone of our business. But there have also been windows in themarket allowing us to do classic operations activity take invessels, employ them in a reasonable manner for a short period oftime, maybe only for a single voyage, and then phase them outagain. Finally, we focus on growing the contract portfolio. Thegoal is to increase the transported volumes under the cargoprogramme for the years 2011-13 by 15% annually on average, and wewant to increase cargo volumes secured by contract accordingly.Without revealing too much, I can say that the first 6 months havecon-firmed that these goals are achievable also with reasonableprofitability.
I will not claim that it will be easy. Supply growth and theimbalance in the market this year are putting everyone underpressure. But in NORDEN we can afford to do the right thing at anytime and think long term. Far from all our competitors are in asimilar position. We also have the will, a talented organisation,well-functioning systems, a clear strategy and a modern fleet. Thismeans that we have what it takes to succeed, maintain focus on ourcustomers and act in any way required by the situation tostrengthen the business going forward.
Let me finish with a PS regarding Japan: together with othercontributors, I have recently visited the areas hit the hardest bythe natural disaster. Even though the clean-up is proceeding withJapanese meticulousness, it is not difficult to sense the scope ofthe disaster. However, the image that I am taking with me home isnot one of devastation and distress. It is the image of the lively,smiling and cheerful little children who we met during our visit.Children who are coping despite having lost their homes, parents,family members and familiar surroundings.
This much zest for life following traumas that big. Thatcertainly puts things in a new perspective.
I wish you a wonderful summer!
doiNg the right thiNg
2 NORDEN news summer 2011
NORDEN has entered into a multi-year COA on transport of saltfrom Chile to the American east coast.
The salt is extracted from mines in a salt desert in thenorthern part of Chile close to the port Caleta Patillos from whichthe salt is shipped to ports on the American east coast such asBoston, New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia.
The contract has been made with Empresa Maritima S.A.(Empre-mar), a Chilean subsidiary of the German group K+S Gruppe,which is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of salt andfertilizer.
The agreement is an expansion of the working relationship wehave with a much esteemed customer, which we have had a number ofcontracts with for almost a decade. But the new contract is themost extensive to date, says Director Mikkel Borresen. He is Headof NORDENs office in Annapolis, USA, which manages the contact withEmpremar.
good logistics The first shipments under the new contract willtake place in 2013, and under the multi-year contract, NORDENexpects to ship 100-110 cargoes of salt from Chile on boardHandymax vessels.The salt will be used as road salt on the NorthAmerican roads.
There is good correlation between the salt transports from Chileand NORDENs other transport patterns. The Company alreadytransports major amounts of coal and grain to Chile and also hassignificant traffic to Chiles neighbour to the north, Peru. Thereare therefore frequently vessels in the area to handle the saltshipments to the USA.
winter takes its toll Salt is an important commodity for NORDENsDry Cargo Depart-ment. Last year, salt comprised 8% of the cargovolumes shipped under the Companys cargo programme (exclusive ofcargo on vessels chartered out). The salt is partly used forsalting icy roads, partly for chemical production and production ofcaustic soda.
100 cargoeS fOR thE US EaSt cOaSt
The most significant of NORDENs salt routes start from Chile andWestern Australia, respectively, where salt is available in massiveamounts, and the main routes chiefly lead to the USA, China,Tai-wan and Japan. In addition to these regular transports, NORDENshipped more than 0.5 million tonnes of road salt extraordinarilyfrom Chile and Australia to the North European countries inJanuary-February this year. This was a direct consequence of theicy winter in Northern Europe, which forced salt buyers andauthorities to fill up the stocks of road salt.
Something suggests that buyers and authorities are preparing foryet another harsh winter this year. In any case, NORDEN has alreadyin both Handymax and Panamax booked cargoes of road salt forNorth-ern Europe ahead of the coming winter 2011/2012.
Loading of salt at the port Caleta Patillos near the large saltmines in the northern part of Chile.
The salt on board a Handymax vessel such as NORD MARINER takesup approximately 1,630 large truck loads.
NORDEN news summer 2011 3
For the first many hours of 11 March, Higashi Matsushima was apeaceful, orderly and bit sleepy coastal town on the island ofHonshu in the north-eastern part of Japan. A great deal of theinhabitants were at work in the nearby city Sendai, while thechildren were in child care centres or at school.
This changed brutally when the town and other areas of theMiyagi prefecture were inundated by the tsunami, which wastriggered at 2:46 pm. by a strong earthquake off the coast.
In an instant, the massive waters ruined 9,200 houses andbuildings completely or partly in Higashi Matsushima alone. Morethan half of the 43,000 inhabitants in the municipality were lefthomeless. Hun-dreds of people died, others are still missing, andthe infrastructure of the town was destroyed.
It is in Higashi Matsushima that the Danish relief effortfollowing the tsunami has been focused. The town was also the maindestination when His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik visitedJapan together with the Danish companies which have contributed tominimizing the consequences of the disaster.
According to the wish of the municipality, the effort has to alarge extent been aimed at children. Mayor Hideo Abe who himselflost family members to the tsunami explains that the reason forthis wish is that schools and child care centres are some of themost important tools in rebuilding normal life. Children carry hopewithout schools there is no hope, and without hope there is nofuture.
overcome traumas The child care centre Akai Minami is a fineexample of this mindset. The tsunami flooded the care centre,damaged floors and walls, and the enormous pressure of the watersreduced the interior to splinters. The children and child careworkers survived by climbing onto the
Danish companies, diplomacy and the royal family join forces inhelping Japan after the natural disaster in March. Efforts areprimarily aimed at children.
roof, but several children lost their parents. A Danish donationcontrib-uted to a quick cleaning of the child care centre so thatonce again, it could become the setting of play and games and thesafe routine of everyday life, which is so important for thechildren to overcome their traumas.
The children aged 1-5 years welcomed the Danish delegation witha rhythmic Goddag-goddag-goddag (hello-hello-hello) and waving ofthe Danish flag. The Crown Prince repaid this welcome by hand-ingout toys paid for with DKK 128,000 collected among NORDENsemployees.
