Daily News from New York, New York (2024)

.4 DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 19S3 52 Roosevelt Rated Entries (POSl-8 BEST J1MM1E NORMAN (5th) PDQ Aqueduct Ratings Selection fee fast Trai-k) Round TaltU laae. rr filly. ha Keen ajnlurky. Honours List speedy Ballet Rose, hichly regarded Native Itanr 1T By ACE rACcR a-sxisaxn'a Kd 5TH 45uo; 3 up- 6 Trot: 3 and 4 yra 1 1 ST S2.0f)0 Wowdhonse Uml in Lat -nits BM Tlm Commsnti Pruto The layer 1 IH Drli P. Hor 5 :05.S Ready win lacrimal Ch'xe 1 I I 4-i-'; K.

iTrtine 7 Vi 3 I 3 II 0 Dennis Rrlle 114 TymMi Kip Keratins b4icnoiar Prolil 01 1.0-.S Pepper Pol flog ill an Poky Nose North Bend 5- 0-2 3-1 6- 1 10-1 mi 1 VI M. Hirsrh F. MrMillaa S. Jacobs 1. HillllllK 1..

Barrera Miller V. Wriehl 11 Alomar Adam i Seller 11 Giiiines Y'-aza 11 Wnitdhouse 3 Rr.lZ I'hoii HfiUse Gr'dma's ie Sredwin 114 1 14 I 1 1 1 1 1 4-up; 13.50111 is I li: I rrliriana M. Padovaai 41 121 I 3 taHa S. liiMaatrn 2-1 I'M I littery 4. Livari 3-1 1-4 1 0 I.i ml 1' Simiiii 0 1 119 3 0 0 Combat B.

Fields HI 1 11a 0 l) H.Jacobson 15-1 103 11 11 11 Cubh S. Caunu 15-1 115 3 II 0 Gllerln T. Heard 15-1 nm ii 11 Ljhw m. Padoyam 11 ll. 11 11 11 -into Bradh-v -M 115 11 li Nu Boy Luuri I 1 l- 1 3 II J.Omibl Comliest 211-1 Rnlhsleti enlrv h-l AF Sl ahle-Lipari enlrv I -Jinwhis; rapid improvement.

Refutios keeps H. KWI J. Kiliarftoii L. Pullen A. Bnrtoa J.

Sear-W. ver The threat 7 .3 May aurpriae 2 :07.3m Some leood apola 2:09.3 rh -e to snriiriKe- 3:08 4 Must hIiow mote 2:09 3 atim 2:09.4 Lous chawe al Maiden 4-10-tii 8-31-03 Maiden Miildeu 8-31-03 auleil viciory ramp Scotch Affair Iteelmal nnace beaten laii last rime rsoasaei Herman Dennis Belle speedy. Chop House mar be R. Krtieier Baruor Hanover 1 Xlckleplale 1" Tninkiti, 3 Gii aldilfa 'D Sl.MlKI: Pace: 3 vrs 1 m. Tooti Rainbow K.

Webb 11 lnko llidnrea -i -l -l 8 1 HI 6 1 8 1 S-l 4-1 4- 1 5- 8 I S-l- 10 I tj-l 7- HI S-l 5 1 1 Air eini Thr Plnyrr ItreaHy lnirovHl in tlift pare. 6TH 5 StH) 1 itt 4ninc Artmnil Strarir 7 Rafti Prini P-mrlian Nu Reprieve I Ni.i A am dcyceodi tile scale. Genobnr nc ill he Ilie lead an far a ll tiaod reporta The eiHttpetitioa Will he threat ay surprise list ahow mora I'haoi-e to uuaet A fine name Chances slim 9 4 3 OOm 2 2 09 3 2:09. 2:09 Profit or Loss steady -i-3 B-l--i Maiden aiden Maiden Maiden 4-18 03 4-1K-63 Scrsey 3 rr alw f. 117 I fl Brt 4.

rMwaT S-l I I "-i ry K. Ha.vward VS Ill 1 1 fiuerin T. Sttlndin 4-1 i 1 WMwllH.ue A. Keller 5-1 11U tt (iiiMin Serna rt-l i 117 'inn Bae7a .1 Conway 1 115 ll rt No Bov- M. Miller K-1 115 tl Hrmantlei J.

