Evening Sentinel from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England (2024)

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Evening Sentineli

Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England

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EVENING SENTINEL Saturday May 31st lfltf 3 Trade Announcement Ensrinr Painting Joiner Allapatlni DEATH I MO RIA births MARRIAGES SSSf Bur1m 5970 lsny d's- In Memoriam In Memoriam Deaths Deaths In Memoriam Deaths Deaths i Birthday Greetings UBvnrauna Plumhin At rest en May 27m at 27 BARNES (Dad) Died June DEAN BAN BLKIN At rest oa May 27th NeWe "OtMiMM ei'IiMND (14 DowiUnnvO Best 8R0UCN Suddenly en Mir J7th LYTN fnee Bradley) On May 26th (Stanley) Killed la Belgium ATT I SON (Mother) ThM mnmn May 31st 1956 Memories like leaves 1 comes wltk gad resrete of sold never tarnish or grow old: back a day 1 ahull never forsst ThM nvwk AM Bftf 1S6 aaad 75 yeara me beloved wife of the COH Cnanes Horace aged 7s wishes for your 70th birthday "June! st kki sneus sgea so years the dearly loved wife of Malcolm and devoted mummy of Rosemary of 70 nay rnyiiis Hippy Dinmwy srandid PhKn Paulina 139 Just as you were you will slwsrsl nevei sstd a laat gondnye tor me Mia Armur auxin ana aear mother of Arthur 39 Hdton-rd Harofields Service at St Paul's Lanark-walks Thiatirnerry new-castle Msy sged 60 resrs ths dearly loved wife of Reginald Charlca Simms snd a devoted mother Service snd crema' km at HradweH rranMfnrium an Monday at 1130 1st 1968 Time passes memories stsr quietly remembered every day Son Michael and PaL 129 BARNES (Dad) Time peases' memories stay quietly rernembcred every day Sadly missed Loving dauxhter Lynn 190 Werburgh-drive Trent ham Fortified HOLDCROFT Congratulatkma Amos Church Newcastle en Tuesday st 11 atay loved and rememhered every were ge nemre 1 anew day God bless Msm snd Dad God knowa why Daughter ioy( DEAN 1 Stanley) Uuickly quietly I David snd Steven 2 sm followed by interment at New am wm relatives pease accept rirs castle Cemetery Relatives pleaae came the can Ma sudden death ROBERTS (Jack) nuoaeniy ynu on reacmng your 60 Birmdsy June 1st 1969 All my love Cissie 129 Coming of Age ntihn nnomiB KMriSt' iSS-' Ctllmneyi' Plumbing Klln Dump n-midni Koonng pLinti Tamn-cJnw P'unjblng Joinery wort' Bsthroom Conventions and Sllerattona of an kw with ths rites ef Holy Church RIP on whose soul aweet Jesus have mercy Ths remains will be received into St Teresa Church Trent Vsle on Monday st 7 pm Requiem Msse on Tuesday at 1030 am yeara of 108 Westonfieids-drive Longton ihs beloved husband of the Isle Elizabeth Brough Funeral on Monday from his son's residence 50 Hlgh-at Harrlseshesd Service st Newcbspel Parish Chirch at 3 Pm prior to hKerraent in the Church-yird Relativea pleefle accept this the only Intimation WUI frienda kindly meet at the Church Co-operative Funeral Service Ntle-et Bursiem TH 88724 -129 Friends srs invited to BARNES (Harry) Died June 1st ua wit hum even a goodbye now yott shocked us all: so full of life toe mod intimation at me unmienum 1 atco a ovar rrarna Always remem to die not even time to say good-byg Sadlv miased Marinrie (WOOtton) bered Millie Harold and familv Inaulriea 8 Honklnson NOBIS rPeter'Jsmes) Conaratuta- sccept mis intimation menoa srs kindly invited 10 meet st the church Inquiries Goodwin A Son (Newcastle) Ltd Funeral Directors Tel 66586 130 srs resting wnere no anaopwe memeneg veu we wfll atwiys lesp Loving Wife Dsushter and 129 BARNES (Barry) We mention vmir Martin snd Children 129 Wolstsnton Tel 562511- interment at Stone Cemetery WiU name we speak ef you often GodiDOWLEY uona neaiui and happtneas be youra in the future Love Mum Dad John and Nan -130 (Jane) Died June let On Msy 29th st her son's relativea and frienda please meet ati son -m -taw ELLIS At reel on Msy 30th st 14 1965 Always remembered by cHAFFERV iDenis) Life etIU Jk and RdlttL a 139 mm a Mriaua niava hut niemnrlrg oiese yon Harry you are never gouen Brother Lea iris snd residence Emuy Sged 84 years ine dearly loved wif of the late William HODCKISS (Susan) Conaratula- BURTON At rest on Msy 27th at Moffstt-wsy Silverdslc Annie Elisabeth ssed 81 years she beloved wife June ia ia-aaBISlB -eaue SaV-aT HIIHlaiM EVANS June 1M 1963 Psm-I dins ef bygone dm- Loving wile Any nit uiiiiiriiii 87 dVimoMn Harry us City Hospital Bucknau Harold tha beloved husband of tha late uons on your 21st birthday Sunday All our love jeffr Mr and Mrs Kent i9o ef the late Georxe William ana mg seam Bring manges many Minnie aoa John daughter Ann ABOUT RatrVAMn Plnmkin --A a devoted mother Funeral from her things snew but not hint ever takea SHAFFERY (Dsd) May 31st 194 Harriet Burton and dear father of Ham rui Inralva aha ailant tear A dauahter's residence 22 Trexew- sws memories ef vou Dsushter nd rami and tha dear Meatnother nARsn conajratulatlona John en Harold of 122 Etruria Vaie-rd derful uncls with a heart of gold uta cnumn riowers to cnurcn please Inquiries: McGough A Sons TunataU Phones: 84300 snd 84548 130 PIRIE On May 30th 1969 In Macclesfield Infirmary Douglas Stuart Pirie of West Lodge More ton Congleton Funeral Bum Sunnyside Astbury Service snd Interment st St Mary's Church Ast- bury on Wednesdsy st 230 pm Will relatives please sccept this inti Nellie Albert family 129 apihur af Rnuln Crenxs-rd Meir rpur 2iat sntMay Health and happineaa alwaya Love Mem and Did it 19 secret wish mat he was here Longed for slwaya Levins dsushter Ann son-in-law Terry 12 FINCH iLuuue) Died June 1st finer uncle the world could bold Fadly missed Eiiam mi ji Shelton Service at the Rldgway Memorial Methodist Church Shelton on Monday at 11 am followed by place Silver dale Service and cremation at CarmountsMs Crematorium on Wednesday at 7 pm Relatives niease accent this ths only mtims- Mails aU types Wort KWow 223 3 th a 11 rf Chimney VoliVn" Guttering Property Repairs: prompt attentton wmnetatfve prices Cook na Oakhlll Roofing 44407 dl30 ALL Tenia Jnlna 1968 Precious memories at my desr Funeral on Tuesday next from her ron's reKdence 4 Hsrvey-rd Meir bnlM at Ilia rantral HaU LonXtM MARSH Love and beet wishes John SHARKEY (Kathleen) Died Juna BARNES (Dad) Silent thoughts of limes together bold memories that laat forever Unnni nn whip hmmm um cremation at Carmountaide Crematorium Relativea pleaae accept this intimation Friends are kindly invited at 1115 sm prior to cremslioii st Hon Friends wish ins to attend kindly meet st ahs Crematorium Co Pemr JirouHlna anH Kfmmn A IIO 1st 1968 Time passes memoriea stay quietty remembered every dsVi if Miraaa Ken- Manrsret carmountauia cremiionuin MARSH Congrstuhitions John on t- mien RMgewsy to meet st the church inquiries mstion Friends are invited to meet operative inmerai service Niie-v Buralem TeL 88724 130 wife Heartaches snd sorrows ef life are many but losing you was the Ereslest of sny No longer here your re to share but in my heart you are alwaya There To me you were my life of peace of happiness aad toy my thanks to God tor memories thst nothing can destroy But wish ss 1 have wished hefana that Rod relativea kindly sccept this "my BARNES (Dsd) You wouldn't