The tsunami left 8 of the municipalitys 14 schools in ruins andmade it a major task to recreate normal school life andparticularly ensure access to schools for children living inevacuation centres or those whose schools have been destroyed. Adonation of DKK 1 million from NORDEN has been used for theoperation of 14 busses, ensuring that all children can go toschool, i.a. to the Hamaichi Elementary School, which thedelegation paid a visit.
Also the foundation Orients Fond has donated DKK 1 million onbehalf of NORDEN, which is part of a Danish Goodwill Fund togetherwith funds from other Danish companies. This money will contributeto the financing of a new child care centre which will be namedAndersens Child Care Center.
double success The Danish ambassador in Tokyo, Franz-MichaelMellbin, has followed the rebuilding in Higashi Matsushima at aclose range. In March, he was the first ambassador to visit thearea and likewise, Crown Prince Frederik was the firstrepresentative of a foreign royal family to come to the area.
When I came here for the first time, people were still weigheddown
thERE iS more hope NOw
4 NORDEN news summer 2011
by the tragedy. Now, they are getting back into everyday life.The re-es-tablishment of for instance school routines has provideda framework pointing in the right direction, and the Japanese aregood at organising everyday life. There is more hope now, says theambassador.
It means a lot that the Embassy, thanks to donations from NORDENand other companies, was provided with a platform to form the basisof its work only a few days after the disaster. We literallybrought money in bags to those most in need in the area hit, andthis made an immediate difference as well as it made others followsuit, says Franz-Michael Mellbin. He calls the effort a doublesuccess. Double because people in need received help, and becausethe Japanese have noticed and appreciated the Danish effort.
See AlsoHistory of the Nations - The Art and Popular Culture EncyclopediaPublication | Page 603 | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses2.2.12.1: Boule de SuifUS inflation eased last month in the first slowdown of 2024CEO Carsten Mortensen says about NORDENs contribution: Japanmeans a lot to NORDEN, and when a close partner is hit by adisaster beyond imagination, it is only natural to show compassionand solidar-ity. Business and social responsibility go hand in handin situations like these.
power supply in crisisThe visit took place approximately 3months after the disaster at a time when Japan was still lickingits wounds.
In the worst hit areas, bodies are still washing ashore, andapproxi-mately 100,000 people live in temporary accommodation.Enormous heaps of waste testify to the magnitude of thedestructions, but where the area following the disaster looked likea war zone of wrecked cars, houses, furniture, ships and roadmaterial, the waste has now been sorted and is currently beingdisposed of.
There is still a 20 kilometre no-go zone around the Fukushimanuclear power plant, and residents further away have beenevacuated, while workers continue to struggle with cooling theplants reactors. Toxic radioactive material has been found in bothseawater and groundwa-ter, and there is concern among other thingsthat the washing out will increase in connection with the rainyseason.
In Tokyo, 225 kilometres to the south, electricity consumptionhas been wound down through limitations on the use of lifts, aircondition-ing, etc. Consumption usually peaks when the summer heatprompts the need for extra cooling, but this year the majority ofthe countrys 54 nuclear reactors have been shut down due to extrasecurity meas-ures and concern following Fukushima, and this hitshard in a country where 30% of the energy supply comes from nuclearpower. The plan
Since the end of the 1990s, NORDEN has entered into long-termagreements on nearly 100 vessels which have been and are beingbuilt at Japanese yards by local shipowners and are often financedby local banks. NORDEN then contracts the vessels for long-termcharters after delivery the yards.
NORDEN has itself been building at Japanese yards for 40 years.The activities in Dry Cargo actually started in 1971 with an orderfor 34,000 dwt. dry cargo vessels from Mitsui Shipbuilding. Sincethen, a large number of dry cargo vessels and tankers have beenbuilt.
The relations with Japan were formed in 1876, when the smallsteamer m.s. NORDEN called at Nagasaki in 1876. Today, Japan isamong NORDENs 10 largest dry cargo markets, and last year theCom-pany transported approximately 1 million tonnes of commoditiesto the country mainly grain and coal, but also salt and ore amongother things. In Tankers, the activities in Japan commenced in the1980s
Japan and NordeN
when NORDEN was co-owner of a couple of vessels whichtransported i.a. naphtha to the country. The activities wereexpanded as the Tanker Department was established in 1990.
Normalisation When the disaster struck Japan, some of NORDENsplanned voyages were affected as port facilities had been damagedor because cargoes became inaccessible.
The situation normalised quickly and the business with Japan isgoing as planned, but there are not many new projects, and actualgrowth in the imports of commodities for the rebuilding is yet tobe seen, says Executive Vice President Peter Norborg, Head of DryCargo.
However, NORDEN has recently entered into an agreement on 12car-goes of coal to Japan on Panamax vessels over the next 3years.
HRH Crown Prince Frederik handing out toys from NORDENsemployees to the children at the Akai Minami child care centre.
was even to raise the percentage to 50%, but this ambitionevaporated with the meltdown at Fukushima.
Negative growth Power supply is only one of several majorproblems. Consumer confi-dence and demand must be restored after abig dive following the dis-aster, and the strong yen is stillimpeding the companies competitive-ness. On the other hand, itlooks as though the worst damage to the companies supply chains hasbeen remedied, and that the companies will increase investments inthe second quarter (July-September in Japan).
The state is pumping enormous amounts of money into therebuild-ing, and a new disaster budget will soon be presented atthe same time as the Bank of Japan is expanding the framework forfavourable loans to new growth industries. Both the Bank of Japan,the OECD and the IMF expect some re-establishment of the economy inthe second half-year, but not enough to save the year. Thus, theOECD predicts a negative growth rate of 0.9% this year, while theIMF estimates a negative 0.7%. In 2012, the economy is expected togrow driven by the rebuilding.
NORDEN news summer 2011 5
The most energy efficient and environmentally friendly producttanker vessels carrying NORDENs colours became a reality when theCompany in June ordered 4 MR vessels from the Korean yard STXOffshore & Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
The vessels will be equipped with an electronic main engine aswell as equipment and systems which altogether are expected to makethe STX design approximately 15% more fuel efficient andenviron-mentally friendly. When compared to other modern standardvessels, the improvement amounts to 25%. In terms of fuelconsumption, this corresponds to daily fuel savings of 4 tonnes perday for each of the new vessels when sailing at normal speed.