KiiMim'on 12-1 tt 9 2 Tarryhiwn Suct-etw Tiaie 5 Some Rice 1 True Guinea 4 Bar Rail 8 S. otch Medley 3D 3.3liO; 8 0 6 6 4 tnnnt N.I. i 3 3 H. Jsruon M.Mtirn lc 117 ft 1 Mine ft ivvTW T. Heard 4 xxIaraTflU 0 I.Huitfrwd V.

Ilanrer A Wtiiuer I Rolien-G. Sholty A Abbaliello J. I'liaimian Trot 5-p: 1 to t. Ilaneer J. Cruifce Sholly W.

Welch lit 4-1 4-1 8-1 lO-l 15-1 15-1 2H-1 a-Darbv Dan Farm entry. Mati-h Wif roin frm mrklinr triumph. Coin Aronnd In thr pink. Stmric and Kh Trim on ame levt. 3:01.3 Richt ror beat 9:03 The threat l.ait on aood av aurorise Kid.

the Ron 1 aUi 1 -8-3 -4-K 5 1 1-63 8-30-H2 5-17-62 3-37-63 1 0.000: Red Kldnu 11 Gazpacbo 115 -Ni Man L'd 117 0 0 tinenn Smith 0 -i Sorremino P. He lev 0 BoIaiKi P. Si mm 0 1 iUMtini-4 're-maa It tt tt rVlu I 6 1 2 Some aood etiota R. Vandernat Nil I.I le t'liani-e to improve 5-1 xxi alboun lt6 2 03 2 03m 8 1 9-i 3- 1 4- 1 HI 5- .1 irlory tvld 5 Mitthtr M. 1 Imocene 6 Miehly Siffnal 3 Priory Abbey 4 Mr.

Mldmxhl 7 Nile Train 4TH 3.000 .1 QBiek 4o 4 Tinea 3 Major's Son 7 Thoughtful Shown little H. Parke K. Neloy T. Troiitt J. Denni 1 Mini 1 ark hd rIa uulf l.k.

I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 114 11 107 114 vr. J. Fitzirnmon Mtxjftrn la? bHi rsrn. Hb befn vrr Bi A vN. Minrj Mfi-Mon (Mrb in top form.

Ian THIa ark. hich -d. Rntx A 9 err II KetierM il II Adam II 0 0 Woorilmnae 3 0 II Hernandex Rnane II 0 Mellon II II II (tierin il Marwiil Karne'le Ml.i Doll Ina 4 St Rernar.i 3 Treachery 1 Vola Tolomba 7 Waltz Sone Lady Prernet 7.500: 1 5-30-03 l-4-3 5-28-63 5-39-63 4-16-63 Pace: Olairoint 4. roie tierry. Jr.

I. Iiiyko Ma. Donald Puney P. Myer 10 1 15 1 15-1 211-1 .1 Nertlil K. Wlin .1 Kellv fek e-i 4-1 Busy Uares 114 1 14 liiiEl( aI It i jurkvoa A K.y f'rincp l.Vi 112 T.

WKh 7 NVaocto 152 P. SniHtl P1 14'? ft II Rnrn. ill-1 ti. rhl irk D. SinilhwK-k 3 MiBhty Ben fl C.v Bohemia Vahile hai hy far the bet rra form.

Marwol run well SjJJIa 5TH S4.5II0: Pai-e: Paieraon: 5-up: 1 m. Tlie S-l 5-1 I 4 1 5-1 4 1 8 1 VS II 5- 1 6- 1 5-1 6 1 10 1 15-1 :AI.C Richl fer beat 3 The eMnipetltioa 2:113.3 ill be threat 1 :59.3ro In fine form 2 :l5.3 Iark horse 2:114.1 May surprise 2 :04.2 Chances stun 1 -m In xrrat sbape The eaMtipetithn :U3.3 ill be threat 2:02.1 May improve 2 Has been idle 2:01.4 Some cood stiots 2:01.1 Lon overdue 2 :02 Lonar chance I mn freinrr 14 2 0 0 Am rn turf. Rarnexville Mli at home over irxwi. whi na apeet. may he hard to ratrh.