wish torimeuoo friende are anwitud to for lean or fiias iuai to STrimeS SHARKEY (Kathleen) Many timea 1 st ths church No flowers bv reauest your 21m Birthday Lou of love Join Eric and Jivna A 190 Goodwin It Eon (Newcsstls) Ltd Funeral Directors Tel 66586 129 BULLOCK Suddenly on Msy 24th Inquiries: snd Cooke Park- mai itia isnirii nan mmms ku A crosvenor At rest on Mar 28th MARSH (John) Congratulations on nmCm Viinaral UBiuar BUS Btia st consiston TeL 3152 and 2112 129 at the NSRI Bertha Ametia njmaSSWaaBBSW SKaldl tM Wat Asf 1 130 reacmng your 2Ut birthday All my JCaav lso Furnisner sanamra tun aaaw SOULTON (Kathleen) BUd Una 129 PLANT Suddenly on May 29th ati Fenton TeL 33866 31st 1968 Treasured memoriea ni at tha NSRI Gilbert Samuel the very dear loved husband of Dorothy Nina Bullock snd devoted dad of Geoffrey of 6 KingsMeld-oval Baa- couid have snared son a few more MOORE (Graham)' Congratulations to hospital 17 spsren-avs May Bank cnanes WASS On Msy Zytn aMuiwm waMm TCU 68356 I LL Pointing Chtrnnays Ron! 5 Repairs Guttering Brickwork 7-Bartniail te wir Repairs Concrete )ecoru Kfibm wwla ndenaken £vSion Plumb! 5 Repairs Clare Josepn 297 Furlong-t rd TunataU gOT 88880T 149 on your 21st with lovs From Mum Dad and Palav 19Q devoted wife and mother What would we give to see yon amile to ait th you and talk awMla Wa nn John Wass aged 55 yeara we years Rlr hived happily remembered sadly missed God bleu yon Husband Jim' 129 fore service at St Mark's Church Baaford on Monday at 3 pm WHITEHOUSE Congrstulstlons to sgea yi yeara tne aeariy iovet oua-band of Clarice Lilian Plant snd devoted father of Roy John snd Nicola Service at St Margaret a FINCH (Mother) Utile did we know followed by Interment- at Hartshlll you for ever Husband Tom eon Steven 14a beloved husband of the late Dora Wass of 71 Hillcroft School Bsnk Csverswsll Funeral on Tuesdsy next from his daughter's residence MIJIa 11llMt IH my caning wire Barosrs on your 21st blrthdsy All my love and beat we ihiflk of you many timea we cried think el what you went Through think of huw you died shared some happy hours tomtheTi and shared and enew too but th sadden dsy ot sll wig tha dsy thst ws tost yon God bless you deer Kathleen From Mam Dad 1 Pstrirk Michael Paid and Shawn I SHARKEY (Kathleen) Died June 1st 1968 sged 18 years Cod came snd stood beside your bed looked at you and eofrty aald you auFfered more than you can at and come with Me te a stottef landv 1 Loved always Burtcr Mirssrel 1 snd PsuL 1 SHARKEY (Kathleen) Dlad Jumj Cemetery Relatives please accept wiahea Alan 170 XS" WH BUVt SBBKVaS wMt a Wr Churn et View Leek Funeral Monday June 2nd Cortege leaves Land-hunt Houae Queene-at Leek for service at St Edward'a Church Leek 145 pm prior to cremation at Carmountaide Crematorium WiU relativea please accept thia the only Intimation snd wig friends wishing to attend kindly meat st ths Church Flowers may be sent or donations to St Edward's Church Leek Inquiues to: Sigley A Sons Funeral Directors Leek Phone: 3048 129 wukiuai BHuecni mouher this intimstion Friends srs kindly mat moruins what sorrow the dsy would bring the blow wss hsrd the shack severe we never thought the end as near Sadly miaaed Son TOPPING' (Michael) Conaratuht Invited to meet st ths church a aillHllia nuuiiwrwM varur wall Service st Dilhorne Church st Church Wolatanton on Tuesday st 130 pm followed by Cremation Csrmoumslds Crematorium Relatives pleaae accept thia tha only intimation Will friends kindly meet st ttona and best wishes on your 21st i imis eur sorrow we always try we laugh with ethers alone we cry these words sre written with aad Inquiries Goodwin A Son (New Jim and Margaret 129 330 pm prior 10 interment in me Churchyard Relatives and frienda castle) Ltd Funeral Directors tm ATTENTION A Visit tO Prill ot Ranley Marsh-st would solve your query about central heating Advice given without obligation cl34 rram uncle Hon auih Berees Terry end Line 129 res ret ror me enea wa amrad an 66586 129 FINCH (Gran) Behind my amlle please meet st the church the Cnurcs Nn Haarera bv reauest COOPER On MST 29ttV 1969 WiU never torget Requieacat ia Pace From Dad Aenaa an Hnrl Engagements there Ilea a tear for a wonderful gran 1 loved ao dear Mv heart still Donations pleaae forward to the Flowers snd inquiries to: Bettelley Funeral Director Longton Walls the beloved husband of Amy Heart Research Fond Medical BROMLEY (Alss) Our thoughts go ADAMS WALPORO MrVsnd Phone: 33542 130 Research Unit eo Mrs Barker attractive Balhrmg 3000 PUrm 1 GrMMa arranced Full detuds consult Piatt A Shuffle bnthatn Adelalds-st Burslem 84894 562182 54958 jwy HALL On May 30m Ada Han aged 85 years of 35 Amiaon-et Sandford nac to nappy eays enjoyed with you In many wave silent tnouehia uooper voi 3 Boutn-K atoum Pleasant Mow Cop aged 59 yeara Service and cremation at Carmountaide on Monday June 2nd at 2 am At rest en May 25th at Lort Lieuiananra Aooeal ltsrisniu achee ea I whisper low God bless you Gran I miss yen so Loving granddaughter Margaret snd Jim FINCH (Lizzie) Died June6 HI Peacefully sleeping free from sain 46 Brookhoused Mslr Jsmes Stoke on Trent Co-operstvs mil runerai from ner niece a no me memoriea dear cherished more each awe is i wairoro cisridgs-rd Hsrtahll warn announce the engagement of Elaine to John son iLJ ad M- Adams 69 Goddard4t Lengton Omratuls Funeral Service NUa-st Burslem sged 69 years the beloved husband of 27 Heber-et Sandford Hill en Tues i a ti iv Bsthmoms sensible Tel 88724 130 day Service and cremation at l-rr riumDing aervuea stoke 1st 196B agea IB years sn eo much to meKath ere Both gig 1 can ray the grief still in my heart an I mink of yett ttiie day Ji could net wish the laat farewell or even gay goodbye you were gone I before 1 knew and only God knows why Your tovinggister Kllrni saua Imi IHs and taflld 139 pa awns year Always remembered Mr and Mra Hanco*ck and Debra BROMLEY (Alan) Your memor the Mte Gladys wuiiame service in Central Method tat Church Meir en Relativea and friends please accept this the onJy intimation No flowers by request Inquiries Thornton A Harriaon Funeral Directors Mow Carmountaide Crematorium at 245 none from both families 129 RAVENSCROFT Suddenly on Msy pm runerai private inquiries our areateet treasure to Inva and Mu in hosDitai AHce Jessie 'lo ma lanynmej qe -'TH ncialiBtf Knnnhath biTe akilled tachnlclani to renovate your bih like new on your premises All RKUER MINSHULL: Til Tuesday st 3 pm foBowed by Cremation at Carmountaide Crematorium WW relativea niease accent Cod Tel BldduiDh 2176 129 Forrester Broai Funeral Service Savanscroft aaed 66 rears the cherish and keep for ever Mum and Dad bl2P COPELAND On Msy 30UI St 178 Trcntnam-ra ingwn -Tel 33874 engagement is announced between Lynn EMeen eldeat dauchter ot Mr we would not wake yon to Buffer again StsteMn-isw Nellie 129 FINCH (Aunt) A golden heart atopped besting two hard workaig hands at real God's gsrdes must be besniiful for He only takes the beat Nieee Ivy nepnew Norman and familv 19a dearly loved wits of Frederick this the only intimation Friends ere UD SHELDON Treasured memoriea of I Knancer Ravenacroft Of 30 wor