Anderson Daily Bulletin from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

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Anderson Daily Bulletini

Anderson, Indiana

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7 7 i Syracuse Threatens Packer Recovery Here Tonight 0 ALL AMERICA 0 a A 4 MOUTHUL 3 4 saw WhwK 10 1 0 0 MORE COLLEGE SQUADS JOIN EARLY ACTION Hammond Is Victim Saturday i rv A Stetson iBiBlOiil his Christmas ua cvriJMU euvceea Baugh's wHalas? punctuated an 80 yard Redskin march thereafter with a 14 yard touchdown 'tone to Bagarus providing1 the climax Don running score just befors halttime made it 41 7 No score In the third period and touchdowns by Bear George Guly sales and Red skin Tonell Increased the count to 48 at the final gun New York Nov Half of the professional football scramble was unscrambled today with the Cleveland Browns and Philadelphia Eagles clinching divisional honors in their respective leagues The pulverising Browns came from behind yesterday to whip the San rancisco 49ers31 28 and nab honors for the third straight year In the All America Conference Western Division Philadelphia meanwhile stowed away the National Eastern Division title for the second season 1 1 4 Semi final bouts tn the American Liglon novice boxing tournament win be staged in the Anderson Arenas tomorrow? beginning at 8 Approximately 14 fights are planned In all weights as young sters seek to qualify for final com petition that may send them Into state finals later In the season Physical examinations will be made at Calabria Post at 5:30 after which drawings will be mads in the Arena at 8 Tentative plans place the finals for later In ROMS CHARRED AAV TEETH vlBa's BUI Gariett now a sophom*ore at Indiana Indiana's schedule be ginning with DePauw Saturday night Isn't calculated to produce many polnt individual perform ances but Garrett might overcome IL Garrett broke Wilson aU tlme sowing roeord In the 1947 high school tourney collecting 91 points In the last four games' Wilson had scored In the 1949 I A A meet Coach Branch McCracken of I la well supplied with veterans but be was disappointed by their re peated losses of dose games last season The sophom*ores may be used freely The crop besides Gar rett includes such X947 high school stars as Rossville's Phil Back Jas per's Robert Imkemeyer "Gary Mann's Tyrio Robbins Gary roe Bill Toeheft South Bond Cen tral's Gene Ring and Terre 'Haute Gordon Neff i A' Bq'ttad rosters Indicate Indiana Notts Dame Butler andIndiana State probably will be the class of the Hoosier tough schedule teams this season Anderson should romp through its easier schedule Butler" featuring Buckshot and Jimmy Doyle warms up against its alumni tonight It leaps on powerful ojfrosition imme diately at Illinois riday and Ohio State Saturday IRISH DELAY OPENER Notre Dame holds' off until Its Inaugural against Illinois Dec 9 Purdue which may be strong if Its sophom*ores come through wilj start Dec against Detroit Indiana Central has one of the suicide assignments tonight at the University of Kentucky The Greyhounds 5 are going 'Into the arena with their eyes wide open Thirty Contests On Hoosier Card or Week 6 2 1 19'32 T5 1 after the triple touchdown achieve ment by the Bears that moved them into a commanding 90 0 lead Baugh was the standout the re mainder of the A total of 42299 cash customers noneof really expected Red 0wa to win came to witness ths aerial accomplishments of the mono to ter and were not disap pointed Time and again1 he hit Bagarus erstwhile Notre Dame great tend therefore a Chicago favorite Two other ex IriSh shared the spotlight Johnny Lujaek not fully recovered from injuries remained the lea leading conversion kicker by booting six of seven? placements lor extra points iHls All Ameri can' teammate of last season Tac kle George Connor negotiated the three kickoffs and all three times made the tackles that halted the ball progress irst GeorgO McAfee and" then red' Evans still 'another Notre Dame product scooped up Wash ington fumbles that eliminated virtually all Washington Lopes'of scoring an upset over the seven time Champions went over from the yard line? for the first touchdown and tLujack converted Evans grabbed a loose ball and scampered yards for a TD before Lujaek again converted VICIOUg TACKLING Playing vicious ball Bear line men hit George