6-4-K3 Robert 3-1 III HI-1 15-1 land of the F. 1 4'Z xxHutlle 1 4S 0 Jak4oa J. Ski ii net 3 1 BtM K. KieM TH 55.IWIII: 3-HP. mm man 3 I 6 ti 4 6 113 IS r.iitlne F.

Bolton 7 Spumed a Tliouroo-Carie entry JlBnmie Narman Umr Hanaaer Rifle Ball Major Discovery Dirk Byrd Fancy Gold Galileo Pick 5-2-3 4-13-63 10-3-62 4-30-63 111-35-63 10-25-62 Sholly H. Bell A. Burlon R. Walker D. lnsko J.

Faraldo I improvinc. Baby Vinittn in the pink. Bnle Call I stakea inner lait aeaaon 4TH 4.o00; mdns 5 f. 111 (Inn Rnane H. 4aeol 118 1 8 Yraxa I- Barrera S-l llrt Veitiano t.

4-1 11 3 ll II Ron J. Brer I'l lis 0 3 llimxalex R. Simml lo-l 114 ll il il Pmtt T. Vi-iier 8-1 4 Land of I.nvr Priye Fhtht 3 xxliood Ob 5 Hold the Fort 1 Ranuo 3 Too rh Br Jordan I.uca'a Luck 11 22-62 6TH 3.rO0: Pace: 5-up: 1 m. l.nMOBf A Ktride HwMMira I-Wt 1 1 Ballel Kuoe ltiAlanl Hill 11 ln.ko 4.i.K3 1 Kmle Lsagst Snumed rieht hak.

Ijnd of I.vr rianceraus. Prixe FixUt traek winner. tood tth ran take It all. 9TH S4.3U0: 3UI): flmtf lall i My Sheer CariiMa Sot rent Ina aut. Kredilie 3-S Riant fas- beat 3-1 2 i May reverse -l 3:01.1 Gasad apselrhaaes 4-1 2 :03.1 Ch ce to improve 8-1 2:01 In list show more 8-1 2 :03 2 chances slim S-l 2 :02.2 Shown little 1 2 :01.1m Low chance 8-1 i 13 117 I 15 II ll Darhnr Tani Calie 3 RfHionatle Koneevaleh 9 xxxHalsy V.

3 Persian liold 119 inn taery M.Miller 4-1 11 3 WMMlhoae J. l''Hziioony 119 Kola Knrrh 5 1 11H Rivera Ureeoe 5-1 list Baexa liaver 119 0 3 0 Yi-aza W.A.Keller 119 Gostinea Waller HI-1 1 1 0 Tery K. Havward HI-1 119 0 No Roy Sernar 15-1 p'plieiano L. l.aiinn 1 tt-1 119 IJonxalex J. Wejperi 15-1 119 0 Uiisnnea Wallen.

lll-l 119 II J. Com hen lotnhr-t 311-1 119 Roland W. Boolli I S-l 119 tiitenn Pal-role 1 S-l lio Sellers Horan 15 1 entry. iraled fitnea tn reeent elever effort. Stride 1H Xnra Turn 115 S-l 4-1 8-1 0-1 211-1 10-1 30-1 10-1 311-1 Kmlricitea P.

U. Jaihnion H. Stek J. il. lVLiso It Seaho E.

M. O'Brien M. D. Parke Bemtiam 3 ft ainnxalex 0 3 0 WiMMlhnn-r 0 0 3 Laviano 0 1 3 J. Cmnbeal 3 0 0 W.MHlhonae II 0 0 Sehwizer li ll 3 Baexa II il 0 Laviano li ll II Bah I'leaa re 1 1 Id Bellnole 115 1 Lucero Lion 115 5 xxxViro 9S tt 1 1 II Most shew best Strm threat May wrxriae Some iissl spots Always trouble Must show more Koyalt flin Fil 7 Venire Turf Ch'ienna 1 4 Fools Deli ah 1 Kyrtakmil a Slone-Wall.

lawhHrc ind -1 S-l -l 8-1 5 1 4-1 12-1 4. Marltanald A. inscr -l-i3 Jordan 1 1-6-62 H. Beissinier 10-6-62 Invine 9 15-62 Cherrtx 7 10-82 I Roberts 1 1-24 62 Pace: 5-up: 1 m. J.