ruirMncea KmunMn 136 CARTER (Elsie) Time msy pass and Mrs MimrhuK 15 Rklemont- JONES On May 35lh auddenhr at Beigravs-roso Longton Horace Copeland aged 74 yeara the beloved husband of Clara Copeland Funeral Maadalen-rd Blurton Funeral Kindly invited to meet st the Church Co-onersuve Funeral Service Tel vniDiin-ra umgioa: Tel 33966 y- BATHROOM Convenrione 950 com- a neecn-ra Biurton uicy a sea eur dear dad Always remain- bered by daughter Maureen and apu Cra him 119 no isoe away gfient ineugnts end memories stay Husband Tom arrangemeota later Inoulrtea: Reuellev Funeral Director Long- 88724 139 srrsnaemente later inquiries: uoreen ana ramuv Bettelley Funeral Director Long- 129 FINCH tUzzie) Hleat thoughtg irur "ama arranges eeumatea me wmtara Vlnai Tmi J-roai years tne nearly uvea of the late Edward Jones the dear mother of Jamea Edward (Ted) and tha wuwuwmd At real en May 2bn SIMCOX (Hireld) June 1st 1968 CHESHIRE (Ueoroel Dlad Juna ton Plume: iibaz 129 ton Pbooe: 33542 '129 REEVES On May 25th at 257 ra weauanos HewcaMie and Paul Rodger onay eon of Mr end Mrs Breuer 6 Harthmd-way Shirley (Voydoo Surrey 129 COP HENDLEY' The na lament ia announced between Eileen daughter of Mr and Mra at 1 eacs-iane Bant ten a Brown 5 23986 562684: cl89 1st 1968 Treasured memories keep DAVIS On May 25th suddenly st sna tender jusl (a snow we n-tu remember Sister-in-law Gertie Barbara Frank and Children 190 Edge Chsrloue eged 57 yean the dearly loved wife ef Walter Wood 23 Lonsaite-st stoke Huron acea jam ercr near suu lovea still missed still very desr Levina Hamil-rd Buralem Sarah Ebaabeib aged 79 yeara the beloved wife of the late Arthur Reeves Service and 76 yeara the dearly loved husband ef Our friend snip was a rnvsiy inma that never onuM be told a friend ahip happy hours did bring werel worth their weight In sold Alwsyg rrmembered by Tom snd Nsnir lartaa and flanraa and NattC Ray ward and devoted mother ef Roy precious grind mother of Dsvid snd Linds Funeral on Monday next Service at the EUm Church Carliile-st Dresdst at 2 P-m prior to inter-men at Rlurton Cemetery WiU relativea kindly accept this the ant Intl Hendley 4 Tyson Green Ubberley Mie would not wish for tears and fuss Just to be remembered by aU of us Ada and family 129 wife Win snd sister Helen sl29 C0LCL0UCH (Arthur) Resting au Automatic Heating Service Chlna-stj Penton (Tel 39037) nlghi-Ume BlyHie Bridge 2024 204 BUILDING Repalra aH types BSL China-et Fentoo lOT 59037 C204 ana Janet service and interment ai Si Anne'B Church Brown Kdae en cremation at carmountauia crema' torium on Monday at 330 pm nc son 01 nr sna Mrs Cppe 35 Ladybsnk-grove Blurton wnere ne ansaows tan Always Monday at 1-30 a Reatives FROST (John)' Treasured memo STAN YEN (Motlier) Reunited dad! HO Heiasivee ana srienus pieaae u-mm rnntion friends are invited to meet at pleaae accept Ibis the only Imims lion Frienda kindly meet for the ser Hi a tha mil mtimanon co-ooera MIDDLETON FISHER Mr and remembered by sister-in-law Betty and funny C0LCL0UCH (Arthur) Quietly carpkts and vphoiatery 8ham Jim Frank if tears couw nruta atsvwsy snd memories were a lane i I'd walk aU the way to heaven and' hrw anu hack aatam Arwava in OUT ma cnurcn inquiries: Dale Funeral Furnisher Sandford HUI Meir and Penton-Tel ltt 139 ink -naner Bugbyrive Dreeden hava nlnaurA in rimmi five Funeral Service TeL 88i tM RICHARDS' On May 30th at 276 vice Inquiries Hammond A Booifl Phone Endoa 3141 aad Bid ries of desr brother died May Slat 1968 (Wolverhampton) Aim (Leigh) Mary Elizabeth slater of the above died March 18th 1955 Alwaya remembered by sister Winnie Frank and family 129 pooea on bns dry ana back in ua emiaily within 30 minutes ilanwa Cleenera Ltd Longaan 39286 20: rvmrniDsreu wnn inougnis sincere bsura vsvis sna ins aesr oea 01 nig family Funeral on Tuesday next Service at Stoke Parish Church i 315 Pm prior to cremation at Car-: mountaide Crematorium WW rata-: tivee kindly accept thia tha only inti-S mat) on friends srs invited to meet a the Church Inquiries: Dale Funeral Furnisher Ssndford WH Meir snd Fen'en Tel 33866 129 DEAVILLE On -Msy 30th st 39 Coronalion-i vs Longton Reglnsld George aged 52 years the dearly loved husband of Lizzie Desvills snd ths desr dsd ef John snd Reg dulph 2281 129 Gerry Margaret Gad LOVATT On May 30th at 32 Siaa- Keenngsrd 1 Nortnwooa £ara ing the enticement of their younger daughter Judith to Anthony only aoa 0129 Silent hnughw Daughter Kdtrti Fred I STREET (Joe) Resting where WORRALL At reel an Msy 28'h stCOLCLOUCH (Arthur) CARPETS Uphourtery Cleaned collected in aitu dt annolntment ihouxhta of timea together hold or an ana Mrs MJddleton 170 Chspim-rd Longton 12S Brookwood Residential Home Blurton Ernest Ntantey aged 70 HANco*ck (Alan) Died May 31st Enreaa Cleaners 188685) 130 memoriea that laat tor ever Lov-Iiht wife Pallv a ia shadows fall rememnerea atwaya oy us rom Ursn MabeL Js" Suaan and Joha 1291 The ensase- CENTRAL HeaHne All trace 100 lyoe inougms nave power to notd yon near you're never far away eur tieta-ei Aaaeney creen Longton i Frederick William sged 82 yeara the dearly loved husband of Beatrice Lovalt snd ths desr dad of Beatrice George Frances snd Frederick Funeril on Wednesday next Service at Adderley Green Methodist Church at 3 pm prior to cremation at Car- COOPER (Uah end Jack)Treaaund STREET Jnei Yearn are passtrui terma workmanship fully guaranteed Uodd 78 Moorland-rd mem is stmounoed between Lsraine youngest dsugluerof Mr snd Mrs Duckworth IS WiKUm-rd sged 60 years tne aeariy mv-a nut-band of Maud Richarde and devoted father of C'live and Maureen and a very dear grandad Funeral sr sense -tnente later Co-operative Funeral Service Nile -St Burslem Tel 88724 129 In hospital oa May 30th Frederick Francia aged 73 yeara dearly loved husband of Annie ShroDshire of 33 Shiriey-et Long- mind keeps drifting back to yon every angle day go many things but me manes guy ss near anu near i Buralem 87366 evenings 55372 134 ss yesterday Albert Pal and "Funeral arrangements later memories ei my aear parents died 1952 snd 196 1 The lines sre simple the ords are few but they are and wiw deep devotion snd endless love fir yen Ida and Arthur lio family 8129 1 Aigairrove son aenncin son of Mr snd Mrs Perry 15 Weiinton- CENTRAL Heating Terma Plumb mountaide Crematorium WIU rela- nave happened Alan amce yon were called away so many things yes would have loved if God had let yau May Alwaya longer for Minn THOMAS (Mam) Deep hi muM yeara the beloved husband ef the late Mary Am Won ail ef 2 Rreom-field-place Kouih Eiruna and a devoted father ef Stanley Nancy and Dorothy Service in Shelton Parish Church oa Monday at 12 noon prer to interment et Hartshill Cemetery Relatives please accept this the only intimation Frienda wishing to si trod kindly meet st the church Cooperative Funeral Service Nile -St Burslem Tel M731 130 uvea xinaiy nccsnt in 11 tne am inu- ing and repaira waaBugtoa Tim-Stall 88975V 85877 C202 Mquirter Dale (Mineral Furnisher) Ssndford HiU Meir and Fenton TeL 33866 129 DICKENSON At rest en Msy 29th st Bucknsa Hoeoital Enen in her mation friends are invited to meet et DAVIES (Dsd) June 1st 1967 Dad and