Sandifer so hard two plays later that the ball squirt ed toward Evans a second time He had to go 19 yards "for the third score but was untouched Lujaek missed the extra point The 20 0 lead remained until Sid Luckmaa started connecting on passes in the second quarterKn Kavanaugh caught a 29 yard effort to make it 27 0countlng point after and Jim Keane snared a 15 yard pass which with Xu jack's fourth conversion senfthe Totals Anderson' (Mi Harris Brian Btanczak Campbell i Wager Carter AP Sports Mirror ri Today year Army defeat ed Navy 21 0 with Rip Rowan running 92 yards "for one touch downjindpasslngjtpr another Three years sgo Blg Nino Con ference set new football attend ance record with 1983683 persons to break former mark of 1811880 In WIL lve yearo Bob Stauber of DePauw won 1943 college Individ ual high scoring'' honors with lf9 points Steve Van Buren Louis lana State next with 98 points Ten years Bob Zuppke "re signed as Illinois football coach at request of a thistle board but was reinstated Immediately by board oftrasufcltfe Indianapolis Nov ourteen Indiana eollegee Ida nine early starters In the 1944 19 basket ball campaign this week leaving only Notre Dame and Purdue to open next week' A Ther gOgame card: bulges with entertainment possibilities notably Indiana State's gams at ths Univer sity of Louisville Saturday night State's Sycamores teat March lost to Louisville in the championship game of the Natiotr lntercolio giate I Tourney In "Kansas City Sf to Johnny Wooden who led the Sycamores to the best percen tage record tn the stats last year now is the hardwood boss at A a The Terre Haute 'school brought In one of most successful high school veterans John Longfellow of Elkhart i'ONLY HAZEN MISSING Wlth only John Hasan missing from the Sycamore sqnad (he turn ed pro) Indiana State expects to duplicate an easy victory of last season over St Louis Concordia in Its opening game tonight The Sycamores will take on Hunting high scorers Thursday night before the big game at Louisville Saturday Hoosier 7 Conference champs of Isst season will start Saturday night against Ollget of Michigan Johnny Wilson who set a Hoosier collegiate scoring record of 665 point last Season la back in uniform Wilson and Indiana State's Duane Klueh battled all last season for state scoring honors "Klsuh got 491 points for the regular season and added 105 in the AL tourney Potential competition for the 1947 leaders is coming up this seaspn in the person of Shelby NATIONAL LEAGUE Eastem DIvlslon WLT Pct I TO' YOUNG ME Chicago Nov Scoring thrice bn three fumbles' Jn the first four minutes of play the Chicago Bears gained a tie with their south clde rivals the Cardinals by detesting the Redskins 4848 in Wrigley ield yesterday to give themselves a record of nine vic tories and one defeat in the Westsrn Division of the veteran NationalItWM inoaiMMrf Bear balance' and reserve strength the ac curate right arm of Sammy Baugh and the sticky pasa catchlng flngerg Steve Baragus 'i AND IT Jubilant Middies in their Mnniclpel Stadium Philadelphia dressing room after they tied the favored Army teem 21 21 with a last period touchdown In the foreground (left to right) are: unidentified player Center Randlett Lawrencej Coach George Ssu er and Co ospUIn Scott Emerson (AP Wlropboto) in a row by blanking the Pittsburgh Stselsrs 17 0 The Eaglea and Brownies now can coast through their remaining games and wait for th other halt of their circuit to bring out a chal lenger for the championship In the rival loops Two clubs In the A A eastern race and two In the National League's Western Division have a chance and one scrap may bo settled next Sunday at Baltimore The Buffalo Bills leading the A A Eastern Division by one game' can win the dubious honor of meeting Cleveland In the A A championship playoff by beating the Baltimore Colte It the Colts win? it i would throw the race into a tie 'hnd a playoff game would bo required to determine the team to play the Browns Buffalo bounced Baltimore 85 17 In a previous meet ing Barrlnr an unforseeable upset' the National Western tit list be decided until the Chicago the Cardin als and: collide The teams each with nine wins and one defeat have a date Dec 12 The Bears should get by Detroit next Sunday likewise the Cardinale In their game with Green Bay Earlier this season 'the Bears defeated! the Cards 28 