We have come as far as it is financially justifiable inimproving an existing and already very efficient vessel design,says Senior Vice President Lars Bagge Christensen, Head of NORDENsTanker Department which will receive the new vessels in 2013.
NORDENs goal is to own at least 25 product tanker vessels in2013. So far, the Company has pursued this goal by purchasingmodern secondhand vessels, but the market prices for second-handvessels have gone up and it has become harder to find attractiveacquisition items. Therefore, NORDEN has started to make use of theopportunities to take over newbuilding contracts in default at theyards and improve the planned newbuildings, making them more fuelefficient and eco-friendly. Merely con-tracting new vessels is easyenough. The difficult part is finding the special situations at theyards, but those are the ones we are looking for whilst still beingin the secondhand market, says Lars Bagge Christensen.
developmeNt iN taNkERS cONtiNUES Even though freight rates arecurrently going south, NORDEN continues the expansion of the tankerfleet. Most recently, 4 newbuildings were contracted and 2 vesselstaken on a long-term charter. More vessels are coming.
3 long-term chartered vesselsMoreover, NORDEN has chartered inthe vessels FPMC 25 and FPMC 26 from Formosa Plastics Marine Taiwan. These are 2 newly built MR vessels from the JapaneseOnomichi yard with a cargo capacity of 50,000 dwt. NORDEN haschartered in the vessels for 3 years with option for additionalyears, and they will be deliv-ered during autumn when the owner hasgone through the required vetting inspections with the oilmajors.
Another MR on long-term charter is in the pipeline a 46,000 dwt.vessel from the Japanese Shin Kurushima yard according to anagreement previously entered into. The vessel is expected to startsailing for NORDEN from December and the contract runs for 7 years.NORDEN has a purchase option on this vessel.
2 owned newbuildings 2 owned 50,500 dwt. newbuildings from theChinese yard GSI also contribute to the fleet growth. Again, theseare MR vessels, empha-sising NORDENs focus on this vessel type.NORDEN took over the first vessel, NORD GAINER, in April and hersister vessel NORD GUARDIAN is expected for delivery at the end ofJuly.
By the end of the year, Tankers core fleet owned vessels andlong-term chartered vessels with purchase option is expected tocomprise 28 vessels a doubling in just 2 years. Add to this otherchartered vessels the number of which will depend on marketout-look and availability of the vessels.
lower freight ratesThe expansion of the fleet continues eventhough product tanker
Lars Bagge Christensen enjoying good company at the naming ofNORD GUARDIAN.
FPMC 25 and the sister vessel FPMC 26 have been chartered infor
3 years so far.
6 NORDEN news summer 2011
Share capital reduced after buyback
iNcreaSed value fOR thE OwNERS
NORDEN has reduced its share capital to DKK 43 million bycancelling 1.6 million treasury shares of DKK 1 each. The decisionwas made at the annual general meeting in April, confirmed by anextraordinary general meeting in May and implemented at the end ofJune according to the usual deadlines.
The proposal to cancel treasury shares was put forward by theBoard of Directors so that popularly speaking, there will be fewerpeople to share the cake thereby creating more shareholder value,which is how Chairman Mogens Hugo put it at the general meeting. Atthe meeting, the shareholders also carried the proposal to increasethe dividend to DKK 8 per share and accordingly distribute a totalof
DKK 330 million. As NORDEN earlier this year repurchasedtreasury shares for DKK 170 million, the Company has thusdistributed DKK 500 million to the shareholders this year.
The past 5 years, NORDEN has distributed more than DKK 3.5bil-lion to the shareholders through dividends and share buybacks.So I do think that we have a good and consistent story to tell: wecreate cash returns to the owners, and at the same time NORDEN isable to maintain the financial strength which is so important whenyou do business in a cyclical industry and want to be able to takeadvantage of the opportunities in the markets. And that is exactlywhat we want in NORDEN, said the Chairman.
rates have been on a declining trend in recent weeks. After astrong spring with daily rates over the Atlantic reaching USD20-25,000 double of last years levels the high oil prices have puta damper on demand. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimatesthat global oil consumption will increase by 1.5% this year.
We keep a steady hand even though rates have gone down. Afterall, we are not expanding for one single quarter. We are expandinglong term for better markets, and we are still expecting rates forthe entire 2011 to be better than last year and that thisimprovement will continue in future, says Lars BaggeChristensen.
NORDENs analysis remains that supply looks reasonable with adeclining global fleet in Handysize as well as minor and decreasingfleet growth in MR. In the long term, demand will be driven by Asiain particular and by changes at the refineries. Refineries in Asiaand the Middle East are modernising and expanding, while capacityis being phased out in the western part of the world. Asenvironmen-tal requirements are tightened, Europe and the USA areforced to source more products from the modern refineries in theMiddle East and Asia, whereas the older refineries in Europe andthe USA are sending more products overseas. Consequently, anincrease is seen in trade in and transport of refined products.
The NORDEN and STX delegations at the signing of the agreementon the 4 newbuildings.
Active Tanker eet
Owned vessels
Long-term chartered vessels with purchase option
Other vessels chartered in
active tanker fleet
NORDEN news summer 2011 7
At the end of June, NORDEN had 381 Philip-pine crew membersonboard 129 officers, 3 cadets and 252 ordinary seamen in additionhereto come another 36 cadets from Holy Cross of Davao College and230 officers and sea-men at home in a pool of employees recruitedthrough TSM Crewing Department in Manila solely for NORDENsvessels.
The Danish facet in the fleet comprises 131 of-ficers, 1ordinary seaman and 36 cadets partly apprentice officers from themaritime academies SIMAC and MARNAV, partly students from theschools of marine and technical engineering.
Add to this Indian officers and crew members on a few tankers,but these are employed with the technical manager and are thereforenot included in the figures above.
Naturally, the fleet growth puts us under pres-sure. The crewingstrategy has been challenged, but it stands, says Senior CrewManager Thomas Skjelmose, Head of Crewing.