Debra 129 hearts you win giwaya any joveu end remembered every day I Loving Dsughters Sons-m-law snd llrandnhlldnpn 129 I port Funeral srrsngements later Reunited wnb bH loved ons Some times it's hard- to understand the HANco*ck (Mother) Reunited wih CHIMNIY- Cleaners Brush Vacuum Rtaffa Medera Frankly n-Hinley (21125) e202 the Church Inquiries: Dale (Funeral Furnisher) Sandford Hill Meir and Fenton TeL 33866 130 MALPASS On May 28th at 4 93rd year the dearly loved wife of loved once No verse csn say ua reason cod a way we wonder if Inquiries: Jona junoeoa sons Funeral Directors Tunalal Phone: 87832 129 THOMAS mother) Dlad May 31st grove Bencilee Congrtitdations from both families s-129 PREECB PLANT The engsge- ment is announced between Carol Anne daughter of Mr and Mrs A Ftant 25 St Mary's-rd Adder- ley Green snd Howard Alan son of i- Mr snd Mrs Preece 23 Alma- square Buxton Consratttlattona 1 from both famihee bl28 WORSDALE ACKLEY The chimnbt sweep nruin ana vacuum OakhlU Stoke Tel 45888 WRIGHT Suddenly on May SHUFFLEBOTHAM On May 27ih st ine lite wuiram uicaenson imrmersy of Seaford-at Shelton) Funeral from 25 Brough-lane Trenwam Service at St Juds's Church Shelton on Monday June 2nd at 2 nm fcl- 1962 in loving memory or a very deer mum Rernem bered atwiys I Sun Boyston Ann and Grand i rhddriHl 124 C185 2Sth at the Isle of Wight ma wm is rignt wnen aaaneu fil a our days: It sterns so wrong to taka liwnja edd we loved as desr the dad I know has been so good through al his lifetime here but we (try hide our sorrow in knowing Hie knew heat that hamul tha whilst en Holiday Jessie seed 76 the N8KI Jonn sgea 96 years ths dearly wved husband ef Anne Winifred Shufflebolham and dearly CHIMNEY Sweep A W11U 27 Downins-ave1 Basford TeL 63369 ac 162 THOMAS (Mother) Time unfolds lowed by interment -at Hartshill engagement ia announced between CONCRETING Materials Cement loved fattier of Annette el 10 Huihea-at Burslem Service and words repay the mother we lost twelve months to-day Remembered always Daughter Phyllis son-in-law Jerk snd Dennis 129 HANco*ck (Mother Reunited with dsd and loved ones Sunshine Bosses shadows fall but Im and remembrance outlasts alt Daughter Beryl Barry grandsons Geoff Trev HANco*ck (Mother) Time pisses' memories stay quietly remembered every day Son Albert Gwen and fsmtly 129 HANco*ck (Mother) I shall remem Gravel Sand Ac delivered anywhere fof heaven thers's sweet content and Irest Loved en dearlv and miaaad Angela younger oaugmr of Mr snd Mrs AcMev 137 OUfield-et Fen cremation at Cirmountiide Crema- yesrs me newvea wife of the ute Jsmes Wright ef 70 Isson-rd Meir snd a devoted rnother desr grandmother snd great grandma Funeral arrangements later Ce-eoerstive Funeral Service Nlle-l Burslem TeL 88724 129 In Mamnalam -r Beckton-avei TunataU Leonard aged 71 years the dearly loved husband of Nettie Maipaea Funeral Monday Ser vice and crematton at- BradweU Crematorium at 1030 am WiH reia-Nves accept this the only Intimatioa Friends pleaae meet at me crema-torium No flowers by request Inquiries: John Johnson Song Funeral Directors Tunvtell Phone 87832 129 Morris Suddenly on May 27th at her home 2 Rose Corteges Endoa Barak Jane aged 69 yeara the dearly loved wife ef Eric Morria -Funeral Monday June 2nd Service and interment at St Luke'a Church tnrium on Tuesday at '315 Pm more each dawning day Daughter ton and John only ton of Mr and Mrs Worsdale 36 PhiliD-st Fen Relatives please accept this tha only intimation Frienda are kindly Invited promptly joim Baiter son (TunataU) Ltd Furloog-nL Tunstalt let 97147 scl47 CONDENSATION ElimhHled With freah air ventilators a on -electric ton Congratuiatione from both another year nut memories seep you ever near Son Dennia and fsmHy TIPPING (Jonty) Jung 1st 1931 Alao loved ones How strange it seems that those we need and those wa love the best srs uat the ones that Cod seeds too snd takes them boms of rest so many things have happened since you were caned away so many things you would have loved If Qod had let you atay Had miaaed Levins wife Ann once dbvM -e 129 DAVIES (Fred) June 1st 1967 Reunited with sll eur loved ones Gone sre me days we used to share to meet at caroouataide co- amilles 129 cemetery wm re-etlvei and frienda pleaae accept thia the only intimation Inquiries: Joseph Lymer Son Trent Bridge BucknalL Phone: 22270 and 29338 129 EDWARDS Suddenly en Msy 284b 1969 Joseph Arthur axed 58 years the beloved son of the late Alfred snd Mary Edwards and She deerfar loved brother of Barbara of 23 West -at Newcastle Service at St Paul'a Church Newcastle on Monday at 11 am prior to interment at Newcsstls Cemetery RessSivee kindly enerativa Funeral Service NUe-et WORSDALE ACRXEY The Contact 8GR Ltd The Glass Centre (64693) 1C135 Buraient Tei S8724 4: ua AkknARi utorsce) uttc 1964 Tim but la my heart you sre always there Life must go on I know that's nrows snpfner year nut memories STEERS Suddenly on May 30th at ber while Ute light Issts and la the darkness I ahsU not forget Son Ern Irene end family a 129 COUNTY Roof Maintenance Rneeialiata in all tvnea of Rooflna Pro keep you ever near Wife Gerty daualKer Irene David and gran engagement is announces Between Angela younger daughter of Mr and MrsT Ackley 137 Oldfleld-st Fenton snd John only son of Mr snd Mrs WorsdsU 36 Philip -at Fenton Congrstulstlons from both families 129 true nui is not ine same since I lost you yen were to me someone special someone set snan sour TIFFING (Dad) June 1st Eadon at 11 am WiU relet vea perty Repairs Building Joinery Rail-mates free TeL Buralem 85081 daughter Caroline 12 BADROCK (Mother) Alia Dad HANco*ck (Alan) Silent Ihouxhta true snd tender lust to sham' wo at IB remember Mr and Mra Rmm her home 57 Prince Chanes-ave Leek Daisy Steers sged 67 yesrs Funeral arrangements later inquiries: Sigley A Sena Funeral Directora Leek Tel 2048 129 pleaae accept tine the amy Intimation and wiU frienda wishing to U3 88960 anytime memory wiL forever be engraved in my heart Laved and an mi aaed accept Shis intimation Will friends Time may pa and fade away allenti Ihouxhta snd memories stay 1 B129 Silent thoughts times logeiner hold memories dear that laat for ever Levins bob John Hssei I grandson Joseph TIPPING (Dsd) A million times i Loving wife Hilda 129 pteass assemble st the church Inquiries Salt A Son Funeral attend kudw meet at tne cnurcn Inquiries: Sigley Sons Funeral paugnurs pour Msy son-la-Uw Joe Wedding Anniversaries SUTTON At -est on May Xtb at Directors Ltd Bridge -at Newcas COVE Cornice win make your rooms look modern Cheap and easy to fix Loofton Builders' Merchants UMoseter rd Longton (35185) acl77 rjQUBLE uianne Whltehnuse iwsww lAian) quietly remembered David Shaw HARRATT (John) Charlotte Directors Leek Phone: 2048 129 bayies turaiMad) no thoughts could be more beautiful than the thoughts wo havs of you to ns yon The Moorlands Hospiial Leek' -v COOPER Consratulationi mam and mmmM II WM a mmmrmm mmwmt mkui rmiiul3' is Mh i iV 0AKES At rest on May 28th at the 0nw NSRI Thomas sged 62 yesrs the niau tha nH aia loved wife of the late Fxrward Switon John OfSey-rd Madeiey Lawrence were someone apecial end