Chapman 4-19-63 K. Cherrix 5-2-3 J. I rrr St. Jaisiucs 5-29-63 sttolty lusko 5 18-63 A. Wuirer 5-2-6:) Weld, 3-29 63 Pace: 5-np; 1 II ln.ko 3-311 03 li.

Sholly P. Myer 4-l7-3 Pusev 1 I E. Pownall 10-39-3 A. Winerer 4-5-03 Chapman 1 1 19-H3 Por.fuiir.-r Il-l-rI2 ReMpaahle 4 i FhJJU iiiih in a oft KPOt 2 Twinkle Star A Knixht Cham 4 Carlton 8 Merrie Blancm 3 Pat Hocan 5 Royal Bert 7 Army Hanover 7TH S3.50II: 5 Scotch Import 2 Roek So nr. 1 Clover laaf 6 Lord Dares 4 Aptly 5 Earl L.

Lusty 7 Dale's Boy 8 Pioneer Pick 8TH S26O0 GoneGoslin 7 Arizona's First tt Ronnie Lynn 1 Demson 2 Rhythm Lad 4 Stars Brother 8 KniKTht Adieu 5 Guess Ac-am 9TH $1 9O0 2 Worthy Willow peed in lat. Knnervalra and Paty V. have wan reaaiaally x-5. xx-7. xxy-10 Ibe.

aiiprenti.e aliowam-e I nances slim Lone chance 10 I at a' E. Best Aqueduct Selections SrIM 1:93 2 2 111 In 2:03 3 2 2:01.2 t.m A 2 114 4 2 :03 2 2 1)5 1 2 113 4 2:04.1 1 :3. 2 l5 4 2 03 2 :05 2 07 3 i StaJT onren-tu Pepper Pc tienobar Pace; Claiming S4.0O0: 1 4- 1 8 1 8 1 6 1 HI 8 1 5- 5-2 I 8 1 6 1 8 1 mi Reported really The rsstnpetil iwa ill be threat May surprise Some leood sirots list improve Chances, slim Lome chance Rates the sod-The pppositlosi ill be threat ay surrtMse Some rood stmt Must show mote Chances elrm L'Uiic -Mile. J. t'rnise Miner Mverson CONilNiUS FiKiires in wiirtusiw how coniharitiv? ratings based on five Daily Ki-'i ib v'ni-m se i-turs allnwuiK fire for firsi Uoday's best 7 points) 2 for 2d 1 for 3d.

AyiF.iurr t'ount New Turk 4-l7-2 4 27-63 5- 19-63 5 17 63 3-21 -63 8 34-H1 G. Sholly Myer i. Donald Ma.Donai.l Rnhardson D. lnsko 4 Noxanoe Creed 5 Newtown laid 3 Ben Primrose 8 Miracle Henry 6 G. Commander 1 WhitaCnnnia Around S5 nro Sinn 'einr Pot ket Bo -fee i Baby Prince Stride Distant Hill 6S Wus Rful inn Pepier Pot Genobar Count New York Miner Myeratrn Mvtro P.H rtet R.

k-t Babv Sinn Feoier Distant Hill Darhntr Tarn Leeabur-E The Players Dennis Nlt Dwimal Goinr Around Stearic Camden s. ward PfPln-r Pot Refill. 4ienubar Miney MrrTwin fount New York Myo Selection! Mv Sheer Jot Turj rhallrfixjce lhfp Hon-ie Dm-im-il i omasa The Player Gointf Amtipd eiifHua Br-n-, XlM Macedonia 4 Paatif Free-Legeed. x-Did not finish. A Also Elicible.

leMisa 20 11 7Barne Nubi oil Bernard 4 R. This Day in Sports Fba-whtrr Fnink't I ieiiohar Refill iiik Pepper Pol Mmey Myeron fount New York Sinn Fimr Baby Pnnv Pocket Rmket Sln.ie My Joy 1-oyal China Tbe Plavprs Det-iroH! ('on: an a I 'hwi House fioinr Around Rah Pnnce Maoedouia Nubile St. Bernard Marwol Spurned Too Mm Br aa Hold I lie Fort Romt5vai- Bab a Plesuf Cant. Kr-tldie sneer Joy Th Players 1 1 i hop House ti ieiinial Coinate 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8Pn Id ThvFort ToosMueuBra: apt. Goinsr Around Rash Pnnca acedon i a Ntibile la 3 3 19 FIV 9 SaGleS amd 91 Persian tiold Gaffer's Trot Picks 1 Speed win.