In the recent 18 months, NORDEN employed 25% more Danishofficers, and the top 4 officers onboard Danish-flagged tankers areat present Danish. But it has been difficult, and the growth ismainly due to the fact that NORDEN has employed more apprenticeswho have obtained enough sailing experience to become seniorofficers. On the other hand, it has been difficult recruitingqualified senior officers from outside, but this appears to bechanging.
We have advertised a lot, and the message is beginning to getthrough: the senior officers can see that we mean business, thatNORDENs fleet is growing and that we have something to offercompetent and dedicated officers. It also helps that many areflagging out from Denmark in any case, we are currently receivingmany unso-licited applications, says Thomas Skjelmose.
NORDENs own officers are front figures in the latest recruitmentinitiatives
Der er godemulighederi NORDEN
Vi udvider fl den til 25 egne, moderne produkttankskibe. Derforhar vi brug for dygtige senioroffi cerer med erfaring fra produkt-eller kemikalieskibe.
Vi tilbyder: Gode uddannelses- og karrieremuligheder, ln ogvilkr efter kvalifi kationer, afvekslende og spndende opgaver, storindfl ydelse p hverdagen og korte kommandoveje.
Vi forventer: At du er initiativrig, god til at samarbejde,positiv, ambitis og indstillet p at leve op til hje kvalitetskrav.Du skal ogs have gode engelsk- og IT-kundskaber samt relevantecertifi kater.
Hvis du vil arbejde for et fi nansielt strkt rederi i vkst, skontakt Bemandingsafdelingen p tlf. 3315 0451 / 3271 0842 ellerbesg:
Anders Fink-JensenKaptajn, NORD PRINCESS
Imagine if you could reserve a place in the line at thesupermarket and then not show up until it is time to put yourgroceries on the counter. It sounds utopian; nevertheless it is themain principle in the concept Virtual Arrival (VA). Today, shipsmay wait in line for several days before they can call at a portand either discharge or load. A number of the worlds largestshipowners, operators and oil companies have therefore joinedforces to find a solution to use the waiting time more efficiently.The concept behind VA is that the ships can calculate their arrivaltime by optimum speed and based on this calculation they mayreserve a virtual place in line. Instead of sailing at full speedjust to end up waiting in line, the ships can spend the timeslowsteaming (sailing at a slower speed) and adjust speed accordingto the time they have reserved for port call. By do-ing so, theships can avoid the costly idling period outside the ports andinstead save both fuel and reduce CO2 emissions.
After 22 months of negotiations on development of the VAframe-
SavE ENERgy aND keep your place iN the liNe
the major oil companies and tanker shipping companies glimpseopportunities of major environmental savings with the conceptvirtual arrival and will convene in June to start working on thechallenges. NORDEN and the product tanker pool Norient Product Poolare ready with a solution.
work, the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) andthe International Association of Independent Tanker Owners(INTER-TANKO) will be launching Virtual Arrival on 28 June.Included on the list of participants among more than 400 oilcompanies, tanker operators and tanker owners is NORDENs producttanker operator Norient Product Pool (NPP). NPP has alreadydeveloped its own system called Norient Reimbursement System(NORS).
In NORDEN as well as in NPP, we are happy that a broad commoninitiative is now underway. NORS has been developed parallel to theVA negotiations and is based on the exact same principles, mean-ingthat we are ready, but we have waited for the VA concept to gainsupport from more parties. VA requires that shipowners, custom-ersand port authorities for that matter agree on the model for theproject to succeed. With the meeting on 28 June, we hope that VAcan become common practice in future, says Ulla Nielsen, Directorof CSR in NORDEN.
43% more cREw MEMbERS thiS yEaRThe growth in NORDENs owned fleetputs Crewing to hard work. Since the turn of the year, the numberof officers and seamen on the Companys payroll has gone up by 43%from 570 to 818.
8 NORDEN news summer 2011
as a result of comprehensive international endeavours by portsto improve the environment, 5 of Europes largest ports are nowready to provide energy efficient ships with discounts on portcalls. So far, NORDEN has registered 13 product tankers for theproject.
Eco-friendly navigation should be rewarded, and ports all overthe world play an important role when the shipping industry has tomake its contribution to a better climate. At least, this is what55 of the worlds largest ports believe and consequently, they havejoined forces in the World Ports Climate Initiative (WPCI), and ascentres of trans-port and economy, they have committed themselvesto reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.
low emission, high discountAn example of a project under theWPCI is the Environmental Ship Index (ESI). ESI measures the totalemissions of a ship based on the amount of nitrogen, sulphur,particles and greenhouse gases, and the index is an optional offerfor ports and ships wishing to make an effort to reduce theemission of pollutants.
The ports of Amsterdam, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg and Oslo arethe first to have signed up for the project, and when the schemereally gets underway in the course of the coming year, the portswill provide environmentally friendly ships with discounts on portcalls based on ESI calculations. If the emissions of a ship arebelow or equal to the emissions standards recommended by theInternational Maritime Organisation (IMO), the discount is given.The further the emissions are below the standards, the more points,and the higher discount, the ship will receive when calling theport.
NordeN shows supportBesides the 5 ports, so far 243 ships with avalid ESI score have signed up. Of these, 13 are product tankersfrom NORDEN, which is also expecting to sign up dry cargo vesselsin the course of the summer.
EUROPEaN PORtS waNt tO bOOSt eNviroNmeNtal effortS
Singapore invests Sgd 100 million in eco-friendly navigation
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has foundedthe Maritime Singapore Green Initiative as part of its engagementin the shipping industrys environmental efforts. The ports ofSingapore, which every year handle cargoes corresponding to theweight of 93 million Indian elephants (503.3 million tonnes) andtonnage correspond-ing to 34 million buses (approximately 2 billiontonnes), will through investments of SGD 100 million during thenext 5 years complete a total of 3 programmes with each theirincentivising effort for eco-friendly navigation:
green Ship programmeDiscount for eco-friendly ships flying theSingapore flag. Ships performing better than prescribed by IMOsstandards are eligible for discounts amounting to 50% of theregistra-tion fee and 20% of the tonnage tax.
green port programmeLower port fees for ships using approvedtechnologies to reduce their emission of pollutants. Shipssurpassing MAR-POLs standards are eligible for a discount of up to15% on port fees when they call ports in Singapore.
green technology programmeSo far, MPA has earmarked SGD 25million to cover as much as 50% of the costs of development andimplementation of green technologies by local, maritimecompanies.