God imri have fhought so too Brian Chris deartr loved husband of Hilda Oakea shocked ns all so full ef life too I ve needed you a million umes its cried if love couid nave saved yon dad you never would have died Irving daughter Barbara Stan Dorran 129 of Bircn ua Jtuayera near ices to a not even time to ssyi mi rutoy atepnen iT' of 90 Honeywell Penkhull loving fafhee of Hilary and vere dear runerai 1 Meaner June jra aerrrv 1 Harold Aunt Hannah Undo Fred Gibbons Memories grow sweeter ss yeara travel en when we lone: lor faces snd voices that have gone we apeak your aames ws think ef you aU often Cod bless yon all you are not forgotten Daughter Dolly S'd mm uahmis iMoiner ana naai mm Time Michael's rrmenmerra always 1 wwi lam irniciBsnca oiwaye aivuni Uif mm uIm em Minninii wu klMi -j father-in-law of Clinton Service and TUNNICLIFFE (BIB) Treasuied Loomer-rd Cheater Ion 56U02 67756 ufecl35 DRYR0T Woodworm Free estimate report 20-year written guarantee Thnberwiso ConaultantB Ltd Kniita-mrd-rd Alderlay Edge Cheshire (Alderlcy 9891) 171 dad on your 2M Anrnveiwary Sun-day Love Winnie Barbara Margaret Pat Colin Stan John Graadcbildren 129 RUBY HANco*ck ConftrafulaHonii mum and dad 00 your Ruby Wedding Anniversary Lovs Jean John StanhMi V129 win iikrm If piwir mvmrWm irrv Kinai rnriaruta an nw-ji ami win ni qieo tnese ere ine daw sum iiiao) Otea May 31st kindly meet at the church No A sged 45 yesrs the desrly loved husband of Ethel May Griffiths and devoted father of Wendy snd Msralyn Service in Mideley Pariah Church on Tuesday st 215 Prw followed by mtermeat in Betley Cemetery Relativea please sccept this the only intimation Frienda are kindly invited to meet at the Church Co-operative Funeral Service Nile-et Burslem TeL 88724 129 ni Fran uarreu 129 eememherad ana Jl niihi i HARRATT I Harold I Juna let lOxril memurwa el my sear est nuanemt i Thie la my poem to you my love simple thins te say yet tt seems so very much te me on yeur memoriam day So solitary are the hours my dear aa lonely are the days so is eur bums my love oh go FRENCH PoUehina Furniture rremaUoa at Carmoumeide en Tnes- day June 3rd et 110 sm WiU relatives please accept this the only tarnation and friends kindly meet si Csrmounisidr No flowers plesse by his swn request Inquiries: Joseph Lymer A Son Trent Bridge Burk-naU Phones: 22270 and 29338 129 wbh wmiia nave rvpiiea una me for me is ever I loved you ell until the last weep not for me end courage take end love each ether for mi snn-in-law Arthur and grand-daughter I 'Memoriea keep you ever near as Jean 139 dawns snother year Sadly missed HANco*ck (Mother' Dad) Beat flowers pie isc by request Donations preferred to Horton Church or Rudysrd Darby and Jean Club Inquiries: Sigley A Song Funeral Directors Leek TeL 2048 129 Repairs Tsbles made Mo A Hesmes 349 Crey-rd Fenton Tel! Birhe Bridge 2691 (evenings) P129 sake Sadly miased Loving Wife DEAN (Stanley) Sadly miased by' w'Le 129 HAVWORTH (Eric A) Treamed sister Joan 129 0129 wiahea for your 40th Wedding vereary Joan Alan Lynn Cheryl HsiL U9 DIAMOND WEDDING msny ways mi his i mane tmmlas In dealfe I make BllH no CCNUINE leaded Liahta 8OT memories ef my desrly loved husband en the snniveraarw of our Vnilarn Glaea Cn lAd Northwnod one can ever fat your place and anecial day (Sunday) June let loan (255191 ael35 aiaNBaaeasasnsais SHARRATT Congratulatfcme mum and dad on your Diamond Wedding oniv love in death you are ornl me' November 18th 1967 Remembered with love always Conn I 190 JAMES Floorcraft: Domestic snd hduatrial flooring specialists Sinding Vschino hire 116 Hope-et Hsnley (23158) wscl59 nians (nam) Died May nil week-eiid viewing and: listening Anniversary wiamng yon every happineaa All our love Conne and Arthur 129 Births isso sna birttidsy memories to ore: ner Ken- je yeara iimm- im Worth of everlaatins remembrance LADDER Sales service and sire full range for every purpose same how happy are my memories nee first I look your asms Na ether erme eon hold me m'lZ hive ne ininev no twiipiai'M cm ever be like ours that was sublime And so thia poem appears aa in God kingdom yau abide to declare rmr love for ever till I am by your side So sadly miaaed and longed for AS my love From devoted wifef Harriet (Hal) bl29 mimmtm 9 aN Hf OEPPEN (see Wood) To Glen and holowat iocs Banbury) June lot Matoohn on May 28h the gift el iewey's Mdder cemre vtciona-ra eneoJU Telaphone far ltow47- "i METAL snd saati Windows Replaced Ruitarine (wood metal nlaalicl ana oroner Honnie to lone a a wee sa gooa ss you wm remain a heartache all our life through Yon had a RITUALS AND TRADITIONS OF BRASS BANDS Dsuxmsr sincere inaona sn con- corned 129 'tfiHri'fis Deaths'-'fv- ABSON (nee Goodwin) Suddenly on nan ot goto now we miss snd long RKTtards 16 The Avenue Hanmelds (69804V C163 mobpmv Richarda Anolianca Centre fur you could never be told We TUNNICLIFFE (William) Died smns wim ine wnna bur we wsj Aloha Enterorieea UA May Bank May 3iat st her name 96 Btdduipn-rd Chell Green Nellie aeed 55 seems that there is a long-standing our a lives without heroic deeds to millate -e in tnld (hat u-a lun nnhlanfai never tor set we snared sums happy days toa-ether some sad snes too but the saddest aiy of all wss when we loot you God bless Blaina and June 1st 1960 we aia not wisn a Isst farewell not even say goodbye for you were gone before we knew and only God knowa why Child ran kris Dorothy Beryl Billy son-In-law llarrv snd KSty 'dl29 tradition of brass bands almost a year die beloved wife of Albert Robert Abaon and the- devoted mam 63972 ORNAMENTAL Ironwork Gates RP arranged Harry a SUrllns-at Buralem 488270) a 165 nothing mother of John and Robert Funeral arrannmenta later inaua-kM Tony Cood-nigtH snd God bless Auntie Marl From Nicola and Craig 129 WALKER (Dsd) Reunited wild John Johnson Sons Funeral Direc- 0RNAMEN1AL Ironwork at minu-hMnnr' nrtcwa omamental Gate tor TunataU Phone: 87832 129 no low at i nee armory) jane 1st mother Memories treasured wsh' tteuKhtg gincers Sen Berasrd end Florrie bl29l On ITV on Sunday the Lib? race Show-leaves the plush elegance of the set to wind back the years of "the good old days" when films were black and white screens were square and life was much slower -way of life for people in Yorkshire and ITVs "Where There's Brass" pro-gramme to-night takes a look at Britain's 100000 bandsmen'- Michael Parkinson will be investigat AMIS0N On May 29th at 13 Irene- ana none ana nrotner nonnie a volume of beauuful memoriea Centre Longion (32938) msel66 ORNAMENTAL Iran wort' compare nriiwa Jl Ditnidale Parade WARBURTON (RossnnB) Silent: lhaughtg true snd lender just tq show we still remember George! Wolstswon (562388) 136 uoreen sna Martin us i ing i the private and highly organised French singing star Sacha Distel will PAINTING and Decorating ura-trsctors Interior and exterior work Wllmlaa afUhmit nhllealUM mm Ley WOODWARD (Dad snd Msm) Time' sprinkled with Bllent leers entwined in book ef remembrance tor dsnghtcr snd son wo laved so desr If we had the key to heaves one thing would ease our pain we would unlock the door heaven and bring you home -again Remembered always Msm Dsd snd