Grateful Vie. Tvson Rip. Dolnreji. Tarrylowo. SuiVf Time.

Imotfene. Train. Victory Kid. 4 Vui Jo.T Thomthif Ml Busy Dvre. .5 Jimmie Norman.

Rifle Ball. Var Hanover. 0 Twinkle Star. Ernie Leaurae. Xmcbt Chaniu 7 I-ord Dare-s.

Rwi Sonr Aptly rtr' Brother. Artaoaa First, Ronnie Lynn, ft Miratie Henry, Susaoa CreeJ. i Worthy Willn Benl Star' rot her (HMh Roocevatlf-s Refntinz- 14 lenohar 11 Sun'o Reward 7 New York 16 Myao iney Mver-son 5 Pr.nce 20 xoio 7 Royal Vision 6 Icsbura 11 Distant Hill Stride The Players 22 "oil' air-1 1 3 Dennis Belle 5 MtJ Baitman 27 Crack Back 7 Wa.vsTosavt Anthony Jr. 19 Farr Blend 1 5 Stajihlusn 3 Tira Sun 27 Come Vueeiiie 4 Couni'-ss Vrsu 4 Babe K. S7 Lit lie Island 4 Roy surue 2 Nubile Si.

Bernard Baruevilte Mi4 "Spurn-. PTizr Kbt Too Much Bra Roncev Jr-tt Bar Piea-ura Cat-t. Frfilihe St. Bernard Barnaville Miss Spurned Prize Ficht Too -M in Bras. Rom-evall-s Hab'8 Pleasure I ant.

Freddie BUST Ooinc Around ttl-) TH StotiriinWdn 1 4 iold Rhythm 11 Alliiewa 7 Martial Owen i7 Prize FiEht Too Murli Brass Bin Pleawura PaMv 116! xiirey Treasure 1 on HR'Seorac S. 120 HotJacodare 130 Kohn -Mrs. M. Robinson t'halk Eye I'oloov's Pat xChma Ollest a-lieorae Bl.ick entry. Welfttcore Entries By I MTin PKKSS INTERNATIONAL ptST fkP.M.

(KIT 1 Clear and tiood 7Happ.T Anil rindsr Maa Poor Sou I 8 Roman Spark Bi-vuKty Sea Stall better lil S3 i Hi: 2 .5 1 Best Rahe k. ith z-3. x-5 Ills. AAC. Listed to post.

'mrragansett Entries IP1IST 7:15 P.M. KDT J.iber Deb Rare Kxehanre27 Strone Player 1 5 JL.HH if-R Signal Smoke Press By Inited International April Serenade 9 Main Sasriry 2 Restless Cloud 1.1 atey 10 Nimmcr 10 LealherSt'kint 12 Revolutioiiiai a 6 7 2 Bull Siete Burrway Ji-Jo 3 Star P'iM-r Rimnie Mint Pa-prioHt 41-eOveIyA Ua.r 4 Shavlv Si'iutitntf Wool fVier Pumukiu I ill Me Ishuiael Watch lis Hot Last Wuk Nova Prince xl 'oot Caution KPinswmai 2D 3 IHIII: a War Emotion Ji-Jo Burrwav Miss Shore Parly Harrison Count! Slep Above Lord Harry Retinoscope ll.lLtnllo 120.: 120! xCry the Blues 115 120Slrona Player 120 12nlGertrude O. 117 13H! Signal Smoke 1211 13ul B.irri Free 130 liOIShackahd 117 1 Belva Dell 1 1 7 llofllreek Romeo 130 4-np; 6 f. ce 111 llOITybart 1I lllirai-Boy 116 116 Bold Blenn 1H6 1 16 Law Court 110 1 16i xPresinius Pet lilrl 120 i Froslv nlaiu 1211 1 111 Bull Side 116 116'xRcd Hammer 111 4-up: 1. 115 ll51Bavard 113 llO faoj Pei 113 115'x-IfICau 111 Roiire 115 1 113 Aa 115 1131 4-up: 6 f- 108IX Trackrliythm 108 113'x-Curk Oleas 110 110 French Artist 115 1131 Marvelous Mel 115 113H BuzeroT.