The MR vessel NORD SEA calls the port of Amsterdam. She is oneof the 13 product tankers NORDEN has registered for theEnviron-mental Ship Index, so far.
The project is still in embryo, and for the time being, NORDENssigning up is meant to show support of the initiative of awardingships that harm the environment as little as possible. The portsare still working on the preparations for using the new system, andthe same applies for the shipping companies efforts to meet therequirements which shipowners and their ships are faced with, saysJens Malund, head of Operations in Norient Product Pool andtherefore in charge of the operation of NORDENs and the poolpartner Interorients tanker vessels.
To be ready when the scheme enters into force in the differentports, NORDENs next step is a Ship Energy Efficiency ManagementPlan (SEEMP), which is mandatory in the ESI to obtain points basedon the ships emission of CO2 and thereby discounts on portcalls.
NORDEN news summer 2011 9
Both when the referee blows his whistle to open the FIFA WorldCup in 2014 and when the Olympic Flame is lit in 2016, it is Brazilwho will provide the fields, stadiums and facilities for the visitof several hundred thousand sport enthusiasts.
The two global events require in themselves an expansion of theinfrastructure, but this is nothing compared to the investmentsthat are already taking place in the countrys commodity sector.
Enormous oil discoveries at sea have made Brazil the worldsninth largest oil producer and a major exporter of oil to the USA.Also Chinas insatiable appetite for iron ore, of which Brazil hasrich reserves, has contributed to increasing Brazils commodityexports, and there is heavy pressure on the capacity of oilplatforms, pipe-lines, mines, ports and road systems.
Massive investments are being made in new production capacityand better infrastructure for instance, the mines are expected tospend more than USD 60 billion over the coming years on expandingcapacity by approximately 30% and ease access to the ore. This willallow an increase of the export of iron ore to China, which isalready Brazils largest trading partner, and it could have a strongeffect on the dry cargo market when taking into account the longtransport distances between Brazil and China.
Solid position When NORDENs vessels cover the some 14,000nautical miles from Brazil to Northern China carrying iron ore, thecontract has often been entered into by the office in Rio deJaneiro, which is also responsible for a significant part of thebusiness in the other South American countries.
The office was opened in 2003 and has contributed to NORDENssolid position on this continent. While South America in total ises-timated to represent 2% of the global market in dry cargomeasured on imported cargo volumes, 8% of NORDENs transports wasdes-tined for South American ports last year. Also activity out ofSouth America is high.
Today, the office focuses exclusively on Dry Cargo, but Tankeris in the process of establishing activity (see separate article).The office has 1 employee in an administrative function and 2charterers, whereas operations tasks are solved from the USA.Travel activity at the office is high as the goal is to meet withthe largest customers in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Peru 3-4times a year.
Our customers are scattered over the entire continent, and wefind it very important to develop warm relationships and closepartnerships with them. The best way to do this is by meeting faceto face several times a year, says Chartering Manager RasmusSaltofte.
mines and millsNORDENs office in Rio de Janeiro supports chieflythe mining industry, steel mills, agriculture and power plants withtransports in and out of South America.
Outgoing, iron ore represents significant activity for NORDENwith the transports from Brazil to the Far East, and particularlyChina. From Brazil are also shipped soya beans and occasionallysugar, from Argentina grain products, and from Chile i.a.considerable amounts of salt particularly for the USA (see thearticle on page 3). To this can be added coastal transports, forinstance coal from
fOOtball, thE OlyMPicS aND growthLarge oil discoveries and richreserves of iron ore have made Brazil a major exporter toparticularly China and the USA. The growth in Brazil and theneighbouring countries gives NORDEN a strong launch pad in SouthAmerica.
One of the reasons for the high growth in Brazil is historicallylarge oil discoveries off the coasts.
10 NORDEN news summer 2011
Columbia to Chile. NORDEN has a vessel permanently employed incoastal dry cargo transports.
Ingoing, NORDEN has a good grip on the increasing import ofespecially coal, grain and fertilizer to the South Americancontinent. While Brazil altogether is the most important dry cargomarket for NORDEN in South America, Chile is the Companys biggestimport market followed by Brazil and Peru.
continued growth Precisely Chile is a good example of growth inSouth America being widespread and not only centered around Brazil.Both this year and last, it was estimated that Chiles GDP will growby 5.2% according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
However, Brazil is undeniably the largest and mosttrade-orientated economy on the continent. Last year, SouthAmericas most popu-lous country was no. 9 on the list of the worldslargest economies with a GDP of more than USD 2 trillion, soaringexports and imports as well as a growth rate of 7.5%. This was thehighest growth in 25 years, and it bore strong witness to the factthat the country was recovering quickly from the financial crisisdue to the high commod-ity prices, stringent focus on inflation,public expenditure restraint and a flexible currency.
This year, the pace has gone down somewhat as Brazil is alsoaffected by the slowdown in the global economic growth. In its Juneoutlook report, IMF predicts a growth rate of 4.1% in Brazil in2011, while the growth rate for the whole of South America isexpected to amount to a strong 4.7%. South America thus remains oneof the engines of the global economy.
Norient opens office
Norient Product Pool, which operates NORDENs product tan-kers,has turned its attention to the expanding market in South Americaand is now opening an office in Rio.
We already have some business in South America, and based on thecurrent growth in oil transports both to and from Brazil and itsneighbouring countries, we spot a need for local repre-sentation,thereby offering our customers easier access to us, says CEO SrenHuscher.
Norients business in South America is chiefly focused in thespot market with both imports and exports of refined oil andvegetable oil to and from countries such as the USA and China.Norient has also made a few period charters, i.a. for Brazilsstate-run oil company Petrobras.