17 Buffalo knocked the New York Yankees out of? contention yester day 35 14 while Baltimore retaineda mathematical chance by? rallying to sock the Brooklyn Dodgers 38 20 Chicago and Los Angeles in the A A were Idle Wanted: amilies to at tend revival Pilgrim Holi ness Church' 24 and Dela ware Nov30 Dec 12 ix NOVICE BOXERS IGHT TUESDAY Hat And tor the ml knock ont give him a good hat a Stetson! Tor qver 74 years worn by more men than iny other brand a com bination real champion ship calibre 10 91260 160 20 CHAMLXS LAUOHIUNultatti Iwru natter ive AndersonCollege football playerfi were named by Hoosier Conference coaches to the 1948 loop all star team Tom Redmond at end Dante Schiavone at tackle little Bill Ameredes at guard Jim at half back and Carter Byfield at fullback are the honored grid dera Appropriatelyy five of the remaining six were selected from the ranks of Hanover co champion of the league with the Ravens Moreover three other Ravena were list ed 'among eight honorable mention backs and Bob ree man at end The backfield trio: Halfback Ike? Weather ly Quarterback Jim Barrett and ullback Bob Stone That should be enough to the most of Anderson fans and alum ni T' It slso spssbs' well fee Csach Pop Hsddsirs slngls wing forms tlon In this srs of ths Sticking with the method ho likes best ths formsr Butler pllot brcught his boys through In sxcsllsnt oondt tlon during ths school's second footbsll Mseon Much of the credit aleo goes toi Line coach Henry Sehronkee and Backfield coach rank Walton both unpaid volun toera Achrenker and Welton are wearing A beautiful golden wrlet watches that wars presented them In elnoere appreciation byv ths team and school for their efforts The All Conference first eleven: Ends ill IGein of Hanover and Redmond? fc Tackles John Bellg of Hanover and Schiavone Jack Dooley of CeUtir bury and Ameredes 1 Bill Bolton of Hanbvar Jim Peterson and Hank Treaah of Hanover Tyfleld 1 and Macholta professional baeketball game is" going hog After a double overtime laat night Roches? ter stood on the long end of a 105 103 count against Chicago and the 'total of 208 points was still nine shy 'ofrthe record 110 107 triumph fashioned recently by Im dlanapolls over Providence' 'S Things are rough when teams score 107 and 10 pointe 4n ont basketball gamehnd Watft Sports' tn alx figura bracket JOO 000 or more read these by Bob han Indianapolis Star: Indians ars quite capable of taking care of this season Scalps of the New Castle Trojans are the latest to dangle Redskin belts xxx Castle pulled within a point the Indians on one occa sion but Anderson refused to get rattled and went rlght back to the work at band of bullding up a safe margin Dixie Walker and Bob Rou ssy Lambert has aa flne a palr of players as can be found In the bualneas xxx Add the re bounding of Dan Schuyler and Gene Wilson plus ths corner' snip ing of Russell Smith and 'Ander ton has a first five which will cause anyone trouble? JackGrlm a senior center aleo works Into the combination neatly when Louis And Conn Start Training Chicago" Not 29? He4vy? 3 weight Champion JcwLouia and rlag ruaty BUly Coan will begin Chicago training this week tor their aix found exhibition at tbo i Ampitboater'Doe 1 Louis was scheduled 'to arrive 1 tomorrow but win not start drill Ing at Eddie Nichols gym ox tbo i ar South Side until Thursday Coan tha oomoback tryliig Pitta burgh Irishman arrives iWodnAa nipi day and will begin wortjug out at Ringside Gym in tbs heart of the Loop" 4 Beat Nationals At Home 71 65 Last Night Back on ths victory trail attor 'a lineup change that has' placed rank Brian la tit* forward irall with Running mate John Har 3 lie the Anderson Packers will eo tertaln the Syracuse Nationals to Might National Basketball Lea gue competition that win find the local team seeking to add to its 8M triumph over Hammond Bat arday and the Invaders attemptingteVto regain ground lost by a 71 65 ro f'versal at Hammond last nlghL Twice defeated on the hom court Murray 'v tutoes are a full game behind the Buccaneers who bowed to them by 24 points Saturday night before 2281 paying spectators A uumer leal opportunity of catching them i tonight was written oft when the Baes recorded the sixth win of a 090110X8 home slate yesterday the Hammond Civic Center A Zi The defeat here was their fifth on the 'road where they have yet LEAGUE BTANDINGS