Kewa fraternity with rituals and traditions of its take the part of Rudolph Valentino along unfoMa inpAier year but memories keep you ever near Dorothy and I Arthur and Trevor 129 own' that lies behind the "ompha" of the avs Tunstau rrancis sgea 57 years the dearly knred husband at Dorothy Amiaon Fortified wbh the Rites of Holy Church RIP on whoso soul sweet Jesus have mercy The remains wHI be received into Church of the Sacred Heart TunataU on Sunday at 9 pm Requiem Mass on Monday at 10 am Inter mem at TunateK Cemetery Beta-rives please accept th the only intimation WU friends please meet st the church Inquiries McGough A Sons TunataU Phones 84300 and Chell Green 84548 129 son Ud Burslsm (88685) 130 PORTABLE Drills Tsota Kwln to popular makes Trade Inquiries Electrical Rewind (Burslem) Url Bnurneo Bank BurSMen Tel HO LOW AY (Banbury) June 1st My Birjthday: Remembrances with Stu Gilliam as Chaplin to recreate the movies of yesteryear Li be race will take' the part of Tom Mix and Anita Harris will play Theda Bara i iressurea niece Msrnrio ana nennaw Ronnie To loss someone ss sand as ESPLEY (Mother) Reunited with North Huddersfield alone boasts 22 brass bands and nine of the more famous ones will be taking part in the programme North of the border is the setting for 8420184700 keminctoh Shiver Service Official brother Frank Loving birthday mem oriei of a dearly loved mum and' gran Always in our hearts forever i Loving daughter Barbara David1 you remains a nesrtacne ail Mr through en eartk you toiled in heaven you rest God biers you both you were the best longed for always Auntie Janet Uncle Hsrrv Parker Trinity-street Han ley 139375) SMALL Plaaterlng Contracts or day Mir ml AUwk SbBka Tel 44364 BADDELEY On Mar 29lh at 156 Also appearing on the show is the the big show of the evening on BBC1 at Duke of Bedford ana cn laren izu Bidduipn-ro cnen creee Annie BaddeTey aged 74 yeara (formerly sna fuml 12 7T- th 8 149 FORD (Louisa) Birthday memories HOLLIHSHEAD (Mother) One of of Kcnolsr Green) nearly uvea win at tha lata Waller BaikMev Funeral a aear motner ana granama Joe Olive and Carol tLoadoni 129 TARMACADAM Patha Drives and Garages Winter BldduUm 2638 Bvtime 135 those mothers so very rare -content at home and slways there a duster niiesdsy Service King-at Methodist FRADLEY (Jack) Your birthday timbhwissl woodworm Dryrot ef beautiful memories eprsyed with million tesrs wishing God had Church TunataU at llo arn Cremation at Carmountaide Crematorium Win relattvea and frienda The dramatic story of the conquest of Mount Everest is the subject of BJ3C2 Around the World on Sunday The camera will tell the story of the successful expedition led by Sir John Hunt a 73U (' 7 I- C' 1 Entitled Show of the North Andy Stewart stars with other international stars in 'a show that comes from Scotland Among artists appearing are the BBC Scottish Radio Orchestra with conductor Ian Sutherland V-w r- vm aaiimsi moort 3fl-var written was slways a special day No gifts le i give ne amilea te are but in 1 our nearta you will alwaya be Happy birthday nop like we used le gay Rose John Jean 12a aos red you Just few more yesrs guarantee Timberwiae Consult snU nlaaaa aecaot thai me only Intima Ltd 34 Knutsford-rd Aiaeriey bqsw Son Jim snd Dorothy Mrs- ttsres HOILINSHEAD I Wife) Died May Hon and meet at the church Cut flmrara nratprred and aS flowers Cheshire (Aldsrley J89U ran LIT niai kHtlne KellLIIOS FRADLEY (Jack) Alwaya euri Slat 1962 She left ue smelly her snd Inquiries to John Johnson A Jack Warner stars in the Sunday A frank look at the phenomenon of one Funeral Daectora Tunatau Specialists Highly eompe tlllve BaB Kiwm SW4 tC Phone: S7832 130 thoughtg unknown left us memory we are proud to own If she could have spoken before she died th-se are the words she would have sighed ween not for me or sorrow make but fhouKhti no matter where we se shraya la eur hearts because wa loved you se Sadly missed by 1 Dolly Lily Etty Oarus Alf and Albert S129 rvseiwDirvai Rnalra Sales Hirea uddeniY on May 25ih WUIiama 21 Brunswlck-st New-i 164 Bertram a sea 4e years dm oeany loved husband of Olive EmtabeMi Bailee and loving father of Chriatine hero worship will be taken by jazz musician night movie on BBC1 entitled Carve and composer John Dankworth in a pro- Her Name With Pride The film tells the gramme entitled "One- Pair of Eyes" on story of Violette Szabo played by Virginia BBC2---J' V'-i" 'b y'McKenna' the i first woman to -win: the' Hero worship is an essential part blj George love one another for my eake French singer Sacha Distel who stars with Stu Gilliam and Anita Harris on the i a Show ITV to-morrow Jazs musician and coitd-poser' John Dankworth with views on hero worship In One Fair of Eyes BBCJ! to-nlghtv of 65 Fimrtock-svs Blurt oa service WOODWORM Dryrot Frse estimate and report 20-year aarintee -Traiberwise qanwltsslg Ltd Knute-ford-rd AWerley Edss Cnehiy rnauLBT tJics) usr niougnia ge baric tp happy days enjoyed wttfci you at many ways Kay Jimmy ldmne Peter Happy birthday Unote Jack liove Suaan HOWARD (Mother) Far vour tna in Bhirtoe Parish Church on Tuea Husband Waller smib Arthur Tom diURhler-ln-law Sandie bl29 HOLLINSHEAD (Mother) You le a place no-one can hi we miss ymt mother and always wllL Sadly m'lsed Son Jos daughter Jean and lan 12 (Aklarla SS91 'J day at 1-20 followed by Cre- mat Ion at Carmountaide Crematorium WUI retalivee pleaae accept this the onty Intimation Frienda are "Farming and Gardening -TO-MORROW- TO-DAY ins tender care your words ncers snd true this your birthday seems tnertha time to ear dear mother God bless VOU Son User Peeev Mmdiv imrttad to meat at me Lnurcn HOUGH (George) Died June 1st HTsTbees: DahlU Tubw LUlUufns aPalaltl ii si srri nn mar Put LatnS Y9T Co-operitirs Funeral service Tel 118734 129 1962 Time oasses memories star asni Gsllenr: Rogues Rasuer EXr WhVstcTOftg Rpses-Pqtteriea ouletlr remembered over die v5n BBC1 Nal Zindad BRADDOCK Ac rest on May 30m rnini Centra Oough-st Hsniey Lovlna wife Hannah 129 'Naya at Tha uamwoofl Hea manual nomea 8C1J5 HOWELL (Daniel) Died Msy 31st (23324) Jeevan snd family 121V HUGHES (Derek) No card to send ae-ono to tee but in our thoughtg1 you WW atwaya be sister Xsthleea Derek chtldrea Trsc-1 Mark ifj iii Rrrin Fsnchig renutre- Cheadte Eva Mary Braddock aged 81 yeara the beioved daughter of she Isle Chsrles and Frances Braddock Diane Cilento and Jim Dale in The rearful Imaga 10JMI News 10401 Where There's Brass 1 1 401 The Legend of Jesse Jsmes tfirv --) -v''i menta Sandere Bros His tuifit) sespi 1967 Anorner yesr nil passes swsy yet la our thoughtg you wax slwsys May Lovms wile Cissy snd dauirhter Jean 129 ajoi Tha Expanding Class- room- 10J)1040I Si Dice Coal 'v -1 11J)i Seeing and Believing (lormarlv ef Rouen Close Umston) lueresi a ntruMsy csea AN invitation to nay tjie best ludM Uftlln mm ieral from her nephew's residence mm rA ua Uill U111 awMnaj --ft? U0I GrandaUnd includlnn cricket Bwirnminf i speedway and cricket acorea SISi Dr Who 6401 Nowa Weathor S60: Here's Lucy Iaicie and' Tennessee Ernie Ford i BISi Den Time vr 6S0I Ice Cabaret 7J0 1 Show of tha North a IHk 0imI irUvlllaVI