The date for the office opening has not yet been fixed, butNorient is currently looking for the right person to head theoffice, which will share the address with NORDEN in Rio.
The iron ore from the major mines in Brazil is used for theproduction of iron and steel.
management reshuffle in rio
On 1 November, Rasmus Saltofte will assume management of NORDENsoffice in Rio de Janeiro. After 18 months locally as CharteringManager, he has become familiar with the language, culture,customers and markets, and he is therefore well pre-pared for thenew challenges.
It is definitely an advantage that I have had plenty of time toacquaint myself with the activities, and especially that I have hadthe opportunity to meet our customers and build good relationshipsaround the office. The South American culture is very differentfrom the cultures in both Europe and Asia. Brazil is quite unique,and it is exciting to be part of it, says Rasmus Saltofte.
He was raised in NORDEN and graduated as a trainee in 2007.Hereafter, he went to Singapore for 18 months and returned toHellerup for a short period of time before he set the course forBrazil in 2009. He will take over from Mark Neu-mann, who after 4years and 6 months managing the Rio office is heading back toHellerup to a position as Senior Chartering Manager inPost-Panamax.
Rasmus Saltofte (on the right) welcoming the Danish Minister forEconomic and Business Affairs Brian Mikkelsen during his visit inBrazil.
NORDEN news summer 2011 11
mentors to ensure NordeNs talent pipeline
A couple of hot days in June in the board room at the headoffice in Hellerup provided the setting for NORDENs first mentorseminar. As NORDEN has established its own trainee programme, focushas been put on defining and strengthening the role of the mentors.20 NORDEN employees with at least 3 years seniority have thereforerecently been appointed, and most of them participated in thementor seminar in order to be trained in the new mentor role whichis central to the education of NORDENs future workforce.
hansens heavenly half-year
Some splendid first six months have secured golf player AndersHansen his best rank so far in the league tables. By mid-June, hehad jumped from number 70 to number 37 in the Official World GolfRanking, and he finished as num-ber 6 in Race to Dubai (the playerswho this year have won most prize money in the European Tour).Following a busy spring with three top 3 rankings, Anders Hansen,sponsored by NORDEN, decided to skip US Open to relax and rechargethe batteries for the coming tournaments. In autumn, he will takepart in NORDEN Invitational, the Companys tournament for customersand partners in Japan.
Nord el NordeNs smallest newbuilding
Not only was it the first summer day of the year, it was alsothe first day in the life of NORDENs smallest newbuilding, thebrand new electric car NORD EL, when the naming ceremony took placeon 1 June at Tuborg Harbour dry dock.
NORD EL is part of Europes largest electric car trial, initiatedby the Danish-owned company ChoosEV (Electric Vehicle). The projectwill provide Europe with more knowledge on the use of electriccars. NORDEN is co-sponsor of 10 other electric cars, which testdrivers in the municipality of Gentofte will be driving for thenext 2 years.
Godmother Laura Rosholm is getting into the drivers seat of NORDEL for the first time.
12 NORDEN news summer 2011
winners on both sides of the negotiation table
Cases, role playing, video recording and subsequent feedback aresome of the tools used when NORDENs employees are trained innegotiation tech-nique. In the course of the year, externalnegotiation experts head a number of courses at which theparticipants learn what it takes to create great results and apositive negotiation situation between two parties. Openness,flexibility and specific valuation of all elements in thenegotiations are some of the key techniques required to obtainsatisfactory results for both negotiating parties. 80 employeeshave completed the training and an ad-ditional 40 are expected tocomplete the courses before the end of 2011. The training is partof NORDENs efforts to strengthen the employees in terms ofdialogue, teamwork and value creation.
The shipments under NORDENs largest COA ever were initiated inMay when a chartered vessel delivered the first cargo of coal toHo-Ping Power Companys (HPPC) modern 2x660 MW power plant innorthern Taiwan. The plant is situated close to a major naturereserve
and is therefore under very strict environmental requirementsfor op-erations and storing of the coal. During the next 15 years,NORDEN will ship more than 15 million tonnes of coal to the plantcorre-sponding to 14 annual shipments in Panamax.
first coal cargo to taiwan
developing NewS
217 shareholders, employees, journalists, brokers and otherreaders of NORDEN News provided valuable input for the magazinesdevelopment in the readers survey conducted this spring.
The readers are generally quite satisfied with format andfrequency, though 1 in 5 would like more issues or ad-ditionalonline news. Articles and layout achieve the best or second bestgrading from 3 out of 4 readers, and in total the magazine scores2.2 on a 1 to 5 scale, 1 being the best.
Topping the readers favourites are articles on new con-tracts,brief news, purchase/sale of vessels and market news. On the otherhand, there are opposing opinions when it comes to employeeportraits, employee news, etc., of which the employees would likemore, whereas the shareholders prefer less in-house news.
We have received some useful tools with which we can improve themagazine. The plan is to gradually place in-house stories on a newdialogue-based Intranet and then have NEWS focus even more on thebusiness of NORDEN. But the goal remains the same; that bothshareholders, employees and others will find the maga-zineinteresting, says Vice President Hans Bving fromCommunications.
The coal is stored in 4 silos, each with a capacity ofapproximately 170,000 mts.
Nicholas M. F. Wu, President of HPPC (third from the left) withJens Fjordgaard Jensen from NORDEN in Shanghai and Wen Quing Lifrom NORDEN in Singapore on either side and employees from theplant.
NORDEN news summer 2011 13
New Head of the office and newly appointed Director in Annapolisis Jesper Rask, who is transferring from a position as GeneralMan-ager in Norients Chartering Department. He will replace ThomasHechmann, who after 3 years in the US will return to the headoffice in Hellerup in a position as Director and Commercial Head ofSpot Chartering.
Thomas has done a fantastic job as Head of the Annapolis office.He has headed the development of our activities in the US and hasbuilt a strong brand around Norient among our American customers.Now we are looking forward to benefitting from Thomas strengthsback home in Hellerup, and we wish Jesper the best of luck with thenew challenges on the other side of the Atlantic, says SrenHuscher, CEO of Norient Product Pool.