Ids Senrae 1st 13.IHIO Count Rhorly si avsaul 3od Sla Khobar Movers Italian Sun Preroc alive Cadet Boots Ftindcran 3D 3 iiisii Ret Damsel Thomas Keys Clothes Pin Intra nsil Dear Queen 'Gay Heading For Chicago? By Chris Kieran N'ow that he has moved nut in front of the other 3-year-olds, where does Belmont winner Cha-teaugay fro from here? The 1 problem didn't seem to bother the Darby Dan Farm colt one bit as he relaxed in his Belmont bam after coming out of the mile and a half test in fine physical shape and trainer Jimmy Conway wasn't quite sure himself. "Well have to wait and ee," he said yesterday. "We really have no plans for him yet." CHATEAIG IS eligible ftr the Mid-American triple for 3-year-olds, beginning with the mils 'anrl an oiohtV. 1 AA A AO halk F.va IS 10 ti Sano sppr Jaisvlare BF.ST Rare F.irlianxe (54fa NARAti.AN'SKTT If 1 tan 23 Secret Pennies 19 lenitd 6 Blllxo Aa 8lavsail sorry rox 13 I Grey Soots 7 113v-Fi-ee Conferencelds 6 JUNEI0J953 BJlUMY FHEQSALL, PLAYING HIS PIKST FULL SEAS0M IN TME MAJORS, BANGED OUT SIX STBAlGHT HITS AS MEL PARNELL AND THE RED SOX DOWNED TUE ST. LOUIS BROWNS, 11-2.

Be Noble Don I lo Pan-fa Sister Carol 29 I 1 House Herbert Awe ent. b-Aienal Farms Jr Frank Panzner ent. 3D 13 750: clma 4-up: 1 m. Rising Misl 114i xPaspartoul 112 -lar Piper 117'KamaBov 114 Avanti 114 Hollnn Gal 109 llnna i Plym le H9 list Gobbler 113 1 15 113 113 i Deliaht 311 2 0OO 3 6 f. Countess Hilda 10K' Dis Gvimv Queen Ten ll.tlChief Mashpee HsntueansSwina 115'F'rontward yan Away 1 13 Lauhina Dan 4th- 3 0im 4-upr 1 m.

Sullies Joy 115Alert tireek ours 1 lS'x Hcineri Harry 'ae Fast Dear Queen 22 Be Noble lo Tra a Kiiythm 7 Laiurll'm; Dan 23 Chief 13 Oisraiis Away Utirs 20 Alert 8 Genesee 'alley 7 Puiyu 23 17 15 6 12 118 1 10 118 Little Shooter Blue Soor Royal Buckle Falcon Fllaul 9 lenesee alley 11 l.isdlltl Svscirtf Co In' fi 1SW b- N'ss 4TH S3 immi Burke Last Fuss xSea View iss Dutch Will Bnnv Court -Mis. Alertr.1 c.Lovelv Affair Philsr-rerl rlnit i H3'Shaity Maid 111 IDS! xSand St'lir 1IIK lll3ld Kmir Chris phe 113 1131 Waler Battle 1 13 lift1 Charles 113 Ids' a Kushner lOS 113 lOS'h -Kabiilous Lee 113 lOflM-Salov a 113 Couit de Grais 5ih Jermar rhiefland x-Hamnier Mill 14 ad Paa-Ce I7lhl Imitator iih ati.nii 115 1119 1118 1181 cimit 4-up: 6 f. llolPlnxil lOolsnn of Dinah 1 Belt US: 4-up: ft f. 1 16 Pleasure Charm 12 i I Stakes Saturday and followed by xLiohlen Ia Gordon A David C. Rlalork ent 6th S3 t' 31.IO: Monmouth Kntings Korte Culnione Harms asll Monacelli 4-up: 1 rV m.

b-Mai: Sorry Fox Zu.kin i Mrs. Fen.lall M. ji another pair of hundred granders, 20 the mile and a quarter American Derby, July 13, and the mile Arl- Claerti ntrv Kver So Humble 1 1 olskillieolee By tKSEl JOE Saint Or Sinner 113'Secret Pennies 2 P.M. c-Viclor A. Palumbo 3t Desmond R.