i vEaetern Division i Won Lost Pct Syracuse Hammond 9 9 Anderson I Detroit I' 1 10 091 Western Won Lost Pct Waterloo 1 J89 I Oshkosh Trl CItles Sheboygan 6 388 Denver 1 rr 5 to win A game! Syracuses's set back was th New sscondi 'In 10 games! They lead the Eaet ern Di vision while Charlie Waterloo Hawls command the Western section with an 8 1 mark They beatiTri Citles last plght 91 59 Waterlool will play here Thur day Dee 9 'Vs CERVI SCHEDtjLED A Cervl new National player 4 eoach will lead his successful mates into the Anderson High School gymnasium for the 8:30 contest' With him will be Guards John Chaney and Jerry Rixso who perennially cause the Packers so much trouble' The latter is recog nlsed most of 'all fat his blinding passes accurate free throwing and the memorable Incident with Offl 5 clal Jewell Young hererri Mendenhall will probably start HargisBriann Center Howie Schults Guards Ralph John sen and? Bill Close against Cervi and Gabor Schayes at center Chaney and Rlsso Boxsoore of AS I GOYERT AUTO BODJ Kftfia' rfCUTo UIHL uUtllt IM nun BUB1NE88 1220 Pendleton Ave Anderaon Indiana? having taken an 88 to41 drubbing at Kentucky laat year i Valparaiso with two 'victorias already under its belt plays at Nil home against Beloit Wednesday and travels to Hamline Saturday Tty lor only other two game winner to date playa at Tri State tonight Hal DePauw club beaten only six timea'in 20 starts last year will take on Canterbury Wednesday before its visit to Bloomington Ball State winner of 12 in 17 starts at hom*o Saturday night against Hanover which broke even In 22 games (U Evansville continues its campaign 41 against out of state opposition DlaXt Ah Ing Southeast Missouri Wednesday' and Kentucky Wesleyan Saturday Bothgmes are at Evansville Open for Business duf: dy ing installation of our modern front Cou yy Chicago Bears Gain Tie 'With 'in' Loop Race By CHARL1S LAUOHLIN A i Bulletin Seerte getter id a 'it a Kuppenheimer Overcoat See for yourself how much a Christ "'mas present can be appreciated When you give him a Kuppenheimer Overcoat for Christmas He knoWs getting the but a luxury he'll wear with pride i rf LET COLD WEATHER CATCH ITH A SPUTTERING ENGINE LET US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR i 1 IS 1 3 11 0 14 We eature RONT END REBUILDING MID ALIGNMENT WHEEL DALANCIND DRAKE ADJUSTMENTS CnulllC 'IUIIt Ur MAJOR AND MINOR REPAIR MOTE Wo 1 Haya Plenty of Piimanent Type Awtl reezB OUR BOARDING HOUSE with vf MAJOR HOOPLE UlUSt? liTMMt hoopub? wahtihsI dental 85 THAT HE CHISELED OUT MV GOURD HEAD HUGBAND I TBOT "MAT BIG CROOK OUT HERE AND XU PUNCH DOUGHNUT H0L66 INHKe WMECk HOOPLE OH 'tea HBWV68T MAM WITH SAGGY VJHY HG LET YE5TER VAT VK HISAA LAVAS TO SET OUT H13 TRAPS WRECK REBUILDING a AUTO RE INISHING ia TP 0 11 a 12 8 1 4 5 a 2 1 C10M 2 Johnson 7 Totala'TtT7? i7 8 Score by quarter: A ndereon 'v rfr'i 22 24 RS Hammond 10 IS 14 ree throw missed: Sobek 1 Car penter i Holm 1 Loyd 1 Cook 1 Brian 2 Schults 2 Stencaak Kom onfch Gates MeudenbalL Attendance: 1981 Referee: Spike Garnish umplrs Vlo Metsier sr REE TRAINING DITE Mayor George Clanton of Tap Mhannock Ya hopes to lure the harness racers to the Tappahan nock airgrounds track for wlntsr' training this year The track fear tsdJng half mile clay racing strJA has 4 stalls Mayor Clanton offers all facilities free to horsem*n wlSh tag to train their chargee at Tapps hannock this winter' a1 TINY TEAL a virmaanoHs and blue winged teal ducks seldom weigh as much ae a pound til IIISM1K1I 4 "I s1 5 21 5 i A V'' A Jf io i is I I iii i MIHWH KSa XV BlWI Mr 7 I'll Sw Jliiff Vari a LJ'? Mzz kit iwb bi imam a a a wmm nrir i wi ai Su ia areg vu i i sv 'U IWWWWWWBWG TsAMN Al ft BliiCOOKBU fl Il I iiwirwwwMi 1 TMN uisv Ti1 1 Kt Is jZ 1 MA" 4RW kdr Tpa rtrWl I SW XI VSs 1 jr 4kX 9 'W Jte If BCaVI ahn rb Wa JIB tM 5 AW Tm' trH 4 jBCh teriUk A it Tarim ii smr A a 'VW "S' nun WIW MWW4Wi 4 rU ifa BiouW 1 51 411 il JZ i I I 'I 14 11 1 889 Washington 9 4 0 900 New York 4 60 400 Pittsburgh 3 7 0 300 Boston I 9 0 432 Chicago Cardinals 9 10 900 Chicago Bears 9 1 0 900 Los Angeles 4 5 1 444 Green Bsy 3 8 0 273 Detroit 2 9 0A200 Eastern Division PcL Buffalo 6 'OI 538 Baltimore 6 7 0 462 New York 5 8 0 385 Brooklyn 2 11 0 154 Western Division Pet Cleveland t18 0 0 1000 San rancisco 11 I 0 846 Los Angeles 7 6 0 538 Chicago ff Trr 12 0 077 at 5 f1 i 1 1 I.