Operations Manager in Annapolis, Benedicte Wegener, will alsoreturn to Denmark, where she has been appointed Senior OperationsManager and Team Leader of Large Operations. In Annapolis, she
Jesper raskJesper Rask is shipping trained in A. P. Mller Mrsk,where he was employed for 14 years gaining experience within bothoperations and chartering in the
tanker department of the company. Jes-per came to Norient asSenior Chartering Manager in 2007 and was appointed General Managerin 2009. In August, he will leave Denmark and head for the US,where he will occupy the position as Head of the Annapolis officefrom 1 August.
thomas hechmannThomas Hechmann was shipping trained in A. P.Mller Mrsk in the years 1998-2000. He was employed as AssistantChartering Manager in Norient in
2005, when the product tanker pool was founded. He worked hereuntil 2008, when Norient took the decision of estab-lishing anoffice in Annapolis. Thomas was appointed to head the start-up asGeneral Manager and Head of the office. From 1 September, Thomaswill occupy the position as Director and Commercial Head of SpotChartering in Hellerup.
allan wodstrupAllan Wodstrup is shipping trained in theMercandia organisation, and after completion of his training in1994, he began working in a Danish-Russian shipbro-
ker and operations company. Allan joined NORDENs TankerDepartment in 2000, and when the Company in 2005 joined forces withInterorient Navigation Com-pany Ltd. in the establishment ofNorient Product Pool, he transferred to the new company as acharterer. Since autumn 2010, he has headed the activities of thepool in Singapore. His appointment to Director will enter intoforce on 1 July.
variety is the spice of life and sharpens your senses, and so atthe annual handing out of pats on the back and new challenges tothe employees in NORDENs 50%-owned product tanker pool, there wasan exchange of managers between the hellerup and annapolisoffices.
chaNge of guard at NORiENtS OfficE iN aNNaPOliS
will be replaced by Per N. Pedersen, who can put the title ofSenior Operations Manager and Head of Operations on his card whenleav-ing for the US.
Also at the Singapore office, new titles but no new faces havemade way to management. Allan Wodstrup, who has headed the officeas General Manager since autumn 2010, is now appointedDirector.
Allan has managed to put together a strong team in Singaporewith a positive team spirit, and he has created a solid basis forgrowing our activities in Asia, says Sren Huscher about theappointment.
In addition, as per 1 July, Head of Operations at the Singaporeoffice, Nikolaj Lambertsen, will be appointed Senior OperationsManager.
14 NORDEN news summer 2011
chaNge of guard at NORiENtS OfficE iN aNNaPOliS corporatefunctions 6 June 2011: Andreas Kleissl, 30, IT Ser-vices &Support. New employee.
10 June 2011: Troels L. Johansen, Student Assistant, CorporateSecretariat. 3 months temp.
technical department 2 March 2011: Maria Havana, Secretary, TSMCrewing, Phillippines. New employee.11 April 2011: Martin Houmller,40, QA Manager. New employee.26 April 2011: Mads Simoni, 21,Student Assistant. New employee.2 May 2011: Jon Iver Knudsen, 45,Super-intendent. New employee.
dry cargo department 23 May 2011: Charlotte Jensen, Controller.6 month temp.1 June 2011: Mikkel Marconi, 27, Assistant BunkersManager. New employee.1 November 2011: Mark Bastian Neumann, SeniorChartering Manager, Cape/Post Pana-max. Transfer from Rio.
rio 1 November 2011: Rasmus Saltofte Jacobsen, CharteringManager. Promotion to General Manager.
Norient product pool hellerup 16 May 2011: Louise McKenzie,Assistant Operations Manager. Transfer from Annapo-lis. 1 July2011: Thune Jensen, Senior Op-erations Manager. Promotion toGeneral Manager. 1 July 2011: Benedicte Wegener, Opera-tionsManager. Transfer from Annapolis and promotion to Senior OperationsManager and Team Leader of Large Operations Team. 1 September 2011:Thomas Hechmann, Director. Transfer from Annapolis to a posi-tionas Director and Commercial Head of spot chartering.
Singapore 27 April 2011: Roger Ng, 46, Operations Manager. Newemployee. 1 July 2011: Nikolaj Lambertsen, Opera-tions Manager.Promotion to Senior Opera-tions Manager and Head of Operations. 1July 2011: Allan Wodstrup, General Mana-ger. Promotion toDirector.
cyprus 23 May 2011: Maria Hadjimama, 42, Dis-bursementController. New employee.
annapolis 9 May 2011: Anders T. Jensen, Operations Manager.Transfer from Hellerup.
Laura Rosholm Jacob Kragh Stephan Skovgaard Jensen
corporate functions 4 May 2011: Sture Freudenreich, Director andManager of IT Department. 40 years birthday.
dry cargo department1 August 2011: Finn Srensen, SeniorChartering Manager. 30 years anniversary.
annapolis 9 June 2011: Claus B. Jensen, Port Cap-tain. 50 yearsbirthday.1 August 2011: Jesper W.L. Pedersen, Senior CharteringManager. 10 years anniversary.
Norient product pool hellerup 15 May 2011: Jesper Rask, GeneralMana ger. 40 years birthday.
Singapore 4 June 2011: Ha Wai Li, Senior Charter-ing Manager. 40years birthday.
NordeN's vessels5 April 2011: Fritz Troels Frederiksen, ChiefOfficer. 50 years birthday.23 May 2011: Carsten Nuka Broberg, 2ndEngineer. 40 years birthday.21 June 2011: Steen Wessel, ChiefEngi-neer. 50 years birthday.28 June 2011: Lars H.D. Larsen, ChiefEngineer. 50 years birthday.28 June 2011: Lars Risager Hannibal,Chief Officer. 50 years birthday.13 July 2011: Brian Schlosser,Fitter 40 years birthday.
23 June 2011: Per Navndrup Pedersen, Operations Manager.Transfer from Hellerup and promotion to Senior Operations Managerand Head of Operations. 1 August 2011: Jesper Rask, GeneralMana-ger. Promotion to Director and Head of the Annapolisoffice.