Flynu entrv KIT) 1 Jtb) Grey Boot' Best Cinder Man 113 1ii9 115 1119 109 111 116 J-Gillaert Rlom Mrs I.oia Ashell 5TH -4 alw 3 4 5 landaus 118 tl a-Tuder stiv'l US 7 tattle Island 1 18 8 Is Bon 118 10 Royaume 118 a-Auburn Farm entry. STH SS.tKKI; 8 Shotllin eri'x 112 3 field Rhythm 1 15 I Allitrwsa 112 1 Dance and Play 112 6 Red Tears 112 4 CleTer chess 112 2 Certainly Gray 112 3 Petal's Star 112 7 xNooress 107 9 puss* Footer 1 1 3 6TH Alwcs a F.hh Pri 2 5 '-a I. J.saxev Olds Knmka 8-5 liraot hambers.W 4-1 ington Classic, August 15. The John W. Galbreath Darby Dan stable operates out of Belmont and races at Saratoga in August where Chateaugay is ei-nected to go later.

The big one for him up there is the $75,000 Travers. eldest stakes in th 119 1 in I lO no 105 1 HI 1 IO 107 Brooks 6-1 llodesa Main Sasrry s(ly Sons Oi'm .1 I Fieel 'ts Fan sv I yir Vixen Kinesfale April Serenade ldT'Lahaina 1 lO'K Ft. hanie 14' Daneinr Nail llu'Oueen Rlvei 1 1 ON Naval Cnalion 1 1ft' B.keal Driver 1 mlh-Oiod Goohie 1 10' Mr iisln lOSI 1st -vtitns. ooOO P.P. Horse Wi 1 Baitman IIS 5 Crark Back 1 16 3 Wayslave I 18 9 Owen s-lee lis 10 Franklin Town 118 1 I Count star 1 18 4 Snub 118 2 Voliloir lis 6 Sophia's Boy lis 7 Prini-e Am 11 8 Ryder's a il 1 1:1 117 117 113 7th 4imii: Just Gobbler Star Brier Prime Lad Kinir Shol Sih SWS I'MUl Little Shooler Tiiu-h Bar Hi Deliuhl Van Qne-I 9lh 3 IMMI: SerE-eanl Riwkhewn Ral Ruckle Hnnalelv Siar Wanoii Cuunoue Harmalt Zakoor French 1 Alw 3-yrs 6 f.

114i Portly Miss 1 1 2'Sister Carol 114'Pan Ce 1 121 Alw 4-up: 1 m. 113 Rich Greek 1 l'lKace F.a-t 110 Trcsilor 3nd 113' clmsr 4-up: 1 1 13'Memories Ileal 1 lKIFalcnn Fhjht 1 131 Colon 2nd 1 15'Bullv me 113'Bie Chanry'lor 131Nvmphes Bully 1 l.tiBlne Koor 1 Belle listed to post. I Mifohe 8-1 13-1 101 20-1 12-1 lO-l 20-1 S-l Mar'l Owens 1 1 Gnnim Gtlliean Kariie 3 yrs 6 f. a-Mary Zii.kin enlrv. Stursill it r.ralh Mr M.

Olin i Geori A eolrv Clmir :l.OOO: 1 10 1 13 1'3 113 118 lis i 108. 1 I Fair Bleed I I I akiwr 115 I2t 117 117 115 110' 117 I I Wild Oats I Sad id Mike i The Baron I Oather'e Dusk I P'w'r lo Strike Fennee Son ja-Cahimet Farm Palriisas shoe Kastle Tony Greek Knurht ft lbs AA( tl 4-1 8-1 6-1 Anthony. Jr. 122 Verbal Battle l8 Stahlslown 119 Miirhty Dancer 1 1:1 Km- Hercules 115 i country. As for Candy a two and a half length loser in the Belmont, I he's already on his way to Chi- cago "I can't really say whether Candy Spots will run in the Chicagoan or not and I probably won't make up my mind until I 9 10 Karte Freneh Grant Chambers Brooks Block Grant 5-2 Karens a 2-1 Kafcasar 4-1 Glllteaii 6-1 Zak.Hir llll Chambers W.