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Anderson Daily Bulletin from Anderson, Indiana (2024)


What is the name of the newspaper in Anderson, Indiana? ›

The Daily Herald (Anderson, Ind.)

How many students go to Anderson University in Anderson Indiana? ›

Overview. Anderson University (IN) is a private institution that was founded in 1917. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,129 (fall 2022), its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 163 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar.

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Call (765) 640-4848 and speak to one of our customer service reps .

What is Anderson Indiana known for? ›

Anderson is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Harrah's Hoosier Park Racing & Casino. Mounds State Park. Indy Scream Park.

What is the largest paper in Indiana? ›

The Indianapolis Star (also known as IndyStar) is a morning daily newspaper that began publishing on June 6, 1903, in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. It has been the only major daily paper in the city since 1999, when the Indianapolis News ceased publication.

Who owns the Anderson Herald Bulletin? ›

In 1949, the Herald and the Daily Bulletin merged, forming Anderson Newspapers, Inc., which was purchased in 2000 by CNHI, LLC.

How much is the Herald subscription? ›

The standard cost of a Herald Premium digital subscription costs $6 per week, charged every four weeks (28 days). Alternatively, you can purchase a full year subscription for $199.

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You may cancel or modify your subscription at any time by calling Subscriber Services at (909) 987-9900. Your cancellation will become effective at the end of your current billing period.

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You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-888-598-3206.

What Indian tribe lived in Anderson, Indiana? ›

The City of Anderson is named for Chief William Anderson, whose mother was a Delaware (Lenape) Indian and whose father was of Swedish descent.

Is Anderson, Indiana a nice place to live? ›

Living in Anderson offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Anderson there are a lot of parks. Many families live in Anderson and residents tend to lean conservative.

What is the race population in Anderson Indiana? ›

Racial distribution of Anderson population: 75.75% are white, 15.52% are Black or African American, 0.35% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.70% are Asian, 2.45% are some other race and 5.22% are multiracial.

What is the name of the newspaper in Lafayette Indiana? ›

The Lafayette Journal & Courier is a daily newspaper owned by Gannett, serving Lafayette, Indiana, and the surrounding communities.

What is the name of the Bloomington Indiana newspaper? ›

The Herald-Times is a daily newspaper serving Bloomington, Indiana and surrounding areas.

What is the name of the newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

First published in 1841, the Enquirer is the last remaining daily newspaper in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, although the daily Journal-News competes with the Enquirer in the northern suburbs. The Enquirer has the highest circulation of any print publication in the Cincinnati metropolitan area.

What is the name of the Ann Arbor newspaper? ›

The Ann Arbor News is a newspaper serving Washtenaw and Livingston counties in Michigan.


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.