HUVTON (May) Died Msy 31st we cannot send but memor wi ef ymi wri never end Mum Dsd I mill in Henearani iaj)i Somethinn to Sav 121 SI Close' Service in St Mstthew's New Church Lightwood-rd Bough Ctose en neadav at 2 JO pm Prior to inter- Hughes Lower-st Nswcsstle ue ARTISTIC Lendscnptng undertaken Tiwltos Waltog 2s Fencing Kent smeHthorne 85348- 1967 Gone srs the dsys ws used to share but In my heart you're alwaya there life goes en I know that's true but it's not the same sines I lost you I-ovtng husband AH 129 RADIO 1 ment at CarmuuD'slde Lawn HUGHES (Derek) rUrthday memo -riea fond and true from those who thought the world of you Sister i Maureen John and children 129 1 240-1 J): Decide 01 Your-gelf 1261501 Farming Weather for farmers and growers a01 New Clothes that Count ramatarw Relativea Dteaea accent Ne HUYTON i Mum) There is always '4J)i Pick of What's With Keith Skues -ri Uhis tne only bMimation Frienda wislilng to attend kindly mere at the face Before us a voice we kma In MARbBTSON (KUth) -a May Jim Id day you would be tut yeara old nw I Sarrowmorb moat dlMtaotive Wwhee New-l -cue 840t News 8411 Magter Class Cnurcn up-operaiive runerai ner- vice Wle-st Bunlem Tel bear a smile we shall always remember of a mum so precious snd dear Alma and Clifford God bless Nan Klilabeth uesrvst wwn wouig not bo sold if Bouse of Secrets i( Fwte Drummond s60i'Ntws Weather W''5- 3m Club eani Match at tha Deeadt'" TJWi News TJdilAt VjMiAB JiisaiLI aarullv llaMailaala aima'a i iifisr -ATT- oiuMta chrvssntbemums Tha: AtciMCTON At rest on the May LITCHFIELD (Mother) May 31st 1 iwhiirr Gersniums Hanging Baekeia Sl in hoopilal Lucy aged 854 TVix Straw Hat S101 The Rare Ones 3461 Film Matinee Road to Zanstbar 65 Look Where You're Go- ing rwn pi! 1 i 10451 Whatever Nextr yi ''VP: SJOi Join Jim Dale ears Hw dearly loved wife of she ite Walter George Braasiaston (for-mait of Eaatfaourne-rd Uanley) iwe Also una 1963 Time anroios another year but memoriea keep yon ever near Sadly miased Margaret Harry Mary Dennia Manun Frank and Grandrhildren wwoaaia weissa mum wasis sibiissisb ywc 'd never ask fur anydiins more ud forgive the silent tear snd constant Wish that she were here From1 Neons sal Grandad Msrgetsoa 129 OLLIER (Flo) Birthday memoriea' ef a desr lovlna wife Yeur memory in my srealeoc treasure Iwve and I to cherish and to keep for ever I jmlne hnihand Pawn 1 11101 A Man Called The Challenge 9Mi Pop' Over Europe 'best Quality Garden Koll deuvered: raded Shale SideboUum (Rid Funeral en Tuesday nest from her 100! Pete Pete's pl11- 1 201 Weather Close iaiwa residence Tne Homeaieaa LOCKER Reunited with loved Saturday People blow ul'-our ear a it woodstock-ctoee Msy Bank Service kM an tL TB11UW IN Hiava in John'a Parish Church Hsmey dwii lEinei) tmmv la aaut mnik SiSk jm ns at 9 nm Drior to Intorment at Car dsy sflently kept na need for words' onea It a not Hie leara at the graveside that tell how hearts sre torn it's the secret tears in the after yesrs snd ihs sorrow so silently borne Though heaven snd earth divide us snd distance seems a lot the flower that Choice uinawal atorwi cc4 oured mountaide Lawn Cemetery Relativea pleaae accept this intimation Friends are Invited to assemble st the Meott aiugnier-m-isw urot in jo i Smturday Cinema Tha Great Sioux Uprising" BMi Gardeners World 6451 Wheclbaga rt-- T15i Newg Sport Weather 7301 Sinister Street part 12J)i Midnight Newsroom: i 1251 Night Ride At News Weather 9 Ji Cloae v'vAy -5" RADIO''2: 4oi Melody Fair BJJt Singalong with Joa 6421 Those Were the Days Church Eirry aaei Tom ana jerry S6t Newa Weather t' S1SI Reason to a50t Songs of Praise 7261 Dr Finlay'a Freah Worlds S1BI Tha Great Carve' Her Name with Pride 10101 Newo and Weather 10201 Omnibua 114SI Weather 11471 Reason to Believe Close ISmTaE rSnctog conwacts (Smllhal Honest Hinlay Tel grows between us ia tha sweet for get-me-not Sadly m'ssed Peueh'ar HIM ana-ia-tew Jit scEhs icauiavi eujia t9u I ears go by attll you gray ss near and dear as yesterdsy One tMna never chsnses ss the years snd seaaona S'akS -EaubUshed 1902- 29925 snd Ash Bank 2321 129 LOCKER (Msm) Precious memo Farming and Gardening (H'iVAL wtiwv Sleeper Mer- Ilvi fnr (ins st value Fencing at eom-2ct -aMt Swcaaue LAWN Mowers Rough Grass Cutters do my love my thnughhj and memo I ties are always kept air you God I 1 Meee (HstU Umg buJbsnd i Wslter 129 Acknowledgmenlt Mrs Bmild snd family of JR Fene Hseoaard Trunaeall wiaSi fa an4r Cultivators Dosena of used of every nuke and size cheap to clean alao anen daily am-'ow sm-12 1-12 noon1 tthgcl73 ries ot my aear- motner died Msy Slsr 1968 You meant so very much to me miss you more each dsy the grief Is still within my heart as I think of you to-day I AA not sy a last farewell or eves say goodbye for you were sons nelore 1 knew snd only God knows why Some thingg ia life you cannot buy a gift thst's rare snd arue k'a the aift al a in7 Saturdaye On tha Beach starring Gregory Peck Ava Gardner Fred Aatalre Anthony Perkins and Donna Anderson Weather ClOSe GRANADA 1 1 jo Mor nine Ser from the London University Chap- laincy 12ISI Underwater Swim- 12401 All About Riding v- 141 Deux Mondea v- 1351 Intermission sf1-1401 Money-go-Round i'-'-Z: 24)1 The Prisoner 8551 Show Jumping 1 Custer 4461 Tha Golden Shot 540! Nica Time v- J0t News' 8161 Showforth 6451 Against the Tide 6551 International Mexico EngUind 8oi Tha Libcrace Show 1001 News 10101 The Big Picture Jeffrey Hunter and David Jan-asenin Hell to Eternity RADIO 1 8451 The First Day of the Week 7oi Newa Weather Ul Sunday Special soi Barry Mason Junior Choice 1041 Symonds on Sunday 1341 Family Favourites 941 Savile'a Travela soi Scene and Heard 44)1 Stage One 50: Alan Freeman Pick of the Pope TJ) i John Peel Top Gear aoi Stuart Henryg Noise at Nine 100f Mike Raven'a and Show 1141 Humphrey Lyttelton 1241 Midnight Newaroom 1261 Night Ride 341 News Weather -V RADIO 2 8651001 As Radio 1 1041 Erie Robineon 11411 People'a Service 18484: As Radio 1 941 Stop Messing About I 8411 You're Only Old Once 341 Fanfare I 4161 Movie-Ko-Round 5474i As Radio 1 74i Sing Something Simple 740: News' Weather Cricket Scores 747: Grand Hotel 840: Sunday Half-Hour 80: Brain of Britain 1969 840t Sounds Familiar 100: Softly Sentimental 114-84: As Radio Cloae RADIO 3 84! Lasallo Quartet 6451 John Updika 710: Tha Mllllonalreag 841 Tcherepnin Ravel 840! Troilua and Criaeyde 1010: Schubert Brahma v- 1141 Newa 11151 Cloae RADIO 750: Sunday Reading 745! Weather Programme Newa 84! Newa 8101 Apna Hi Char Samajhlye 840! The Sunday Papers 860: Pro-firamme News 865: Weather 84: Newa -86: With Heart and Voice 840 The Areticra 1040: Morning Service 1115! Pick of the Week 1210! Sunday Listening Poet 12251 My Muaicl 12451 Weather Programme Newa 14i The World Thia Weekend 24! Gardeners Question Time 340 1 The Sunday Play 840! Talking About Antique 44! In Touch 415! Sunday Sport 440i The Living World 54! Down Your Wav 540! Sunday Sport 645 1 Weather Programme News 841 News 810! Letter from America e35t Sunday Sport 845i Sunday Symphony 755: Tha Week'a Good Causa Appeal 84i Subject for Sunday 840! Joseph Vance oo: Your Hundred Best