8-1 Monacelli 2U-I Brooks lu-1 Hole 20-1 Monacelli 2D-1 3 6 f. Brooks S-l S-l tirimna 4-1 Del fmhio 4 1 Brooks 2 1 Zakoor 6 1 Monaielli 21-1 Lawless 8-1 4 up: 5 Botilmetts 2-1 hambers.W. 5-2 I'nlmane 4-1 Gilhean 3-1 Grant 8-1 Monaeclli 12-1 Orimm 13-i Brooks 20 1 Zakoor 20 I 4-oii: 1 m. Brssoks 2-1 1aainaera.W. 4-1 rreneh 4-1 Culmone 6-1 Mona4S.i 20-1 Boulmetia 12 1 Korte 15 1 IrriiBin 10-1 Miami Shores 114 Turer Prin.y 115 Sweet Sng-ar HO Shannon Belle 1 06 Rapscallion 3d 115 3 5 8 6 Cnlmone Lawlesa Corcoran Grimm PDQ'S HTH 50.1 xRestlss Cloud Wisnei Simmer t'hal's trp Toc Hustle Buhhl a Flasler Far 7TH 4 T.IMI War Din.

er 3d Karr Fclire railnisl.er T.i.k ot Fairies till ief Flnrrv yUotiuv Rride I her i'k ir lonisi liiamood CTios Imi 4-up' 6 f. lOTICIovcr Leaf 113, 17 0' a-M atev 1 117 112'yNmra. 113 llrt'y 1 07 1 1 SI Dinner Jacket entry i mi 4 up: 1 m. 113 1 13'M Gun 116 114' Bray 11! 1 13K ilhv ire. 1 14 lOfllBriia ll I 112IFairv Circle ins 1 1 1 1 Vim-e Rizzo 1 09 1 19'a st Rrolher 113! lOS'a Miche lea I I I TH Cinder Man Happy Ancle Second B'fast Poor Soul Play Rough Royal Ration OurTwis Winffate Fine News 5.0Oil: I 19 122 I 15 113 119 115 119 115 114 3D 3.5l0 3 1 yV m.

CHOICE a. CHANCE lsA Tira Snn 117 Cloverriale 117 Star Daisy 1 13 xxHolly Spr'rs ll6 xxLauryl 11 0 6-1 6- 1 oo-l 201 20-1 20-1 7- 5 6-1 in-! 8- 1 6 1 lO-l 8-1 10-1 tVS S-l -l lO-l 12 1 A9UEDUCTJ 8TH- Plma. Rronks Ron flrlmm Moscariello Hole Hirmatx Cnlmona Shaw Grant Ronlmetls Come Oueenie 113 Wriem Mshl.m Kline Mil Cox entry time, said trainer Mash Tennev. TENNKY AD no excuses nr Candy Spots' Belmont perform-; ance. "No, I don't feel- any Jtetter about second place after a night sleep," he said.

"As I mentioned1 after the race you can't be too disappointed about it. We had a good shot but he couldn't make it. I ountess isn 113 Titian C.raob 113 iMHf: I 15 I 13 115 1 It 106 115 115 5 Roasraal rtpark Stall (iotter 1 Wberebj 2 Rudolph 3 Scorned 6 Hasty Pace 4 IjC Paaroia 4TH Mdns. yra. Best Hatch Wits (7th) Worth a Wager Viibile (7th) fllirv STH MKl i ii Kid Sixth SVnw Hi Reeriar, In flit tar Gre'-k Taver Ti ler He he IIS 4 Campo Rasa I 1 8 9 Hanny Jeeo I IK elms 4 nn 1 -V rrr 1 1 ft' Chocolate Chip lift 115 llfltRloeOtm 115 I Frriictt I tft llftlxLark Hill 1 1 I II ft! Forty Gran.t lift 5 Brandy sea 1 15 1 Sasnlialh 118 Cnlmooe 3 afaVaBien 11 si Cliambert I-S TT-7 lbs.


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.