NordeN's vessels 30 March 2011: Allan Mortensen, 47, 2ndEngineer. New employee.11 April 2011: Erling Joensen, 37, 2ndOf-ficer. New employee.1 May 2011: Andreas Poulsen, 31, ChiefOfficer. New employee.9 May 2011: Morten Bastrup Kold, 29, 3rdEngineer. New employee.19 May 2011: Morten Brix stergaard, 37,Chief Officer. New employee.8 June 2011: Jan Bowie Rasmussen, 53,Chief Officer. New employee.16 June 2011: Martin Schmidt Nrgaard,40, Chief Officer. New employee.20 June 2011: Peter Hansen, 42,Chief Steward. New employee.24 June 2011: Jrn-Ole Smidt, 58, ChiefSteward. New employee.15 July 2011: Rasmus Hundebll Srensen, 35,Chief Officer. New employee.15 July 2011: Jakob Holm, 52, ChiefOf-ficer. New employee.1 Sep 2011: Anders Christensen, 27, 2ndOfficer. New employee.
NordeN congratulates
3 Shipping trainees graduate on 31 July 2011
hellerup 1 August 2011:Laura Rosholm transfers to Annapolis asAssistant Operations Manager, Dry Cargo.
1 November 2011:Jacob Kragh transfers to Rio de Janeiro asAssistant Chartering Manager, Dry Cargo.
Stephan Skovgaard Jensen has decided to change his careerdirection and go to sea to start with.
Congratulations to all three.
NORDEN news summer 2011 15
Peter Borup, Managing Director, NORDEN Shipping Singapore,Michael Harvey, Head of Shipping, Rio Tinto.
375 guests, including many of NORDENs largest customers andbusiness partners, enjoyed food, drinks and jazz music.
Ms Tan Beng Tee, Group Director of International MaritimeCentre, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)(read abouttheir Maritime Singapore Green Initiative on page 9), Mr RonaldKuok Meng Chien, Senior Manager, Handy, PCL (Shipping) Pte.Ltd., MrNori Fumi Yamamoto, CEO, Celeste Shipping, and an employee ofCeleste Shipping.
NORDEN celebrated its 140 years in historical surroundings inAsia
With a difference of 16 years, NORDEN was the bigger brotherwhen checking into the 124-year old Raffles Hotel in Singaporewhich is otherwise very rich in history and traditions.
Peter Borup, Managing Director, NORDEN Shipping Singapore,hosted the well-attended event on the occasion of a slightlydelayed celebration of NORDENs birthday.
16 NORDEN news summer 2011
What are three special tests for the shoulder? ›
- Adsons Test.
- Anterior Drawer Test Of The Shoulder.
- Apprehension Test.
- Arm Squeeze Test.
Painful Arc Test
The patient is instructed to abduct the interested shoulder to 180°. If the patient complains of pain when the arm is between 180° and 150°, the test is considered positive for AC joint injury. Painful arc between 150°-180°.
The examiner positions the shoulder to 90 degrees of abduction and 90 degrees of external rotation. While an anteriorly directed force is applied to the proximal humerus. The test is positive if symptoms of anterior instability are reproduced. Apprehension at lower degrees of abduction may suggest glenoid bone loss.
How do you do deltoid isometric exercises in the scapular plane? ›Stand tall, close to a wall. Elbow is straight, and the arm is lifted 20-30 degrees forward and 30 degrees out from the midline against the wall. Press the hand against the wall and hold. Keeping your hand against the wall, relax and repeat.
Which shoulder special test is 75% accurate? ›The accuracy of the tests was the greatest when muscle weakness was interpreted as indicating a tom supraspinatus tendon in both the full can test (75% accurate) and the empty can test (70%) accurate).
What is the Gerber lift off test? ›The dorsum of the hand is raised off the back by maintaining or increasing internal rotation of the humerus and extension at the shoulder. The ability to actively lift the dorsum of the hand off the back constitutes a normal lift-off test.
What is the most sensitive shoulder impingement test? ›Using the Wilcoxon's signed ranks test the Copeland test was significantly more sensitive than the Neer's and Hawkin's tests for subacromial impingement. In conclusion the Copeland test is an effective clinical test in the diagnosis of subacromial impingement and more sensitive than the traditional tests.
What is a positive impingement test? ›The examiner places the patient's arm shoulder in 90 degrees of shoulder flexion with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees and then internally rotates the arm. The test is considered to be positive if the patient experiences pain with internal rotation. UW - Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.
What is the most unstable joint in the body? ›The glenohumeral joint of the shoulder has the highest range of motion of the human body. It is also the most inherently unstable, being the joint that most often develops recurrent instability.
Why do you press in the scapular plane? ›But you don't want excessive contact that causes irritation and inflammation, which can lead to shoulder impingement syndrome. Doing the dumbbell overhead press in the plane of the scapula minimizes the joint stress.
What is an exercise that is done by squeezing the shoulder blades together backwards? ›
Shoulder rolls
Breathe in and lift the shoulders up toward the ears. Move the shoulders back, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Exhale and drop the shoulders back. Move the elbows forward, feeling the stretch at the back of the shoulders.
- Apley scratch test. How it's performed: You will reach one hand behind your back and the other over your shoulder. ...
- Hornblower's sign test. ...
- Bear hug test. ...
- Neer's sign. ...
- Hawkins' test. ...
- Drop-arm test. ...
- Cross-arm test. ...
- Spurling's test.
MRI: Images produced through a magnetic resonance imaging test gives medical professionals a better look at soft tissue injuries. These are helpful when assessing damage to ligaments and tendons around the shoulder. CT scan: This cross-sectional view of the shoulder uses specialized X-ray devices.
How do you tell what kind of shoulder pain you have? ›- X-rays. These can help your doctor find bone spurs, arthritis, and other bone-related causes of your shoulder pain. ...
- MRI scan. This uses radio waves and a powerful magnet to make detailed images of your shoulder.
- CT scan. ...
- Electromyography (EMG). ...
- Arthroscopy.
Common tests include the Neer, Hawkins-Kennedy, coracoid impingement, and cross-arm impingement tests, along with several others. During these assessments, a PT will ask you to move your arms in different directions to check for pain and mobility problems.