Tunes 848! Weather 104i News 1010: Friends and Contemporaries 1060: Epilogue 1068: Weather 114! News 114! Music at Night 1145: Forecast for Coastal Waters 1148! Close RADIO STOKE-ON-TRENT 8258301 Home Newa Weather 8301041 In Thy Name 104114! Visiting Time 11411451 On the Ball 1145134! Chemists Rota' 830-30! Gallery 840441 Quia Time 1969 40-416! Lines of Inquiry 441 4451 Home News Weather 445641 Musfcmakera 55-5451 In Thy Name 645 a 640 Home News Weather To-morrow mcrnlng 858701- Programme Newa 1 710-7451 Clock-On Cub Home newg views weather and music i 810-8401 Clock-On Club Second edition 845-80! What'a On 1031 114! Home and Around 1131 a 11461 Foe Infant School COMPT0M GaraasXarportJ Coal part exenanges oi new maevrses or generous discount: also machines fat hire Midisnds Isrgest Mower Services Ltd Beteont-rosd aaara PiamiBiB st relotives fnenna and seistihours 1 Banal Use ft fiwal mmm fAaTa terms Etruria 128 msb asftbB Aa MiiTkai anu air as at iiinw- mmM TriwATbRgf hlra" (Hanley) workmstes of Seddons Plant Ltd for 7-251 Sports Review' 740-221 As Radio vffp RADIO 6J)i Chopin 6401 Poetry i Marathon TI 01 Disraeli 8j)i Orfeo Opera Acta 1 -and a a)t Pergonal View t901 Orfeo Acta 5 4 and 5 10801 Kodaly'' IIJJi News 11151 Cloae MANURBi Hesiouai Musnroom wssi garden greenhouee fertiliser large plastic baga 36 delivered: over 5 wonderful mo her hks the one I bad in you Loved and longed for by daughter Joyce aon-in-law Jack erandchildran Alvaoa and Clifford imw njiiipwinfi anu iiwrai iriouiea received in their sad bereavement also thanking Mr snd Mrs MscDonsldl fnr all their help snd Rev A Jeibart The famihr of Mia lata Mra 11 LOCKER (Mam Reunited with dad 13 over 20 siwiiua BldduiDh 3134 2467 3224 Bfitc SAND Gravel Cement Flags Natural Stone delivered Norman Rhead Ltd Ilnston (33550) a aa "Sr -A oeUvsred tgying biwuc Entos of 43 Ladmmuh-rd Etruria- and Mothers Gone sre the days ws used is share but in eur be aria wnu'ra ahwava fhara- lifa atmm mum aincerviy inane nan icy uAm there douoi 8tonebense Willintf Blocka are tha heat know that's trus but it's But newhtjours especuriiy Mrs Dale for the many kind eswessiona af FENCING immediate dcHvery Inter- esiaS Htiehaa lAiwetwrt Newcsstls M36 sympathy snd beautiful floral tributes Sums since ws lost you Alwsys remembered Son Ken Eileen Rrandthildren and Jinv in TREES grubbed up removal or rooia where nossible Robert Kennedy RADIO 4 International EST-: JKS0 "iWl rcceivca ourwg ineir recent sea bereevemen 129 Mr and Mra Shaw of Oalemixa Concert LOCKER iGran) l'serefWy sleep Tiwa Sunrery Tel Endon 2370 Elder-ra tg 135 i in a civ ir it tvnes erected manu- w40l" Hall MSB6I News 27 Ashmores-lsns Alsager wish ss 8151-One Pair ef Xyeo 8551 Brasiliana In London' i 0451 Summer on the Stour i -1001 Release 10451 Colour Ms Pop 1151 News' V- I 11101 Midnight Movie Trottia True ATV (MIDLANDS) 1851 World of Sport Tennis racing from Think speedway wrestling 5X)J Results Round-up 5151 Tarzan 6101 News- 6151 Set 'em Up Joe The Name of ths Gams 8S0 1 The Avengers BSOl Saturday Night Theatre Rogues' Gallery: Tha Fearful Image 1030 News v-v 10451 Where There's Brau 11301 The Felony Squad" Weather- Close GRANADA '-US World of Sport' 5J)i Resultg Round-up 5151 Tha Adventures of Robin Hood 5401 Joa 90 0101 News I- a1 5 1 Set 'em UP Joe 1 7Jlt Department "St" 7651 Mystery and Suspense Michael Redgrave and Ann Todd In Time Without Pity' mg tree from pain we would not wake you to suffer again John Jeansite snd Great-grandchildren TRENT valley Lawn Tun too Weather Programme Quality weed treated machine cut 2A ii wii: dalivered Pntterien dallv mm BBC1 i 140-6401 Sunday Cricket TJ): News Review Weather 725: Music Music Tha George Mitchell Singers 8181 Around the Tha Conquest of Everest 04OI Music Now 10301 Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In -11101 News Summary Sunday Cricket Scores 11151 Pick of tha Month ATV (MIDLANDS) 1101 Communion Service H15I Under-Water Swim- ming 13401 All About Riding 151 Deux Mondea 1371 IntsrvaJ 1451 Whiplaah 8151 Show Jumping from th Bath and West Show S101 The Spanish Gardener starring Dirk Bogarde Jon Whlteley Michael Hordern 4461 The Golden Shot 540t Nice Time Jot Newa 1 alSi Show-Forth aSSi Againat the Tide) a-5Si International Football a OS The Liber ace Show starring Llberace with Sacha Distel the Duke of Bedford Stu Gilliam Anita Harria Richard Wattle and Georgina Moon 100: Newa 10151 The SuruLay Feajtura MILLS (Era sat) Treasured memo express their sneers tbanke le sll reli1 uves friende snd ntiglibourg fur kad' espreseions ef sympathy and fur beau I fut floral tribune received during their! recent aad bcrssvemeut Memorial I sii' Joiss Super Star Bsllsr 2 F0RB -i esc eond highssi offsr sesonss use esc Danes uanpie oeain uj mo waim liruB tor Klaaa Garden Edgings Linsposta Gateposts Fence ries or my aesr nusrwna unseen unheard yet slways near sun missed still loved sUR very dear Always in my rhuugtws Loving wife Lvdls Me Posts wall Blocks cosi Bunkers nsrsgeg RuslicCedsrwood Fencing Sand Gravel Cement Ash Orna-mental Gates Leek-rd Hsnley nvnTi 130 MILLS tUrnest) Silent lhoUKhts of umes together noia memories thst will Isst for ever Stan In Pat MILLS (Ernest) You would not WE are not wrong Stonehenge coloured paving Is crssy Hughes Lower-it Newcastle (6464367) Newcaatle! as ue-ae mini Aiesgsr on Sunday June Win at 630 a 129 Mr A Abbotts snd family of el Esrl'srive Clayton wish te thank all I relatives friends and neighbours for ihs kind expressions of sympathy and -floral tributes received ia their recent bereivemntt Mrs Chatfield snd family ef J58 Cltydt Kenton extend very sin cere thanks to sll relatives friends neighbours alt at ihe Miner Engineer ins Co Longton and everyone con-v rerned mr their sreat keidnrss lette-e snd such beautiful floral tributes MMlMit la th' ui wXH Newa and Radio Newg reeL 48BI Midland Newa $oi Spoi-t In the Midlands 7Jl'Does the Team Think? 7401 Let the People Sing 8301 Saturday Night Theatre t58i' Weather' 1001 Newa 10101 A Word In Edgewaya 10661 Lighten Our Darkness 11101 Music at Night 11481 Weather News 11461 Fore-ess: for Coastal Water 11461 Cloae RADIO STOKE-ON-TRENT S408A! Ace of Clubs 8J)7J)i On tha BaLU Situations Filled PERSONNEL Officers snd Manasers with for tears of fuss but Just to be remembered by us Vers Sim Christ ine Eddis nl29 FATTISON (Mary) Died June 1st 1966 This month comes around with ssd regret it brings back a mornng I ahall not forget simpls sre the words but very true of a desr wife I shall alway sremember you Loving husband Colin also Ann 129 FATTISON (Mary) Silent thoughts true and tender Just to show we aUU Uvfngton SPPtiSeV-' VuS VuvpcrSLEY HsH Gsrden Centre Why not save vslusbls time and trouble When you have filled a situstion place a amall-ad In tbif column acknowledging all anpllcationi snd notifying gppucsitts Unit tha position has been 61 Telephone ''Senttnelt Tsi-Adsi Stoke -on-Trem 29666 tC Memorial service on Sunday June S'h Artists at reutukrsrjiuuiuriJab aja m- 84: Ten American 5401 French Songs remember lvyA John Maune1 £tyj 10 a-m-J 1 -Vr.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.